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Andie Townhouse 
Dr. Erin Wyatt 
LIS 724 
October 28th, 2019 
Making Community While Making Community: An Annotated Bibliography 
Boyd, K.C. “Easy Like Sunday Morning: We’ve Always Done It This Way.” ​The  
Audacious Librarian, 20 Oct. 2019,

Ve-always.html​ A ​ popular blog post exploring the ways in which “change is 
scary” within the library profession. This relates directly to the maker movement 
in that libraries are feeling a philosophical shift within both their spaces and 
their curriculum, and Boyd offers “real talk” on the ways in which librarians 
mustn't get stuck in the same mundane practices.  
Gonzales, Jennifer. “How One Makerspace is Meeting Students’ Social and Emotional  
Needs. ​Cult of Pedagogy​, 27 Oct. 2019.​ A fascinating blog post 
bridging SEL needs to makerspaces, and how creativity lends itself to fighting 
anxiety and depression in middle grade and post-secondary kids. Gonzales 
highlights the real benefits of a well-designed makerspace, and of particular 
interest within this post is the advocacy for adequate staffing, the power of 
prototyping and design thinking, as well as how embedded SEL really meets 
kids where they’re at.  
Redina, Diana. “3 Myths About Libraries, Makerspaces And Books” ​Renovated  
Learning,​ 11 Mar. 2019,​ An 
informative blog post designed to quell the fears of reluctant librarians from 
starting a maker movement by dismantling negative thinking and empowering 
a “if you build it, they will come attitude” while still celebrating all that libraries 
offer and circulate. 
Townhouse 2 

Silver, Jay. “Invention Literacy” (2015, Oct. 27). ​Youtube.​ A short youtube lecture that  
defines “invention literacy” as a way to reinvent traditional notions of literacy 
communicating through design versus just talking about ideas. Silver  
enthusiastically believes that through problem-solving, we all get to live in a  
world that we help create, and a makerspace is part of that collective 
“The Ultimate Guide to Bringing The Maker Movement to your Classroom.”  
Weareteachers​, 5 Nov. 2013.
An invaluable guide for getting started in your space, from revamping best 
practices to creating a vibrant community of learners. Additionally, this post 
pulls from many sources, including a reflection on ageism and the importance 
of mentoring, whereby the “maker movement honors learners of all ages and 
embraces the sharing of expertise.” While I do think this post is a bit outdated 
(published six years ago), I could see educators using this as a reference tool.  


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