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Summit 1 Page 50. April 27th, 2020

-Look carrefully the potos ando information on page 50. Then, jump to
activities (B) – (C) bellow the potos, same page.

b- Interpret data for a graph. Whith a partner, answer the cuestions,

acording the information of the graph.
1. Approximately, how many people in the world will be living in urban
áreas in 2030?
Bassed on the information, approximately 6 billions of people will
living in 2030.
2. In what year did the world´s urban population surpass the world´s rural
the information estimate that the urban population surpass the rural
population approximately between2005-2010.
C- Express your ideas.
1- Is much migration in your coutry? What are some reasons people
-I suppose, that in my country people migrate due to the lack of
opportunities and possibilities of a dignified and safe life.

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