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Kandalynn Naidl

Allison Chun

Geography 101


Assignment #2: Carbon Footprint

1. What was your yearly carbon footprint? How did it compare to the average footprint of
people in the U.S.? How did it compare to the footprint of the world?

My yearly Carbon footprint was estimated to be 4.79 metric tons. The average for the European
Union is about 6.4 metric tons. The average footprint for people in United States is 16.49 metric
tons; the average worldwide carbon footprint is about 5 metric tons. I use about a quarter of the
average American footprint and just under the average footprint worldwide.

2. If global warming is a result of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission, what could be

some implications for our planet in the context of a changing climate? How do you
suppose these changes will affect you?

The climate is changing in more ways than we can name. Glacier melt, Temperature and sea
level rise, habitat and biodiversity lost, extinction of natives and rise of invasive species,
pollution, acid rain, and torrential storms, just to name a few. These changes affect everyone.
The affects are anywhere from job loss and population relocation to extinction and death.

3. What category had the biggest impact on your CO2 footprint? What do you suppose you
could do to reduce your personal impact on global climate change? Be realistic and
creative in your answer.

The category that had the biggest impact on my CO2 footprint was the Secondary Carbon Foot
print category. All of my expenses; everything I have bought and continue to buy has a trace to
another origin of the world. It traveled to me and I take part in all of those emissions. I interacted
with all of the people it took to get here. If we want to reduce global climate change we need to
reduce our secondary carbon footprint personally, in the community, in the state, in the country,
then in the world. We need to grow and buy more local food. We need to adapt personal,
community, and environmental sustainability practices into our daily lifestyle to save Earth for
future generations. WE NEED to GROW our OWN FOOD (personal gardens & community
gardens)! PLANT MORE FOOD TREES, MORE OFTEN (everyday)! We need to get out of the
pharmaceuticals and go back to living off the land and use traditional medicinal ethnobotany
from across the world. To reduce my foot print I can stop buying into the global emissions and
reduce, reuse, recycle. Do NOT BUY & USE single use paper products & plastics! Carpool,
always turn off electricity and water when not using it.

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