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1 The Six Hands of Hextor

During the merging Hextor already had a foothold in this new world. His disciples are known as the
Sons of Tyranny.
Before the merge they were an outlaw biker gang after they became the rulers of a small town. They
built up their infrastructure and recruited prospects and Sons.
Then Hades came to town with three followers he called Cerberus the three dozen other followers were
called the Pack.
All of them were werewolves. They did not attack though they walked into the town peacefully. The
Sons did not fire a shot either. Hextor had spoken to them in a dream.
When both groups met in the street they left a ten foot gap between them. Agonizing seconds passed.
Then a god appeared. He was at least twelve feet tall with an amazing physique. He had six arms with
six great swords in each. Each sword emitted fire, ice, acid, lightning, poison and psychic energy.

He only wore a fresh blood red metallic scale kilt and a pair of armored boots that went up to his knee.
The boots were the same color as his kilt. As were the metal gauntlets that went up to his elbows.
Hextor has jet black skin, crimson hair and three red glowing eyes.
His weapons vanish a moment before he starts speaking.
More than an hour passed before Hextor left. His words became the gospel truth.
Hades and his followers would join the Sons. Hades became the first hand then he would search for the
other Hands.
One by one he found them them and brought them into the fold. He worked with them and their new
god Hextor helped to create the six chapters.

It took decades to build them up now each chapter could send out a hundred knights if needed. Except
for the Cerberus which could send out two hundred patched Sons. They had enough Sons and Prospects
to defend their territory from many threats.
If any chapter needed extra men for a fight they used trucks to traffic prospects and sometimes Sons to
a location of their choosing.
The Hands haven't had a foe that required throwing every thing at the enemy to defeat them in a while.

Now they face external alliances, greedy traders, crime and some internal division.
The Hands have stayed true to the teachings of Hextor.
The Sons were not a part of some motorcycle gang. They are a brotherhood. A brotherhood that valued
strength and loathed weakness.
Every time a Son died their spot was fought over.
Occasionally a stupid or cocky Prospect would challenge a Son for his spot in the Sons.
The Sons and the Prospects would fight without magic weapons, clothing, armor & jewelry.
In the arena was ordinary weapons and shields that could be easily found. There were bows and
crossbows. And somewhere in the arena are two guns have been hidden.
There is no armor in the arena but magic is allowed.
No scrolls or potions can be used before or during the melee. Each person is pushed into the arena with
nothing but the clothes on their back. They then have to find a weapon and then it's kill or be killed.
The duel between a Son and a Prospect or rarely a son against a son is held in the arena. Fighting in the
arena is always to the death. That is why is fought in the arena rather than the challenge hall.

In the Cerberus chapter.

A prospect has already gotten a taste of his werewolf heritage. They are known as Dogs but a Dog is
not a Wolf. And this Wolf is a black knight.
He would use magic provided to him by Hextor to kill the upstart Dog.
Each Son starts as an 11th level character with ten levels of whatever then they become an unholy
knight. Or in the cases like the Dragon Chapter the become Archmages or Artificers.
Each hand at least on paper has two hundred Sons in it's Chapter.
These were in theory combat capable soldiers.
Jobs had to be filled though. Some needs required the work of a Son in a noncombative capacity. From
creating healing potions or making electricity. The Six hands share resources because Hextor tells
them to.
Once and only once has Hextor stepped in to save the Sons. It was to face the Dragon Flamewave and
her mate Cinderscale in battle and killed them.
The Sons belief in Hextor is spread where ever they go. They teach that power and strength are the
greatest shield possible.
They are not gentle by any means. Those that are too weak are thrown out of their homes to die.
Sometimes families aiding the elderly and sickly were themselves killed. Some times it was done
without that weak persons consent. Some places lead their elderly out onto a frozen lake and make
them walk across it.
Aiding them or sheltering those that were evicted from their homes was a crime punishable by death.
During the day it was legal to attack and kill these people.

Areas in a Chapter's jurisdiction are required to make quotas from whatever they produced for the
Sons. Unless do to a drought, flash flooding or some obvious natural event.
When the Sons came to collect rent for living on their land they would execute people on the spot when
they caught them lying about crop yield and were hiding food to survive on or to sell.
If you made your quotas and remembered that the Sons had the power to kill you on a whim.
Life was better for people willing to work hard.

Of the Six hands Hades had the most Sons because of that pact between him and Hextor. Hades has
four hundred Sons with the rest of the chapters only having two hundred sons.
The deal between Hexxtor and the red half dragon Incinerate. Gave the Hand resources and laboratories
to do magical experiments. The Golem Chapter got a similar deal but it scientific research of the new
science. The Merge had altered the laws of reality. The New or the New Science is trying to understand
how the laws of physics were warped during the merged.
Which has led to creating gadgets and devices that defied the laws of physics as they knew it.
Hextor also proclaim these gifts were untaxable by any other Hand. Stealing these gifts was a death
sentence. The Dragon chapter created potions, scrolls and magical items. They enchanted motorcycles
and created materials that had never existed before the merge. They have a rivalry with the Golem
chapter. All of the arcane spell casters were defenseless against Psionic attacks and Golems' were
equally weak against magic attacks.
They also had roles they needed to perform. Such as the Golem Chapter has to provide electricity to all
of the Hands territory. The Dragon Chapter is tasked with providing fuel. The Cerberus chapter making
and maintaining motorcycles. Hades also made weapons and ammunition.
The Demon Chapter was responsible for transportation and for the transmission of information.
The Vampire chapter was responsible for providing food to the Sons then to acolytes then to everyone
They used their vampire powers to turn the humans growing food and raising animals into their
puppets. The other hands ignored the blood parties as long the vampires produced food for the rest of
the Hands.
The Unholy Chapter was responsible for the worship of Hexxtor, healing the body, curing diseases and
magical afflictions alike. They were also responsible for the gifts that the Sons have.
For those able to endure in the lands controlled by the Sons. They found that their life was better than
trying to survive alone.
The Sons were not like the gangers.
The gangers produced nothing except for trash that they made another use for. They obtained most of
what they really needed to survive. Like food, water and heat for the cold times.
Each Chapter was supported by a settlement of some kind.
These became the six cities of the new sky. Each city having on average 25 thousand humans living in
each city.

A Son in their entire territory is judge, jury and executioner. But they are laws passed that restrict their
behavior. This prohibited the ganger mentality from developing by creating structure to think by. The
Sons saw themselves more like nobility. Lording in their rightful place above the common rabble.
The people in and near these cities get the protection from the Sons along with all the all other peoples
in the region.
Humans were second class citizen as long as you kept your head down and your mouth shut around a
Son. You were fine. You only speak to them if they speak to you. If one is walking by you move out of
their path.

In exchange You get electricity, indoor plumbing, clean drinking water and you didn't go to bed hungry
at night. Not to mention the protection from gangers. There was also a large reduction to the chance of
being bludgeoned to death, stabbed or hacked apart on a daily basis. Crime is tolerated to it's level of
profit. So drugs and alcohol are sold openly. Stealing drugs or alcohol for use or sale was illegal
because all of the drugs and alcohol were owned my the Sons.
Owning your own stash or setting up shop in the Hands territory was a dangerous proposition.
Prostitution was also legal but only Sons could have prostitutes, Only Acolytes and Sons could own
and carry guns within the city limits.
The Sons created a group of humans to help them.
Part of their plan was to create a small army of highly trained and well equipped soldiers. To police
their territory and could also help with collecting taxes.
Another part of their plain was to create infrastructure and trade for valuable resources.
They also produce food for use and trade.
They allowed people into the cities under the condition they check their guns, swords and other
weapons at the entrance.
Visitors wouldn't be robbed by locals. Stealing from guests in the city was like stealing from the Sons.
Animals would be taken by Prospects to the stables. Guests were really given much of a choice about
what they could do in the city. You could get high, gamble, get a prostitute, get drunk, watch a fight, get
into a fight, watch animals fight or play some carnival games.
As long you don't stray from the path you can have fun, get wasted and get laid. After you've traded
and attempt to leave you are charged a tax. If you can't pay it you can't leave until you pay off your
debt and are put in a forced labor camp. If additional fines are placed on you can have your sentence
Most sensible traders get a room to get intoxicated with a prostitute for the night.
They pay the tax and they get a chit; a piece of paper that says you pay half price at the tolls. Most sons

obey this rule for large groups of people. For groups to small to be traders a Son might demand extra
but they will add their signature and a bonus sign to let others know that had already been fleeced once.
The Sons entitlement was always playing a game of tug of war with Hades temperament.
He allowed some chunks taken out. If it were not a controlled burn though it could derail everything
they had built.
As much a rank and file Sons may not like it they were a society and an organization. So rules were
made to make reduce the odds of a greedy misstep by one or more of the Sons.

There is a special city where the 6 hands meet. To discuss current affairs, problems and the future of the
Each Hand gets an additional 6 level 15 Sons from their chapters as bodyguards. They also act as an
elite squad if the 6 hands go into battle themselves.
Seven hundred and forty two Sons could be sent to all out war.
Conquering and ruling were different. The rivalries and the competition withing the sons shaped it.

To keep the Hands from imploding they had a shared goal to grow more powerful and expand and
teach the way of Hexxtor.

Since each chapter has 100 Sons they can deploy. They usually operate in team of ten. Prospects
supervise a human police force.
So these teams are deployed to serious events or special locations. A team of 10 Sons is made up of 2
level 11 sons, 2 level 12 sons, 2 level 13 sons, 2 level 14 sons, 2 level 15 sons.
They ride magic motorcycles. The have magic clothing and magic weapons. They carry potions and
scrolls if they are magically inclined.
They likely have a couple different kind of grenades on them well.
They have guns with plenty of ammo knives, swords and other unusual weapons. Their guns were
magical as were some of their bullets. Bombs and hand grenades could also be enchanted.
Their clothes and their vests were magical. Made in Hexxtor's homerealm and delivered to the Sons.
The Sons often seem impervious to small arms and The are stronger tougher and more agile than
without the clothes. Their gloves allowed them to deal extra damage to unarmed and armed attacks and
make unarmed attacks as if they were armed attacks.
Each son has a machete, hammer or hand axe as a melee weapon. They can also wield swords,
battleaxes and warhammers.
Their weapons can do just that they are a +1 enchantment at level 11 and can become the hand held or
two hand version of that weapon.
At level 13 this bonus is +2, at level 15 this bonus is +3.
Each Son has a magic handgun either a revolver or an automatic. Bullets fired from them were +1
bullets. They also have a perpetual ammo.
Each day at sunrise all of the magazines or cylinders are magically filled.
So a glock with a twenty round magazine creates twenty bullets in the empty magazine. The bullets last
for twenty four hours and vanish just before sunrise the next day.
These bullets could be taken out given to another person and they worked if they have the same gun.
Each son had an ar15 or an ak47 which also have perpetual ammunition. They carry extra ammo and
magic ammo in case they face a powerful enemy.
The get a fire grenade and a fragmentation grenade. The have a potion of healing that could save their
life. A potion that made them better marksmen and drivers. And a potion of divine magic that
empowered the individual consuming it.

The sons boots produce a fire aura that surrounds them dealing damaged to any one that touches them
or attacks them. They take 1d6+3 fire damage They can do a touch attack or armed attack that deals
plus 1d6+3 damage this last 10 rounds. This ability can be used once per day.
The chapter vest provides magic armor and damage reduction. The helmet provides armor and deflects
missile and ballistic attacks.
Their goggles have night vision and can once per day can make a ranged touch attack this attack deals
10d10 points of damage. The range on this attack is 100 feet.
Elite sons get magic patches on their vests one that allows you to cast a strong healing spell is common.
As are spells that bless others and grant themselves and others boons.

On top of this each chapter has supernatural beings. The Cerberus chapter its members were
werewolves this bestowed upon them supernatural abilities. This combined with the items they
received as Sons and they would slaughter ordinary soldiers.
10 Sons could take out 100 soldiers without a single loss.
Sons also carry a tactical shotgun that is magic and has perpetual ammo.
Each son carries enough ammo to reload each weapon twice plus 10 magic rounds for one weapon each
projectile inflicts additional divine magic. For hard to kill monsters or other beings.
Those that could cast arcane and divine magic they have scrolls on top of that as well.

Each chapter has its own thing.

Hades is the leader of the Sons appointed by Hexxtar.

He is a werewolf and an unholy knight in the service of Hexxtor
When a prospect is accepted into the chapter they gain a level in unholy knight and become a 11th level
character. A prospect may be a thrasher or soldier until they reach level 10. Only level 10 prospects be
allowed in as a new son.
Most sons are between level 11-15.
Those that level above level 15 take specific classes. For example in the Cerberus chapter a character
that is a level 10 soldier or thrasher and has 5 levels in unholy knight take acolyte classes starting at
level 16.
The Cerberus chapter has double the number of sons than any other Hand.
Four hundred werewolves on a full moon was beyond terrifying.

All of the Dragon chapter members are half dragons. All of their prospects are Dragon Bloods. When a
level ten mage becomes a son in the Dragon chapter they choose to become an archmage or an artificer.
Most artificers are not combat characters. Some archmages are not combat characters because they aid
in incantations. If a character is level 16 and beyond they take artifice levels if they are an archmage.
They would take artifice levels if the were archmages.
A rare few would sacrifice their ability to cast arcane magic forever to become an unholy knight.
How this works is a 10th level mage can choose to never cast arcane magic again.
That mage is transformed into a 10th level solider and 1 level of unholy knight. They learn acolyte
levels after level 15.

The vampire chapter were not just vampires they are drow vampires.
Drow could be mages, acolytes, spies, assassins and an elite warriors.
The vampire chapter queen is Spidera she is a master swordswoman on a supernatural level and is an
unholy knight.

Any member of her chapter may challenge her in single combat to take control of the chapter.
No one has ever challenged Her.
None of the Hands have ever fought each other. Hexxtor forbids internal strife.

The golem chapter is comprised of flesh golems that take the scientist &/or a telepath class.
Telepaths can take the advanced telepath prestige class or the scientist class.
Those that take the scientist class can take the field scientist class, the field medic class or the telepath
A golem can take the soldier class or the street fighter class or the then take levels of unholy knight at
level 10.
After level 15 these unholy knights take acolyte levels.

Their existence was in violation what the golem is supposed to be. Just as it was for the half dragon
unholy knights.

The Decagon are 10 level 15-20 knights withing the golem chapter. There are in fact the only unholy
knights in the chapter.
Of their number only one chose to be an unholy knight the others are created from the most recent
dead. The start off a 10 soldier or 10 street fighter plus 5 levels of unholy knight.
The reason why there are fewer acolytes and unholy knights than melee characters and unholy knights
is that the knights are meant to be warriors not priests.
The new member is level 15 and can live for a very long time if not killed. They have custom bikes and
magic items.
The 10 go by number not name. The newest is 1 and the oldest is 10.
Number 10 is also known as Karloff he is soldier 10/ unholy knight 5/ acolyte 5.
Numbers 2 & 3 have been parahumans less than a decade. 2 & 3 are level 15. 4 & 5 are level 16. 6 & 7
are level 17. 8 is level 18. 9 is level 19.
They are the Fist of the golem chapter they are reminder that the golem chapter serves Hexxtor.

All of the six chapters have Decagon which brings their total force to 802. The sixty Decagon are
usually on missions or preforming tasks for Hexxtor while the rest of the Sons focus on Hexxtor's
dominion in this world. So in war they can't be counted on. Which brings their total force down to 742
if that is the case.

Each chapter has it's own rites the devil chapter barters for souls. The unholy chapter preaches the way
of Hexxtor. The way of strength and power.
They also have roles to play in the survival of the sis city states that makes up Hexxtor's kingdom.
The Cerberus chapter produces motorcycles and weapons. The Sons are gifted with weapons and
armaments when they are made.
Sons who prove to be worthy among the elite knights are given magical motorcycles. The weapons and
transportation for prospects is important. As they are part of the Hands military power. When the Sons
leave to attack a target 1200 prospects defend the territory. Each hand also has a small army of one
thousand from which they select prospects.
Which means there are 7200 that defend Hexxtor's dominion.

Each chapter technically has one hundred and seventeen members. One of them is the Hand of the
chapter and their 6 bodyguards. 10 members from each chapter is apart of the Decagon.
The remaining 100 perform the standard duties of a Son.

While Hexxtor rules with an iron fist there are people trying to get into his nation. Everyone is expect
to work and produce for the state.
In exchange you get a roof over your head, a job, three meals a day and a bed to sleep in.
That was more than other were offering.
Those that were raised in the Dominion of Hexxtor that they were expected to work hard to strive for
excellence. When you got old and couldn't work your family was expected to kill you.
If you were smart your fate might be different. People with educations worked hard to but their work
was often mental exertion not manual labor. So they could do their jobs when they got less physically

The sons have a zero tolerance policy on crime and use magic to determine who the perpetrators that
try. All criminals are sentenced to hard labor, death or death by hard labor.
So the realm of Hexxtor has a low crime rate. Contrary to what you might think the God of Tyranny
doesn't support slavery.
Hexxtor wants people to worship him. So he portrays himself as hard but fair. A family capable of
working and meeting quotas not only had a home, clean water to drink & food to eat everyday. They
were also much safer from criminals not just in their towns but on the roads but as they traveled.
They could sell their wares they made or food they grew for a fair price. There was also no negotiating
you were told what ever you took to market was worth and you accepted it.
If you protested openly you were a fool and you might take a beating for it.
In hard times though Hexxtor made sure the towns of his nation survived. If production dropped during
good times or normal times that's when entire towns disappeared.

The worship of all other gods in Hexxtor's dominion was prohibited and more fringe groups are
worshiping him.
The Sons are the proof their god's power is real. Many people eagerly reached out for safety and
Hexxtor has restrained his hands from trying to expand. He understands he needs to build his realm up

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