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February 19, 2019

BSA-4 HBO (80007)

My University Week Experience

Last Tuesday and Thursday was a blast. Just like the first
day, the acacia drive was packed with students together with their
friends enjoying the company and the festive atmosphere. Great
smell drifted on the air from the different food stalls lined at the
drive. My friends and I were indulging ourselves with the great
food offered making it really hard to choose on what to get since
you’re faced with a massive variety of cuisine.
We went to support our own college, the CBAA, on their games
such as volleyball and basketball. We cheered for them as to show
that they are not on their own but with a big family behind them. We
roared as they scored and even rounded up the crowd to deliver some
chants. The crowd were getting so hyped up that students went along
with us and supported our team even if we came from different
colleges. It really showcased the camaraderie and unity of the students.
The evening’s prelude was a Spoken Poetry contest followed
by a comedy show. During the first part, the students from the Dulaan
Group performed an opening intermission where they hooked the
students’ interest by their performance. Next, was the contest pieces
delivered by the participants with great emotion that left most of the
students teary-eyed. After the Spoken poetry contest, people where
laughing their heart out as the guest entertained the audience with
their great humor. It was fun to see that people share the same interest
in some part and can sit beside colleges that they head-butted during the ballgames and not feel
awkward. It was truly an amazing experience.

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