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Learning how to lead your team more effectively can

provide a sound platform for career development, as well

as fostering a better workplace environment that is based
on collaboration and mutual success.

Four Keys to
Reaching Your
Potential to Be a
Great Manager
David Deacon

I f you are fortunate enough to serve as

a manager with responsibility for the
performance and output of other people
improvement in this area. If you have
worked for a great manager in the past or
have a mentor who knows how to man-
in addition to yourself, chances are that age well, you at least have a sense of what
both of the following statements are true: you need to do; however, without having
• You really want to be a good manager, experienced that opportunity, it’s likely
possibly even a great manager, and to that you are relying on instincts.
fulfill your potential in that role by Let’s start with what the best managers
leading your team well. actually do, the things that make them
so effective and impactful. These manag-
• If you have attended any training on
ers usually deliberately, consciously, and
how to be a manager (which may be
actively create the environment around
unlikely) the course probably focused
their teams, encouraging and supporting
on processes you need to follow, sys-
great work by individual team members
tems to use, and tools to help you and by the team as a whole. Although
complete various managerial tasks. this frankly sounds simple and obvious,
The challenge for most managers is the reality is that most managers often
that the second statement will not help do not pay any attention to the team
you to achieve the first. It’s unlikely that climate they create, the collective and
any of the management training you individual success of the team, and the
have completed will help you reach your overall motivation and momentum of
potential to be a great manager, and, the team. These managers usually have a
in most companies, you will find that different focus—on objectives, processes,
you are on your own in the search for and performance management as the 25
proxies for managing well. In contrast, great man- Additionally, you need to be able to explain
agers recognize that the real value in their roles lies to your team why its work and efforts matter.
in the opportunity to set the tone and establish and Remember that what you want and need from
reinforce a team culture where members thrive and your team is great performance—not just having
achieve great things. This is why the best manag- team members do what they are supposed to do.
ers are blessed with teams of high performers who This means that you need team members to be
are highly productive and impactful; they create motivated and committed; you are looking for
an environment in which those results can hap- additional discretionary effort, not just doing the
pen. These managers aren’t lucky; they are good at work. You are hoping to find some spark of great-
their jobs. ness from each person. None of this will happen
It’s this conscious and deliberate curation of the without team members believing that their work is
culture that sets great managers apart, and because important, that their outcomes impact the success
this starts with your attitude and approach to of the company in some way or make a posi-
the manager role, you can take a big step toward tive difference to customers/clients. The additional
managerial greatness simply by being more deliber- effort that you need from the team comes from
ate in the way you manage. Becoming intentional its members being motivated to do great work,
which means that they need to know the value and
and thoughtful—developing into a self-determined
importance of their work. This is why you need to
manager—is the essential step, and there’s a lot you
understand the reason the work of the team matters
can do to develop your ability without relying on
to you; you cannot explain with any credibility why
an employer to help you (which, given the scarcity
the team’s output makes an important difference if
and variable quality of most management training,
you do not believe that its work is important. So, for
is just as well).
the first step, reflect on why the work of the team is
To do this correctly, pay close attention to four
important, the difference it makes, and decide how
aspects of being a manager—reflect on the work of
you will communicate this with genuine belief.
your team, get really thoughtful about the people
on the team, pay attention to team dynamics, and Get Really Thoughtful About the People on
watch your own impact and adjust where needed. the Team
Great managers are really good with team mem-
Reflect on the Work Your Team is Supposed bers, treating them like individuals, rather than as
to Do a group. These managers pay attention to mem-
Why does the work of your team matter? If you bers in a thoughtful way, working out what each
were in charge—indeed, if you owned the com- person needs in order to contribute his/her best
pany—what would you value about the output of performance. Great managers search for two specific
the team you manage? Why would you desire to things from individual members—their best per-
have it want to do the work it does? What does the formance given their capabilities and energy levels,
team contribute to the effectiveness and success of as well as their growth and ambition to contribute
the overall enterprise? Of all the things your team more (and in new ways) in the future.
does, which are most important—the work that With these two aims in mind, you should think
brings the most value? Without your team, would about every member on your team and decide
bad things happen? Why would you all be missed if the following:
your team did not exist? • What are his/her skills and opportunities for
These questions are important in two ways. First, improvement? Ensure that you are describing
you need to have a clear understanding about the these characteristics in your own words, based
purpose and value behind the work of the team to on what you have observed and the way the
fulfill your own sense of purpose and satisfaction. team member works. Keep in mind that you
You need to know why the work matters to you, will need to discuss your perspectives with each
how it fits with your overall sense of what you are individual, so you’d better own your point of
expected to do, and how the work ensures that your view. Watch how team members do what they
own ambition and drive are reflected through the do, decide what they do well and where they
importance you place on the output of the team. have shortfalls, and be able to describe these

26 The Journal for Quality & Participation July 2019

observations thoroughly. Take the time to vali- about making friends with team members; how-
date your thoughts with them. By the way, the ever, as the manager you need to determine what
best managers do not fall back on corporate you value—even for the people who aren’t really
competency models or job assessments—even if likable or with whom you don’t naturally relate.
these might be informative. Instead, role-model Determine what you value about each person
managers form their views, using their own and focus on those traits when devising the plan
words, and articulating opinions in ways that and helping the team member to achieve and
resonate with each member of the team. grow. You’ll get much more from each person as
• What is your plan for each team member, given a result of this approach.
his/her balance of strengths and weaknesses, as Pay Attention to the Team Dynamics
well as the work he/she does now? What could The best managers treat team members indi-
the future hold for that individual? How could vidually while also paying attention to the overall
his/her work be broader, his/her contribution dynamic that exists in the team. These managers
better, or be different from current performance? never forget that they are responsible for how the
On what does the team member need to focus team works together, and they realize that they set
now in order to maximize his/her impact, as well the tone for the team collaboration. Here are some
as in the future in order to take advantage of his/ questions you can ask about the overall team.
her potential? Regardless of whether the indi- • Are we cooperative or competitive with each
vidual’s potential is modest or huge, everyone other?
needs to feel some degree of progression, so as
• Do we work toward shared aims or individual
the manager you need to be able to plan for each
team member’s growth based on your assessment
• Do we collaborate or play games among team
of his/her relative capabilities and potential.
Furthermore, you need to do one other thing,
• Are we transparent or secretive?
which may feel a bit counterintuitive. Find some-
thing that you like and appreciate about each • Do we help each other or encourage survival of
individual. No one will give his/her discretion- the fittest?
ary effort for a manager who doesn’t like him/ • Is our team spirit positive and progressive or
her. To be clear, you will not equally like every- reactive and low-key?
one on the team, and this recommendation isn’t • Are we ambitious or tentative?

The Self Determined Manager: A Manifesto for

Exceptional People Managers
Author: David Deacon this vital role. It shares the attitudes, actions,
and agendas of the very best people managers,
Abstract: This book offers
covering both what they do and the approaches
the opportunity to think dif-
they take. It’s not easy to be a great manager, but
ferently about the best way
this book provides a blueprint and the mani-
to be a manager. Managers festo for everyone who wants to manage others
are the key ingredient that well. With practical questions, checklists, and
makes the difference in in-depth explanations, it’s a powerful and practi-
great companies, and the true work of managers cal guide that every manager will want to read.
is to create an environment for their teams—
Publisher: Motivational Press
whether that’s one other person or thousands of
ISBN Number: 978-1-62865-582-7
people. The best managers are conscious, deliber-
ate, highly skilled leaders. This book is written for Format/Length: Softcover/148 pages
everyone who wants to be better at performing Price: $19.95 27
• Do we look outward or focus internally? and amplified. Everything you say is likely to be
• Are we optimistic or gloomy? repeated, the things about which you talk become
When the answers you find are less positive than the team’s priorities, and the way you behave sets
you want, there are two things you can do. First, the norm for all team members. Because of the
reflect on your part in shaping what you find. What power of amplification, the team will reflect your
matters to you about the way people work together? expectations, and actions you take will be emulated
How positive and ambitious are you, and how do many times. If you are pessimistic, your team also
you transmit that approach to your team? What will be. If you don’t have a plan for where the team
behaviors do you encourage and endorse? How is is supposed to go, members will be directionless.
what you feel and how you act reflected in the team You will get the team performance you deserve
dynamic? Are you a role model for the behaviors because of how you act, what you say, and what you
you want your team to demonstrate? Ask yourself, do. You alone have the power of amplification; it’s
what you need to do to change your approach that the structure of the job. Although you cannot turn it
will influence the way the team works together? off and never should pretend it isn’t driving how the
Next, talk about these issues with your team. Take a team acts, you can use that power for good and take
few minutes (not an entire offsite meeting initially) advantage of its leverage to create the team climate
to discuss your intentions for and observations of you desire.
the team dynamic to start the dialogue. Openness Being keenly aware of your impact on your
takes time; it’s not a one-time conversation; how- team and getting really thoughtful about how
ever, raising team members’ awareness and letting
your approach and style drive the team dynamic
them know your expectations for the way they
is worthwhile. Watching your impact and adjust-
should work together is worth doing now.
ing your behavior accordingly is a hallmark of a
Watch Your Own Impact truly accomplished manager. When doing this,
You are the manager, so you set the tone. By vir- here are a few specific things to which you should
tue of your role, your words and actions are watched pay attention.

28 The Journal for Quality & Participation July 2019

• Set high standards. You define success, profes- and have the courage to follow your perspectives.
sionalism, and benchmarks. Make sure that your Some days it can be very difficult to keep the focus
team is working toward achieving the highest on all of these factors, leading the team and its
level possible. Anything less than that level of members, setting the proper tone, and sustaining
performance would be a waste of team members’ a culture of exceptional performance. Don’t give
capabilities and your ambition; aim for creating up, however. Your job is really important, and
the very best team you can imagine or stop being how you do your job makes a huge difference to
the manager. the success and careers of the people who work
• Be restless for achievement. Celebrate successes, for you. Keep working toward perfection—for
enjoy achievements, and recognize great work your own satisfaction and because your team is
by the team and its members. Always wonder relying on you to do that.
what can be done better, what else the team
could do, how current results could be made
The four keys to becoming a great manager start
even better next time, how the work could be
with you knowing what you think and want, figur-
conducted faster, and how outputs could be
ing out why the work matters, determining how the
improved. Great managers are always somewhat
individuals on your team can produce great out-
impatient and a bit dissatisfied; it’s what drives
comes, and learning what they need to attain high
them forward.
performance. Then you need to discern the team
• Treat people like adults. People do their best work dynamics you want and watch your impact on the
when they are treated like adults; work is not collective team and its members by working to set
the same as school. If you find yourself bullying, the tone and create a climate of success, exceptional
shouting, patronizing, belittling, name calling, performance, and growth. Even if there is no man-
behaving aggressively, or being condescending, agement development in sight for you, you can start
you need to stop and adjust your behavior. A to cultivate your abilities as a manager by reflecting
skilled manager creates a great environment by on these four principles, becoming more aware of
treating team members like adults. what you have, what you need, how your approach
• Don’t play favorites. One of the best ways to kill drives the team, and how to consciously deliberate
a collaborative and high-performing team is for and shape the team environment. Your team mem-
the manager to favor people who get his/her bers will love you for it!
attention and endorsement for personal reasons,
rather than business or project reasons. People
quickly learn to put their effort into being a
favorite, disengaging from the team if they know
that they are not “in the sunlight.” Either way,
your team will no longer be engaged in the
things that really matter if you have favorites,
David Deacon
and that result will be your fault. David Deacon (
• Keep working toward perfection. Being a great man- is the author of The Self-Determined Manager: A
ager—a self-determined manager—is hard work Manifesto for Exceptional People Managers and was
and requires your attention all times. You need recognized by the Best Practice Institute in 2014 as a Best
to give more than you get, know your own mind, Organizational Practitioner. 29

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