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other services. where pwd

certificate can work.

i can use amblyopia for ptosis

for changing medical report at
aiims for VEP,ETC…

study for upsc with lots of hard

work increase cylinder and
sphere (cylinder must be
increased so that )
manipulation in S,cyl,axis for
6/18 will be easier as at high
cylinder axis differences
sensitivity would be high even
with 5,10 degree also…

(use and pay more the glass of

both specs must look same in
order to trick them.)
use of two same looking
glasses in aiims PH checkup
for upsc, one’s s,cyl,axis differ
by small
but other is differ by very much
when they will use PAM ask
them for toilet while small
differ specs is in pocket and
wear it for PAM.
for VEP , snellen chart ask for
toilet again and wear high
differ specs…

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