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YOGILATES/ANUSARA INSPIRED don’t take credit 4 ur success
It took me 46 years to get here, so what is JessYoga about?

me ha llevado 46 años llegar aquí, de que va Jessyoga?

I did study Anatomy when i was trying to find up which career fits to me, so it all began with
Veterinary, but pretty soon I realized what I was really meant to be: didactics and pedagogy, so I
changed my mind.

While in NY I have been studying peer education and a lot of nutrition. Those 14 years, at least I
feel this way today, have made me grow in a way that most humans don´t have a chance to
experience. Nutrition was a main part of what I was learning and studying, for people with cancer
and Aids. Translation studies, legal, financial, healthcare, medicine and terminology is was I ended
up doing in such an interesting city

Then I have moved to San Francisco.

Not just to try to find myself after the
big apple craziness, but to seriously
study yoga while focusing on a more
holistic approach to human beings

During half a decade, intensively, I have

been dedicating all my effort to what I
consider my vocation:teaching as a
Yogatherapist. I remember thinking in
my twenties to study phisicaltherapy.

For ten years I have been there: seniors

residences like Marlton Manor or
homeless and people with disabilities
like Glide Church. Teaching to strugglers
or actualizers, attainers, population
striving for believes, status or action. Not doing so well with poths really. From High income
classes to homeless

In Europe I am trying to find my place, such a different culture here! Probably they see me as a
crazy american teacher who enjoys mixing yoga styles, yogilates, dance of Shiva, Indian dances,
maths, anatomy and medicine.

Kripalu Yoga is not about teaching a group in a yoga center, gym, mediation session, pilates room
or whatever comes. It is a deep individual focused way of giving-receiving love to/from the person
who is in front of you. Love and therapy goes together. It needs decades of training.
Navigating through all koshas, accepting ourselves (asperger, neuralgy), focusing on intention,
initiative, interest by making the impossible probably through steadiness, instead of searching any
specific result. We leave it to the Universe and spirituality.

Let me put it in a song


Is it the face of a child And yet having it all

Is it the thrill of danger Is it one in a million
Is it the kindness we see in the eyes of a Is it a change to belong
stranger Is it standing right here singing this song
Is is more than faith
Is is more than hope
Is is waiting for us at the end of our rope
Is it a veil or a cross
Is it the poet's gift
I say, it's love Is it the face that has launched over thousands
I say, it's love of ships

Is it the one you call home Is it making you laugh

Is it the Holy Land Is it letting you cry
Is is standing right here holding your hand Is it where we believe that we go when we die
Is it just like the movies Is it how you were made
Is it rice and white lace Is it your mother's ghost
Is it the feeling I get when I wake to your Is it the wish that I'm wishing for you life, for
face your life, for your life the most
Is it the first summer storm
Is it the colors of fall
Is it having so little
E studíé anatomía en mi búsqueda por encontrar la

carrera que me iba, por lo que todo comenzó en

Veterinaria, pero pronto me dí cuenta de para que estaba
hecho: didáctica y pedagogía, cambié de idea.

En Nueva York estudié educación de calle y mucha

nutrición. En esos 14 años, al menos así lo veo ahora, crecí
como pocos seres humanos tienen la oportunidad de
hacer. La nutrición ocupaba gran parte de lo que estudiaba y aprendía, para personas con Sida y
Cancer. Estudios de traducción, jurídica, financiera, salud, medicina y terminología fue lo que
acabé haciendo en esa ciudad tan interesante

Luego me fuí a San Francisco, no solo para tratar de

reencontrarme tras la locura de la Gran Manzana, sino
para estudiar yoga en serio y centrarme en una enfoque
mas holístico para la salud del ser humano.

De forma intensiva y por media década dediqué toda mi

energía a lo que considero mi vocación: enseñar como
profesor de Yogaterapia. recuerdo que a los veinte pensé
estudiar fisiología

Allí estuve durante 10 años: residencias de ancianos como Martlon Manor, discapacitados y razas
de color en Glide Church. Enseñando a supervivientes y actualizadores, logradores, población en
busca de creencias, status o acción. No lo hice demsiado bien con los nuevos ricos. Desde ricos a
los sintecho.
Trato de encontrar un sitio en Europa, cultura muy distinta! Lo
mas probable es que se me vea como un norteamericano loco
al que le gusta mezclar estilos de yoga, yogilates, danza de
Shiva, Danzas de la India, matemáticas, anatomía y medicina

El yoga Kripalu no es para enseñar en grupo en un centro de

yoga, sesión de meditación, sala de pilates, olo que se ponga
por delante. Es una forma profunda y espiritual de dar amor a
la persona que tienes delante y recibirlo de ella.

Al navegar por todas las koshas y aceptarnos (asperger, neuralgia), nos centramos en la intención,
interés e iniciativa haciendo que lo imposible se vuelva probable con perseverancia, en lugar de
buscar resultados concretos. Se lo dejamos al Universo y a la espiritualidad.

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