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Abdul kalam

Chandrasekhar Venkta Raman

Thomasedison is devoted to acknowledging the movers and shakers throughout history who
advanced our world society for the common good. As a website devoted to famous scientists, the
purpose here is to both enlighten and entertain.

Alexander Graham Bell is generally credited in the U. S. with being the inventor of the
telephone although this claim has been controversial lately since there are also claims that Antonio
Meucci or Elisha Gray were the real first inventors. Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburg,
Scotland on March 3, 1847.
Niels Bohr was a Danish scientist who won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1922 for his work in
regards to understanding the structure of atoms. Bohr introduced the theory that electrons travel in an
orbital path around the atom's nucleus. He also theorized that light could have properties of both a
wave and a particle at the same time
Nicolaus Copernicus was the first to publish a full-fledged theory that the earth was not the
center of the universe (as was the current thought in the 1500's) and that the earth actually revolved
around the sun. Copernicus also theorized that the earth rotated on its axis, which accounted for the
daily movement of the stars

Marie Curie (Maria Sklodowska-Curie) was the first person in history to obtain two
Nobel Prizes in different areas of science (physics and chemistry). Marie Curie is known for her work
with radioactivity and her discovery of radium. Born in Warsaw, Poland, Marie Curie was the first
woman appointed to teach at La Sorbonne (University of Paris) and the first woman in France to achieve
her doctoral degree.
Charles Darwin was one of the most evolutionary thinkers of his time. In fact, Charles
Darwin brought the revolution to evolution. Darwin was born February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury,
England at his family home, the famous Mount House.

Rene Descartes was one of the greatest philosophers, mathematicians, physicists and
writers the world has ever seen. He is also regarded as the Father of Modern Philosophy and the
Father of Analytical Geometry because of his contributions to these topics.
Thomas Alva Edison was dubbed the "Wizard of Menlo Park" by a reporter after Edison
created the industrial research laboratory, combining the process of invention and techniques of
mass production. At the height of his most productive years, Thomas Edison held 1,097 U. S.
patents in his name. He also held many patents in France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Albert Einstein is one of the most famous scientists of the 20th century. Einstein was born
on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany around 11:30 am. Winner of the 1921 Nobel Peace Prize
for his work on the photoelectric effect.

Michael Faraday, an English chemist and physicist was one of the greatest scientists who
contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His concepts on
electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and laws of electrolysis are yet to be disproved
Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers on the United States and an
inventor credited with creating the lightning rod, glass harmonica, urinary catheter, bifocal
glasses and Franklin stove. Even though Benjamin Franklin never patented any of his own
inventions, he was an advocate for inventor's rights and was responsible for seeing to it that a
passage was inserted into the U. S. Constitution guaranteeing limited terms for patents and

Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist and founder of the psychoanalytic school of

psychiatry was born on 6th May, 1856 to Jewish Galician parents in the Austrian Empire. Freud
has put forward many theories that have earned him the title of having been a renowned
neurological researcher
Galileo Galilei was referred to, in his day, as the father of modern astronomy, physics and
science by various academics. One misconception that has lasted many years is that Galileo
Galilei invented the telescope, which he did not. Galileo made improvements to the telescope
and was one of the first to improve it enough to use it to observe the sky.

Jane Goodall and her research, observations and discoveries opened avenues for the
scientific understanding regarding the evolution of man. A world-renowned authority on
chimpanzees, she found parallel traits that humans and chimps share in terms of intelligence,
group behavior, in anger and grief and in cavorting with other animal colonies. All these
scientific observations have been carefully documented, having lived with chimps for over 30
years in the jungles of the Gombe Game Reserve in Africa.

Johannes Kepler, a notable scientist in the 17th century was a mathematician, astronomer
and astrologer of German origin. He is well known for his laws on planetary motion. Kepler was
born in an era which knew little about astronomy or astrology
Sir Isaac Newton is generally regarded as one of the greatest and most famous scientists
in history. Newton was an astronomer, physicist, mathematician and philosopher who is known
for theorizing and reporting on gravitational force and the three laws of motion

Let us pay homage to Louis Pasteur, the scientific genius who informed the world
about the intricate relationship between health and diseases. Certainly the importance of Pasteur's
research can be etched on the annals of medical development, particularly the first vaccines
devised for humans. He also challenged the myth on spontaneous generation, thereby setting the
stage for modern biology and biochemistry
Linus Carl Pauling, an American chemist, peace activist, author and educator was of the
greatest and most prominent chemists to have ever lived in the 20th Century. He was the first of
a few scientists who made significant contributions to quantum chemistry and molecular biology.
Pauling remains the only person to receive the Nobel price for both Physics and Chemistry

Jonas Salk was born in New York to proud Russian and Jewish immigrant parents. Though
the family was materially poor and lacked formal education, they urged their children to work
and study hard. Jonas Salk was the first sibling to enter the City College of New York to study
Law, but fate intervened and he entered medical school instead of getting a law degree at the
New York University.

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