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By Daniel Valles, informedchristians.


DISCLAIMER: This research only reflects my best ongoing

knowledge and study of these subjects and topics. The research
presented here is not a prediction. It is presented for peer review
and constructive examination only. Updates and clarifications will
be made accordingly. Your feedback is welcome.

Sections: The Mystery | Time | Biblical Observations | Bible Time Changes

CERN | In Your Face | Speculation | Updates
The mystery that started my research
Recently I revisited a familiar Bible passage, and the Lord showed me something
that prompted this much further research article - and also seems to fit together
several other puzzle pieces that I had noted and observed before.

"And he [the Antichrist] shall speak great words against the most High,
and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change
times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time
and times and the dividing of time." - Daniel 7:25

I had known that the Antichrist would want to try and change time and laws of
nature, but I had never noticed the thought that is connected to that desire - that
God will actually allow him to change the laws of nature and time - for apparently
the first half of the Tribulation (first 3.5 years)! The implications of this are
incredible, and if this mystery has caught your attention, too, then keep on reading!


What is time? It is a distinct construct of creation, along with space and matter.
Genesis 1:1 shows us that these essential elements were the creative acts of God:
"In the beginning [time] God created the heaven [space] and the earth [matter]."
Our world, life, and existence (as we know it) is within a framework called Creation.
As we study this framework, from a scientific and Biblical point of view, we find
several amazing insights into both current and prophetic (future) events.

All of time has already been created.

Time is a component of our existence and world, apart from the realm of the

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supernatural. As part of Creation, time has observable properties and laws of
nature. Our current observation of time is only relative to our current placement
within that time. All of time has already been created - we are only seeing it from
our current vantage point.
To illustrate the difference between linear and eternal, imagine you are standing on
a sidewalk, watching a parade go by. You see the different floats and bands go by
until the end. Your reality is only what you see now, and what you remember
passing by you. If you were up in a helicopter, you would be able to see the entire
parade as one single event. From there, you could fly down and lower yourself into
any part of the parade that you wanted. This is similar to how the angels and God
travel in our time. It is not space and distance that is being traveled, but time is
what separates from one dimension into another.

The idea of wormholes comes from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity - a

shortcut through space and time. E=MC2. The letter C represents the speed of
light, which has a time component.

Time is not just a construct. It can be affected by gravitational lensing. Clocks on

the space station run faster than they do down here on earth, no matter how
accurate the mechanism. Hours and minutes are constructs, but time itself is

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immutable fact. Time runs slower inside of a gravity well.

Space-time, can be thought of as a piece of spandex with four dimensions. When

something that has mass sits in that piece of four-dimensional spandex, it causes it
to create a dimple. That dimple is a manifestation of space-time bending to
accommodate this mass. The bending of space-time causes objects to move on a
curved path and that curvature of space is what we know as gravity. The spacetime
could be distorted in the same way as if the mass sitting on the spandex were

Biblical Observations & Food for Thought

Heaven represents eternity/eternal time, while earth represents linear time;

they are different dimensions, but accessible to each other. Angels regularly
transit between the two, seemingly without much of a barrier. In rare cases,
prophets are taken to Heaven to witness future events, outside of our
earthly, linear time. Sin resulted in a separation and restricted access from
the linear to the eternal. It was after Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden
fruit that God removed their access to the eternal dimension (Gen. 3:22-24).

The Tower of Babel, Gen. 11:5-6 - "And the LORD came down to see the
city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said,
Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they
begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have
imagined to do."

When you consider that this time period also had the fallen angels
interacting with mankind again, the Tower of Babel was more than just an
architectural pursuit - it was the center of fallen angels sharing their
knowledge of creation with mankind. The Tower of Babel was meant to be
the headquarters of technology and knowledge for the sole purpose of
being used against God's work in humanity.

The fallen angels already had insider information about the mechanics and
principles involved in transiting between dimensions, as well as a host of
higher knowledge of the laws of science and nature.

It is pretty sobering to think that even God mentioned that there was nothing
that mankind could not (technically) do; the partnership with the fallen
angels, the insider information, and the open rebellion, had to be stopped.

At the tower of Babel, the phrase "they begin to do" has the idea of to bore
(H2490), and to break, as if by a wedge, and also the idea of a player on
instruments. Was God stating that they were starting to build a facility where

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(ultimately) they were going to build a technological stargate where the
fallen angels would attempt to re-enter heaven?
Eccl. 3:15 - "That which is has already been, and what is to be has already
been; and God requires an account of what is past." All of time has already
been created.

It is suspected that when the Bible references "the wings of the wind" upon
which the chariot of God flys (and the wheeled living creatures described by
Ezekiel), it is a reference to the force of gravity and time (spacetime); the
beings and creatures move about within the same physical aspects of
Creation, but at a higher dimensional level and access.

The non-Biblical, yet historical reference, 1 Enoch 18:1-7 states, "I also
beheld the four winds, which bear up the earth, and the firmament of
heaven. And I beheld the four winds occupying the height of heaven, arising
in the midst of heaven and of earth, and constituting the pillars of heaven. I
saw the winds, which turn the sky, which cause the orb of the sun and all of
the stars to set; and over the earth I saw the winds, which support the
clouds, I saw the path of the angels."

God told the prophet Daniel that many of the things that he had seen in his
visions would be concealed until the time near the end. Only then would
mankind have the increased knowledge (Daniel 12:4) to fully understand
how the visions would transpire. Whatever Daniel saw, it was so mind
blowing that the Bible takes special note of how much it disturbed him. If we
saw events such as space/time travel occurring, we'd be disturbed too...

Scriptures do warn us that the Tribulation events will be so incredible, that

the fear alone will kill a number of them: "Men's hearts failing them for fear,
and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the
powers of heaven shall be shaken." - Luke 21:26

FYI, Rev. 10:6, which makes mention that "there should be time no longer",
does not refer to time stopping. The word time there refers to the occasion,
not chronological time; the events transpiring were coming to an end. This
interpretation is further referenced by the number of days still counted after
this (Rev 12), as well as the one thousand year reign of Christ after the
Tribulation. The angel is merely reassuring the saints (through Revelation)
that even in the darkest days of the Tribulation, there was an appointed end.

The bottomless pit / abyss, is different from "the pit" (Grave / Sheol). The
bottomless pit is most likely a black hole, or a singularity, where the fallen
angels (including Apollyon) are unable to get out. Nothing in our mental
concepts is more bottomless than a black hole; a singularity that is infinitely
dense yet infinitely small where the laws of physics break down.

Notice how the Bible describes them in Rev 17:8,11 - "The beast that thou

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sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go
into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names
were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when
they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. ...And the beast that
was, and is not, even he is the eighth..." The Bible makes special triple
emphasis of the fact that the beast (Apollyon) exists, but he does not exist
in our world - because he is locked in another!

Rev 20:1-3,7 tells us that Satan will be bound for a thousand years in the
bottomless pit (abussos)! "And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut
him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no
more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be
loosed a little season. ...And when the thousand years are expired, Satan
shall be loosed out of his prison..." Satan, himself, will be locked in the very
dimension (the bottomless pit) that Apollyon and his friends were locked in!
After his quick defeat, only then will Satan be cast into the lake of fire (Rev
"...God spared not the angels that sinned [at the Flood], but cast them down
to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto
judgment." - II Peter 2:4. Hell, mentioned here, is the greek word tartaroo,
from Tartaros (the deepest abyss of Hades). See also Jude 1:6. The Book
of Enoch says that 200 fallen angels (Titans) are imprisoned in Tartarus.

"And now ye know what withholdeth that he [Antichrist] might be revealed

in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now
letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked
be revealed..." - II Thess 2:6-8.

Biblical Time Changes

Sundial Ten Degrees

Kings 20:4-5,8-11 (Isaiah 38:7-8) - "And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was
gone out into the middle court, that the word of the LORD came to him,
saying, Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my people, Thus saith
the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen
thy tears: behold, I will heal thee ...And Hezekiah said unto Isaiah, What
shall be the sign that the LORD will heal me, and that I shall go up into the
house of the LORD the third day? And Isaiah said, This sign shalt thou have
of the LORD, that the LORD will do the thing that he hath spoken: shall the
shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees? And Hezekiah
answered, It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but
let the shadow return backward ten degrees. And Isaiah the prophet cried
unto the LORD: and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by
which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz."

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Notice here a fundamental concept in time: the celestial clock (that God
ordained as His timepiece) was altered, yet life on earth continued at a
normal pace due to relativity and perception. Mankind could move about,
but the sun and moon clock was rewound slightly back in time. This is
technically back in time because God told us that the movement of the sun
and moon determines our time.

Sun Stands Still

"Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the
Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, "O sun,
stand still at Gibeon, and O moon in the valley of Aijalon.” So the sun stood
still, and the moon stopped, until the nation avenged themselves of their
enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the
middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.
There was no day like that before it or after it, when the Lord listened to the
voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel." - Joshua 10:12-14.

Again, by perception, for those on earth, life proceeded as normal, even

though the celestial clock stopped. The movements of the celestial clock
froze, while the planet Earth continued though time.

What is CERN?

"At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists

and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe.
They use the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments to
study the basic constituents of matter – the fundamental particles. The
particles are made to collide together at close to the speed of light. The
process gives the physicists clues about how the particles interact, and
provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature.

The instruments used at CERN are purpose-built particle accelerators

and detectors. Accelerators boost beams of particles to high energies
before the beams are made to collide with each other or with stationary
targets. Detectors observe and record the results of these collisions."
[source] [CERN's wikipedia entry]

CERN refers to itself as the "Gateway to the Universe". - CERN

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The name CERN is derived from the acronym for the French "Conseil
Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire". However, the argument could
be made that the facility, largely located 300-feet underground, gets its
name from Cernunnos - the horned god of the underworld.

Obviously, the CERN logo contains 666.

A large portion of CERN is located in the territory of Saint Genis Pouilly.

In Roman times it was called Apolliacum. The name Pouilly comes from
the Latin " Appolliacum ", with the Latin suffix "iacum" denoting
possession. The town and a temple were dedicated to Apollyon - the
destroyer (Shiva/Horus).

" him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened
the bottomless pit ...And they had a king over them, which is the
angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is
Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." -
Rev 9:1-2,11

One of CERN's projects within the accelerator is

actually named "the ALICE Collaboration,"
supposedly because it will allow the scientists to
explore the root of matter the same way Alice
explored Wonderland down the rabbit hole.

"… One of the largest experiments in the world

devoted to research in the physics of matter at an
infinitely small scale.… You are invited to tumble
down the rabbit hole into the wonderland of

In the referenced story of Alice in Wonderland, the

white rabbit who lured her down into the rabbit hole
complains that he is "late for a very important

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Before you think we're reading into things too
much, CERN's own website tells people about their
projects fully expecting to find and create tiny black
holes: "Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black

"We have calculated the energy at which we

expect to detect these mini black holes in gravity's
rainbow [a new theory]. If we do detect mini black
holes at this energy, then we will know that both
gravity's rainbow and extra dimensions are correct,
Dr Mir Faizal told

"Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are

two dimensional objects [breadth and length] can
exist in a third dimension [height], parallel
universes can also exist in higher dimensions,”
added Dr Faizal,

"We predict that gravity can leak into extra

dimensions, and if it does, then miniature black
holes can be produced at the LHC. ...parallel
universes. What we mean is real universes in extra
dimensions." [source, Mar 2015]

"Mapping the Secrets of the Universe: ATLAS is a

particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron
Collider [LHC] at CERN that is searching for new
discoveries in the head-on collisions of protons of
extraordinarily high energy. ATLAS will learn about
the basic forces that have shaped our Universe
since the beginning of time and that will
determine its fate. Among the possible
unknowns are extra dimensions of space..." -

"All the magnets on the LHC are lectromagnets.

The main dipoles generate powerful 8.4 tesla
magnetic fields – more than 100,000 times more
powerful than the Earth’s magnetic field." -

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Just like the mythological Atlas took up the burden
of one of the gods of the old, fallen kingdom of the
now-dead golden age of the Titans, so have these
scientists and governments taken up the tasks of
the fallen angels from the pre-Flood period.

Other interesting names for CERN experiments include...

AEGIS [the shield used by the Greek god Zeus]

ALPHA [the beginning; A]
ALEPH [phoenician letter derived from from Egyptian ox's head;
the Hebrew equivalent to the English A]
ATRAP [a trap; a device or tactic intended to catch]
DELPHI [In Greek mythology, the location of the navel of the world.
The physical site (upper Greece) was also a major site of Apollo
worship, including an eternal flame to Apollo, with the city
dedicated to Apollo.]
COMPASS [instrument used for navigation and orientation; first
invented as a device for divination and fortune-telling by the
TOTEM [a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol that serves as an
emblem of a group of people]
ISOLDE [a character often confused with the goddess Minerva*]
ATHENA [Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration,
civilization, law and justice, strategic war, mathematics, strength,
strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill; equivalent of Roman goddess
AWAKE [awake is the opposite of the state of being asleep]

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CERN is celebrating "2015: the International Year of Light"
"This year, which marks the centenary of the publication of Einstein’s Theory of
General Relativity, has been named the International Year of Light and light-based
technologies by the UN General Assembly. CERN is taking this opportunity to
communicate about the High Luminosity LHC project and CERN’s involvement in
the SESAME synchrotron laboratory in Jordan."- CERN. Note that their partner
project is called Sesame, which echoes "Open Sesame", the magical phrase from
Ali Baba to open a hidden doorway.

LHC had a magnet (used for different projects)

whose acronym was SATAN (Solar Axion
Telescopic ANtenna) [source, CERN Libraries,
1999. Picture from new project proposal]

Sergio Bertolucci, the Director for Research and Scientific Computing at

CERN, told the technology newspaper The Register (Nov 2009), that:

"Out of this door might come something, or we might send

something through it." "Dr Bertolucci later got in touch to confirm that
yes indeed, there would be an ‘open door,’ but that even with the power
of the LHC at his disposal he would only be able to hold it open "a very
tiny lapse of time, 10-26 seconds, [but] during that infinitesimal amount
of time we would be able to peer into this open door, either by getting
something out of it or sending something into it.” If the fallen angels are
indeed currently confined in some form of a dimensional black hole (the
abyss), then the size of the opening would be irrelevant. Of course, we
have to take it at face value that his statement regarding the size (from
six years ago) is accurate; however, just breaching it at all, for a few
seconds would seem to be enough for their purposes.

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Due to its theoretical nature, an electro-gravitational singularity (an
artificial black hole) would create a timeless zone around it, where it
vanishes from our scale; everything within that event horizon, remains
unchanged; it is also at a different scale than ours."

Near the headquarters building at CERN, there is a

6-foot tall statue of the Hindu deity Shiva (the
Destroyer) engaging in the Nataraja dance
presented by the Department of Atomic Energy of
India, (supposedly) because of its "parallelling the
movements or "dance" of subatomic particles." -

The inscription reads "...O Omnipresent, the

embodiment of all virtues, the creator of this
cosmic universe, the king of dancers, who dances
the Anada Tandava in the twilight, I salute thee..."

At night, the statue is lit so as to direct its shadow

distinctly onto the main CERN building.

Notice that the filigree and styling on the statue's depiction mirrors visual elements
that science associates with portals/stargates/wormholes/blackholes opening.

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Common depiction CERN's Shiva statue, Interstellar's "most
of black / worm hole. god of destruction accurate" depiction of a
black / worm hole.

The Interstellar movie's depiction of a worm hole near a planet's orbit. Is the hype
around this movie, imagery, and science to condition people to what Earth is about
to see in the prophetic future, and what they are hoping to accomplish?

In Your Face
Note only do we see various disturbing and suggestive themes in CERN's
research, we are also seeing those conclusions substantiated by other outlets
purposefully linking the supposed scientific endeavors with a more nefarious
purpose, specifically releasing demons from the pit! Many times this messaging is
done through very public venues for the sole (soul?) purpose of letting followers of
the occult know that their lord is near.

Talk about in-your-face!

The Angels & Demons (Dan Brown) movie had a

portion filmed at the LHC!

On the CERN website, they have a whole subpage

about the filming that took place there. The image
shown here is from CERN's website. Notice that
they combine the illuminated angel (Lucifer) with
the LHC and even overlaid a graphic logo to let you
know that this is definitely about them taking up the
task for the fallen angels!

They even tell you "Discover the connection..."!

The opera Les Troyens (The Trojans), by Hector Berlioz, produced originally at
the Palau de les Arts in Valencia, Spain in 2009 (and later shown in Warsaw and
Moscow), featured a set and themes very similar to the framework and workings
of the ATLAS portion of the the LHC. [source] There is also a large tessellated

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space ship featured as well.

The hugely popular opera was actually written in 1858 about the Trojan Horse,
and the overthrow of Troy. At the end of the opera, it is declared that Carthage
will be destroyed, and Rome will be "immortal". Hmm.

2015 Super Bowl

Katy Perry's performance was seen by 118.5
million viewers, making it the most-watched
halftime show ever, according to Nielsen data.

Note that the occult likes to mirror things. You have

to reverse the order of the performance here.

The key figure is a falling star / angel.

There are particles and collisions;

These particles open a doorway;

the woman rides the beast as he makes his

entrance. Note the tessellated creature; this theme
comes up elsewhere, too.

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2014 Video Music Awards
Along with clear CERN references and 666, the set had the performers entering
from offstage through a Time Tunnel style portal onto a central vortex stage. It is
hard to see, but there are particle streams converging on the very central stage
as well.

Oscars 2015
The floor art, background, and stage props all
appear to pull inspiration directly from the CERN
CMS detector, particle physics, collisions, and the
overall collider schematics.

Are they signaling that this is the year it will be fully

activated for its intended purpose? Seems to be...

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The Kodak Theater where the Oscar ceremonies are held, is covered with
obvious, large, and blatant imagery of the fallen angels, as well as a large
stylized Ishtar Gate from Babylon.

This movie, perhaps more than others, most
blatantly communicates the concept of entities
trapped in a construct, communicating (channeling)
with earthlings, to give them the knowledge to
physically alter gravity / time. This is accomplished
by communicating and traveling through a
wormhole / blackhole (near Saturn (Molech)) to
another galaxy (dimension).

The major themes being impressed upon people

are how gravity affects time, and preparing them
for visual, time, and dimensional effects mankind is
about to witness.

Near the ending of the movie, the main character is

trapped in a multi-dimensional singularity (called a
Tesseract (in a seemingly mathematical sense*))
that allows him to communicate instructions and
view across time.

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The concept of a tesseract was mainly popularized
by the occult witch 'childrens book', A Wrinkle in
Time*. The books has been on various library ban
lists in the past due to its occult nature. The
tesseract is deeply occult; it is a multi-dimensional

Note that Hollywood has had a continuous pre-programming of mankind

regarding these events and constructs. In many major movies, a magical cube is
always the source of power. Whoever unlocks the power of the cube can rule the
world. This is a very real concept to Satan's upper disciples. They are literally
seeking the power of the Tesseract - the singularity where the fallen angels are
held. One of the most recent examples used to drive this home to people (and
build on previous long-term messaging) is Marvel's The Avengers.

In the conditioning tools, the connection between the cubes will always be a
device visually linked to the CERN accelerator technology.

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My background is in Advertising and Public Relations. Due to the consistency
and very tight messaging across various motion picture productions, I believe
they are literally acclimating people to much of what they will visual see on Earth
during the Tribulation events.

2001 Space Odyssey

Released April 2, 1968

There is a higher intelligence (HAL (Hell)) behind

orchestrating the events.

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A stargate and the arrival of an entity is pivotal to
the plot. The entire mission of the crew
(unwittingly) is to enable and set these events in

The main character enters the vortex, and goes to

where he sees himself in the future. Then the black
monolith (from aliens), helps him make the next
step in evolution to become a star child.

Released April 19, 2013.
The powerful entity known as the "Tet" is a large
tetrahedron-shaped space station. Another ship,
named "Odyssey" crashes down to Earth, after
being summoned.

Just like the 2001 Space Odyssey, Oblivion also

has a higher intelligence entity behind all of the
deception, with the exact same visual identity as
HAL (Hell).

The drone's energy compartments mirror the

CERN ALICE structure. In the movie, this
technology is critical to cracking the "Tet"
(represents the tesseract)

This is just a very small sampling of examples available. There is a LOT more
of this woven messaging and tightly-maintained core theme of stargates, releasing
powerful unfriendlies, trapped entities, etc. Why? Where will people turn to when
these events happen? When these events happen (Tribulation opening events),
the handlers will be able to tell the masses that they know what is going on, and
have been trying to tell people.

They must control information; as long as they hold the card of people believing
them more, the average person will be less likely to seek after the Bible to explain
world events. This psychological device is called falsified metacommunication:
telling a story that is almost completely truth, but with tiny details tweaked to
provide the illusion that the whole is false. The education efforts prior to the
Tribulation provides the powers-that-will-be with leverage to make the claim that
these are indeed alien entities, etc. etc. Pre-education makes is so much easier to
get people to follow you at the critical times when you only want them to react and
not to think.

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spec·u·la·tion: noun. ideas or guesses about something that is not known. the
contemplation or consideration of some subject. a conclusion or opinion reached
by such contemplation.
I will be the first to tell you: I do not know all that this means; but, I will share with
you several of my considerations that I think may have some likelihood or bearing
on the events. The main purpose for this speculation is to narrow down the
seemingly possible train of events so that we can get a better idea of (1) what
further evidences we should be looking for, (2) what warnings and insight we can
provide to those who might be affected by these events, and (3) examining
correlation between timing of events and further prophetic events. So, here are
some brainstorm thoughts...

Somehow, TIME will be disrupted.

Satan may be trying to open a blackhole / wormhole / dimensional

tear to release the fallen angels, who have been suspended in
another dimension outside our own; both are constructs within
physical creation.
This may be the opening of the bottomless pit (portal?) referred to in
Revelation 9. The "key" is the scientific knowledge and ability that
mankind has been given via the occult to where they can finally
unlock the bottomless pit - in God's timing.
There might be a brief, visible merging of present time with future
time - while the two coexist. This may be a sort of moving the time
variable in spacetime, with the matter, across the time dimensions.
Some have suggested that these events may include Satan's efforts
to create eternal life on earth by tampering with time - his attempt at
the Tree of Life, so to speak.

Somehow, TIME will be the same.

The Bible tells us that the Antichrist will change times and laws for a season
- but, God also lays out a set period of time for Tribulation events to be
transpiring in: length of two witness' testimony, length of time after the
abomination of desolation, etc.

Revelation also makes repeated references to the sun and moon for
comparison. It may be that the celestial clockwork (sun, moon, stars) is
unaffected by events on earth, but that it is Earth's timespace that is

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tampered with during the 3.5 years that God allows it.

If this is true, then it may be a case of time dilation and gravitic lensing,
where the time changes are only relative, but the results are real.

Somehow, laws of nature will be disrupted.

This could easily cover the opening across dimensions to open the
bottomless pit.

"And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke

out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun
and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit."
- Rev 9:2

It appears that this 'pit' is within Earth's atmosphere, and may be

opened up on the surface.

Revelation does tell us that, specifically during a period of 5 months

after the bottomless pit is opened, people will not be able to die.

"...they should be tormented five months ...And in those days

shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to
die, and death shall flee from them." - Rev 9:5-6

Reading the book of Revelation, it does become increasingly clear

that large, major cataclysmic events (normally kept in check by
normal rules of science) seem to not be restrained anymore.

Is the heaven departing as a scroll possibly referencing a visible

opening of our world with the other dimensions?

"And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled

together; and every mountain and island were moved out of
their places." Revelation 6:14

Updates (Updates will be appended here as needed)

Update #1 - 4/15/15

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Why are we even studying such crazy stuff?

#1. God, in His Word, commands us to watch for His return - and then live like it!

"And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." - I
John 3:2

#2. God does not want us to be ignorant of Satan's devices. Why? "Lest Satan
should get an advantage of us..." - II Cor. 2:11. Satan's disciples are faithfully
serving and preparing for the return of their twisted hope - are we faithfully serving
God and preparing for His return? Satan's biggest tool has always been the Lie -
false information to hide his true actions and intent.

Too many Christians are so ignorant and so asleep that Satan can tell them to their
face that his fallen angels are returning to earth very soon and people laugh at it.
The result is that because they do not take the lateness of the hour seriously, that
they themselves do not live seriously for the Lord's return. This is why we are
commanded to watch - because it should make us sober up and get serious about
standing strong for God, and occupying till He returns. God is going to catch way
too many Christians unawares (by surprise, Luke 21:34) because they are willingly

#3. This is my last chance to be faithful.

I only have one life; it will be my last and only chance to live for Christ and eternity.
All of my opportunities for service will soon be over, and I will have to give account
of my only chance. How will I be found? Faithful - or foolish?

"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep:
for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand:
let us therefore cast off the works of darkness,
and let us put on the armour of light.
Let us walk honestly, as in the day;
not in rioting [carousal, partying] and drunkenness,
not in chambering [sitting around on the couch]
and wantonness [full of vices],
not in strife and envying.
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and make not provision for the flesh,
to fulfil the lusts thereof."
- Romans 13:11-14

21 of 21
By Daniel Valles,

DISCLAIMER: This research only reflects my best ongoing

knowledge and study of these subjects and topics. The research
presented here is not a prediction. It is presented for peer review
and constructive examination only. Updates and clarifications will
be made accordingly. Your feedback is welcome.

Sections: Tesseract FYI | SYMMETRY | Film Introduction

The AMS | The Black Cube | Updates

This article is Part II of Time, CERN, and the Bible, and

presupposes that you have read the first part.
Click here to read the first part.

Tesseract FYI

Geometrically, a tesseract is a four-dimensional analog of the cube; the tesseract

is to the cube as the cube is to the square. The vertex figure of the tesseract is a
regular tetrahedron (pyramid with a 3-sided base).

A tesseract can be represented different ways. Because of this, those using it as a

veiled reference to the abyss and/or Satan/Lucifer will often change out the
variations of how it is depicted to obscure the symbolism, and make it not so

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SYMMETRY is a operatic dance film,

written and directed by Ruben van
Leer - filmed at the LHC collider -
[CERN's art page].

Notice that the film poster has the

exact same above/below layout as
the Angels & Demons graphic also
posted on CERN's website -
visualizing the fallen angels rising
from the abyss.

SYMMETRY was produced for CERN's CineGlobe Film Festival (

Notice in the below picture from CERN's film festival, the two black geometric
tables on stage. While not a true tesserect or tetrahedron, it is very, very close,
and definitely brings it to mind in the whole context.

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The Trailer
They released a trailer, full of messages that mirror everything we've been looking
at. This trailer has some of the most blatant messaging, almost directly from
CERN, about what they are doing. Let's go through the trailer, almost scene by

Right after an opening shot of the CERN equipment, it flashes particles moving in a
circular motion, first evoking thoughts of the particles as they accelerate in the
collider. It has the text, "In the search for the smallest particle." The visual pattern
could also represent and echo the rings of Saturn (Molech).

Four dancers revolve around a center figure. Clearer symbolism of Saturn?

Particle rings again. Text: "He discovers a dance of the cosmos."

Remember who is also doing a dance at CERN: Shiva.

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The main character's name, Lukas, is greek for 'light'. The lead scientists
connected to CERN are looking for light - and the lightbearer - Lucifer.

Lucifer / Satan, and his host, has been calling to the scientists from the dry
wilderness places.

"When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry
places, seeking rest, and findeth none." - Matthew 12:43

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There is already a merging and conjuring up of devils and Lucifer.

He/she (Satan is often portrayed as androgynous) communicating with the

scientists, and affecting their mind.

Through channeling and visions, the scientists can communicate with the demonic

Occult ceremonies and sacrifices are also used to conjure up demonic forces.

"Bolivia's largest salt flat, Salar de Uyuni, is almost as high as the depth of CERN's
detectors and colliders, says Van Leer, which makes for an incredible metaphorical

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contrast. In the film, once Lukas spins through the Collider, he ends up in the
Uyuni mineral landscape, a pure, monotone, and serene plain that transforms the
sky above into a mirror image." [source].

Particles ring around again.

Particles now start moving forward to a climatic collision...

Particle collision, and ripple effect (water as time symbology).

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Figures, and the scientists, are merged with those in the abyss (as they become

Various beings floating in the abyss

- these are who this whole film and CERN project is about.

Here are a few more images from the film, gathered from a short behind-
the-scenes clip they made, as well as from their website and social media pages.

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"From Chris Nolan’s Interstellar, to images in Stephen Hawkings’ books, and to
physics lectures by Richard Feynman, van Leer knit all of these influences together
into the visual language for Symmetry. In addition, he and his team were drawn to
the data visuals of CERN’s data, the digital animations of particle collisions. ...The
combination of visuals became representative of 'greater insight.'" [source]

"At the heart of Symmetry is the notion of time. van Leer feels that we're in an
era where it no longer means the same thing. With big data and technological
advances like the internet, time travel, in a certain sense, seems possible. With
the film, he wanted to connect the past, ancient “primal arts” such as dance and
song, with the future, contemporary scientific innovations. “Maybe time is just a
memory. And stories set the mental clock...” [source]

Combining the occult mystery crafts with technology, for the purpose of affecting
time and the laws of nature, is what CERN is doing here - and they aren't afraid to
subtly communicate that message.

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On the film's social media, they prominently had
this only picture of them scouting out the location.
This is the director and the producer - both know
full well how details are important on the camera.

Notice the cube on his CERN visitor badge.

Notice how she is holding her pad (tesserect 2-D).

Another very subtle sign is that water is often used

to picture time. This water theme is seen in CERN
illustrations for time, as well as the SYMMETRY
video (the radial burst).

The cube illustration on these particular name

badges (and I saw them on a few others), comes
from illustrations drawn by a long-time CERN
scientist. These drawings are used for various
CERN publications and artwork around the

These drawings are the work of Dr. Sergio Cittolin,

a research physicist who's been at CERN for more
than 30 years. It appears that the cube drawing
references CERN's data bank.

After the filming, the lead singer, Claron

McFadden, gave a TED talk about the "primal
voice", meditation, and being a vessel. She
prominently flashed the 666 sign several times as

Film Introduction

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Before the film was created, the director made a short
video called "SYMMETRY film introduction", where he
makes his pitch for what the movie will be about. It also
contains a rough storyboard of what he has in mind for the
film. Several disturbing elements stand out. Also, as of
this posting, the youtube video was "unlisted", meaning it
was not meant to be seen except by those who had the
link - in other words, this was not meant for general

Transcript: "After completing a pilgrimage around the world, Lukas arrives on an

ice landscape. There on the serene ice fields, he meets an wise, old woman -

In an icy wilderness, a human sacrifice is circled by dark figures, and then shortly
afterwards a magic circle of fire surrounds him. Transcript: "She initiates a ritual
dance in which he undergoes in which death confronts him with his own body, and
his past. In the visions evoked by his dance, he makes a journey through his own
memory, his own body, looking for the truth, and his identity."

He shows a blurry (distorted?) snowflake. Many snowflakes inherently have the

geometric tesseract shape prominently in their center. Transcript at this point:
"Snow crystals, falling on the ice landscape, and the data visualizations from the
research at CERN, represent Lukas' realm of ideas, now literally moved by his
dance seen right in front of the camera."

Normal snowflakes

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Later he shows a screenshot of CERN's computers and visualizations, with the
word MERLIN (a wizard), clearly readable.


MERLIN is the name of CERN's custom particle tracking code [source].

Undoubtedly, this presentation and rough storyboard would have been seen and
approved by CERN leadership.

A few symbols here and there may have been able to be chalked up to crazy
coincidence; however, when you see a clearly repeated message of Satanic
symbolism, occult concepts, and interpretations of time, you know there most
certainly is a dark hand behind the events going on at CERN.


Far less is known about this as a connection, but I highly suspect this is
cross-related to the technological events going on at CERN.

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a

particle physics experiment module that is mounted
on the International Space Station. It is designed to
measure antimatter in cosmic rays and search for
evidence of dark matter. [wiki]

"...has been called "the most sophisticated particle

detector ever sent into space", rivaling very large
detectors used at major particle accelerators..."

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"AMS-02 successfully completed final integration
and operational testing at CERN in Geneva,
Switzerland which included exposure to powerful
nuclear particle beams generated by the CERN
particle accelerators."

Note that this is a detector, not an accelerator.

Because of the close work with CERN, calibration
by CERN with its accelerator, and the unique
placement of this detector, I suspect this piece of
equipment may help judge conditions in "the
above", while CERN's accelerators judge and
modify conditions in the "down below". The AMS
may help keep an eye on Earth's electromagnetic
field, while CERN works with gravity and energy
down on Earth. It is interesting that the main plate
on top of the AMS is shaped like the hexagonal
CERN structure, even though the rest of it is
circular. I highly suspect these two are working in
tandem together.

The Black Cube

Symbolically, the black cube is used by the occult and

their minions as a reference to Satan and Saturn.
Ideologically, I view it as their way of expressing the
embodiment of Satan, his intelligence, and his
kingdom; it is Satan's counterpoint to what God's New
Jerusalem - a golden cube - represents (Rev 21:16).

And remember, the black tesserect is also

geometrically represented by a black tetrahedron;
symbolically, they can be used interchangeably.

The 9/11 World Trade Center Memorial is two black

tesseracts, side by side (cube within a cube).
Ideologically, the symbolism is mockingly suggesting
the victim's souls are trapped there in a black hole - the
bottomless pit - forever (note cloudy feathering effect
around edges caused by water, which often represents

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Mecca's Kaaba. If you watch a timelapse of how the
Muslims circle the Kaaba (built with black granite) en
masse, the visual effect is eerily almost identical to the
hexagon storm seen on Saturn's pole.

Remember how we've seen the tesserect / cube / hexagon (flattened cube /
tesserect) connected with Saturn (Satan / Molech)? Is it starting to sink in that they
are serious?

Many "art" installations, and black cubed buildings are

scattered around the world.

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In film and tv, Star Trek depicts their greatest threat
(the Borg) as an intelligent, hive-based entity.
Interestingly, they made a whole Star Trek film
centered around the concept of the Borg messing with

2001: A Space Odyssey, the novel written by Arthur

C. Clarke, (later made into a film directed by Stanley
Kubrick) has the setting for the monolith on Saturn
(Molech), not Jupiter. [source]

The reason Kubrick changed the location to Jupiter,

was because the rings of Saturn were too hard to
make with the special effects of 1968.

Stanley Kubrick originally intended the monolith in

2001: A Space Odyssey to be a tetrahedron,
according to Marvin Minsky, a cognitive scientist
and expert on artificial intelligence who advised
Kubrick on the HAL 9000 computer and other
aspects of the movie. Kubrick scrapped the idea of
using the tetrahedron as a visitor who saw footage
of it did not recognize what it was and he did not
want anything in the movie regular people did not

With that being the case, that makes the movie

Oblivion the exact same core message as 2001: A
Space Odyssey - a higher intelligence directing
human technology and efforts to bring forth its
desired end. I believe the more-specific Oblivion
clarifies the broader 2001 message: destruction of
Earth's cities, mass depopulation, key controlled
clones, advanced technology, and persecuted

"And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their
iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will
lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. I will make a man more
precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of

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Ophir. " - Isa 13:12, referencing the time during the wrath of the Lord,
the Tribulation.

Updates (Updates will be appended here as needed)

Update #1 - 4/17/15

Satan's minions are serious about serving their lord; are you serious about serving
the Lord of Lord, and King of Kings, Jesus Christ? Time is shorten than you think.

"Jesus said unto him,

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like unto it,
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
- Matthew 22:37-39

15 of 15
By Daniel Valles,

DISCLAIMER: The topics discussed in this article are purely

hypothetical scenarios. We do not know what the future holds
exactly, so this is the most educated-guess speculation drawn
from the few clues that Scripture does give, as well as
comparison with known, public scientific knowledge of the topics.

This article is Part III of Time, CERN, and the Bible series, and presupposes that
you have read Part I and Part II.

Portals in the Bible

For many people, the concept of wormholes and inter-dimensional portals seems
like the realm of science fiction. Yet, when we look at Scripture, we find writers
describing what can only be termed as a wormhole - but from an ancient

"He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his
feet. And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the
wings of the wind. And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark
waters, and thick clouds of the skies." - II Samuel 22:10-12 & Psalm 18:9-11

The word bowed has the idea of bending and stretched, as well as thrust
down into. From an ancient perspective, the writer is telling us that when
Jehovah intervened on his behalf, that the heavens (sky) was warped open,
there was darkness seen in the void behind Jehovah as He rode upon a
cherub (a living creature), the void had a depth to it, there was a
shimmering effect, and a cloud-like look associated with it.

"And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a
paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his
clearness." - Exodus 24:10

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Shushed Science and Technology

Keep in mind that many of the basic scientific principles

that are covered in this series do not necessarily require
high-end computers, etc. to work. Many of these principles
have been known for over a hundred years, and can be
put into action with mechanical and basic electrical
equipment, controls, and understanding. For example,
there are plenty of plans available for people who want to
make their own particle accelerators (image).

The CERN LHC is using basic principles - only taking it a

much higher level of control and power.

Nikola Tesla worked with many of the fluctuating magnetic

field and gravity principles. Many have good reason to
think that Tesla was smarter than Einstein.

The Tesla Coil, was invented by Tesla in 1891.

Even Tesla came up with designs for flying discs, based

on electrical principles, using a high voltage, high
frequency coil (a resonant transformer / Tesla coil) which
gives the electrostatic and electromagnetic charge to the
craft and establishes polarity. Tesla observed that an
electrostatic charge will flow over the surface of a
conductor rather than penetrate it. This is called the

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Faraday or Skin Effect, discovered by Michael Faraday
many years ago. This charge flows over the craft and
envelopes it.

Otis T. Carr applied many ideas of Tesla, and developed

flying disc plans and working prototypes (1950s) based on
similar principles.

Like many other flying craft, his accumulator utilized a

mercury capacitor for the extremely high voltages.

In 1925, Albert Einstein published his "Unified Field

Theory of Gravitation and Electricity". This was released
close to the release date of his Theory of Relativity. This
sought to show that the laws of electricity and magnetism
could be "unified" with the laws of gravitation - i.e. all
electrical, magnetic, and gravitational effects could be part
of an underlying "unified field".

This Unified Field Theory contained the beginnings of

what would later become known as Torsion Theory. The
unifying relationships were eventually published as only
an appendix to the theory of relativity.

In relativity, gravity and electromagnetism are related,

because mass is represented as a fraction of the square
of the propagation velocity of electromagnetic radiation.
So, according to Einstein, even the charges and masses
that distort space/time can be reduced to simple
harmonics of electromagnetic fields.

Modern Technology Background FYI

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A Tokamak, invented in the 1950s, is a device using a
magnetic field to confine a (very hot) plasma in the shape
of a torus. Achieving a stable plasma equilibrium requires
magnetic field lines that move around the torus in a helical

Such a helical field can be generated by adding a toroidal

field (traveling around the torus in circles) and a poloidal
field (traveling in circles orthogal to the toroidal field).

The electromagnets surrounding the torus generate the

toroidal field, and the center electromagnets generate the
poloidal. There are several types of tokamaks, but they
operate on the same principles.

Nazi Experiments with Mercury

It is a matter of recorded history that the Nazis extensively sought out and
searched for occult knowledge and scientific insight from esoteric sources. Their
gathering and archiving of this knowledge was the purpose of their Ahnenerbe
and Vril Gesellschaft societies. The name Vril is the shortening of “VRI-IL” which
means “Like God”.

Mercury was used extensively by the Nazis for their

top-secret technology involving high spin, high voltage,
high current capacitors, gravitational field research, as
well as mercury plasma gyros using electrified mercury

Approximately 1,500 short tons (1,400 t) of mercury was

purchased by the Japanese from Italy between 1942 and
Italy's surrender in September 1943. This was used in the
manufacture of explosives (Mercury(II) fulminate),
especially primers. However, the German Nazis moved
around a lot of mercury outside of that time frame, some
of it destined for secret work in Japan, and some possibly
for other ports.

In September 1944, German submarine U-859 was sunk,

in the Malacca Straits, carrying 31 tons of mercury in
metal flasks. In February 1945, U864 was sunk near
Norway carrying 61 tons of mercury. These are just two

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subs that were sunk; but, they give us an small idea of the
volume that the Nazis were working with.

In Greek mythology (based on the fallen angels), Mercury

was the winged messenger. His name in Greek is derived
from Greek οὖρος (by analogy of Arctūrus/Ἀρκτοῦρος), as
the "keeper of boundaries," referring to his role as bridge
between the upper and lower worlds. He is often
portrayed in statues with The Cadacues, the winged staff
with intertwined serpents.

When we consider the powerful role of elemental mercury,

in its role in affecting gravity, etc., we shouldn't be
surprised to see that The Cadacues is literally a blueprint
of ancient understanding of how to bridge between "the
upper and lower worlds". The central staff represent the
poloidal magnetic force needed, the two serpents
represent the counter-rotating fluctuating electromagnetic
fields, and the caps represent the mercury
capacitors/reservoirs - all simple mercury vortex
technology that produces flight, and can even be used to
affect the time/space dimensions.

Nazi Flying Discs

While the internet is full of wild speculation about the Nazi flying discs, there
is plenty of sound historic and scientific evidence behind the propulsion
systems. This article is focusing merely on the technology. It should also be
noted that at this same time, American scientists, such as Tesla, were
working in similar fields, and with similar scientific principles.

In short, the Haunebu, Vril, & Thule Triebwerks discs

created powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that
affected gravity.

The Nazi Haunabu-type craft used triangulated Marconi

vortex dynamos (which were the high spin, high voltage,
high current capacitors filled with liquid mercury). These
are the spheres seen underneath; these were not gun
ports, as often drawn in fantasy depictions. When these
capacitors have a lower rotational / voltage net energy, the
craft rises; when they have a higher energy, the ship

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descends. Their triangular placement is to optimally
manifest the boundary layer effect that encapsulates the

The strong, rotating electromagnetic fields were increased

in voltage to create increased frequency field oscillations,
essentially to where it created hyperspace.

The separate gravitational field around the craft allowed

the occupants to be unaffected by the gravitational affects
outside the field, and thus the crafts can perform the turns
and speeds often witnessed.

Because the gravitational field around the craft was different than the
surroundings, these crafts were not usable as weapons, since they could not fire
weaponry from one gravitational field to the other without adverse effects from
the equal force. This technology was being developed for observation, transport,
and for much later use.

The Nazi Bell

There is overwhelming evidence that shows that the Nazi Bell did exist.
What is wildly speculated over is what it was used for, and exactly how it
worked. For our purposes, we will only look at the core technology known to
be used in the device, and see if it fits other patterns of usage.

The Nazi Bell was a large, 3-in thick ceramic bell,

(similar to a porcelain insulator), around 9 feet in
diameter, and 12-14 feet high.

It went by various names:

Die Glocke (The Bell)

Vortex Tube
Der Laternentrager (Lantern Bearer - a loose
metaphor for the Light Bearer (Lucifer))
Kronos (Saturn). This may refer to spin
polarisation plasma physics; the plasma torus
inside would resemble the rings of Saturn.
Project Tor (Gate)

Inside were two counter-rotating containers (drums/spheres) on a common axle.

These drums were filled with mercury (liquid or amalgams). When operating, the

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interior was a vacuum; this is common with particle accelerators to propagate the
plasma inside.

At the minimum, the Bell was a heavy particle accelerator. It released x-rays
during the process as the mercury plasma released thermal neutrons, gamma
x-rays, and the entire device glowed violet-blue when operated for short periods.

Several Bells were made, and they were operated deep underground in the
Wenceslas Mine.

The vaporized mercury was spun in the magnetic field to provide excited
electrons; these would rotate as a donut-shaped plasma. With each rotation,
more electrons would be stripped off, causing double and triple ionization, and
vastly increasing in speed.

Theoretically, if you generate a torsion field of sufficient magnitude, you can bend
the four dimensions of space around the generator. When you bend space, you
also bend time. Creating anti-gravity means it eventually leads to time
and the space and energy beyond - this is the prime reason this technology is
heavily suppressed.

Food for Thought

These are only brainstorms from the material we have

reviewed. The future (aside from listed prophecy) is unknown.
We also know that the Bible specifically does not mention some
timeframes (the beginning of the Tribulation) in much detail. This
is done so that God's will and prophetic statements will be fulfilled
without mankind's tampering to change the outcome.

Prophetic fulfillment is often recognized in hindsight because of

this; we are told on a need-to-know basis, with the other details
deliberately left out. One clear example of this principle is the
seven thunders in Revelation; John was specifically told not to
write about those events (Rev 10:4). In other words, there are
critical details about the future that are deliberately obscured.

In Revelation 12:7, apparently describing the midpoint of the Tribulation,

Satan and his angels, are in heaven, fighting against Michael and his

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How did Satan and his angels get access to there? Why didn't they
do this before? In Luke 10:18, Jesus implied that Satan was already
cast out of heaven. When Jesus spoke to His disciples about future
things, it was always in future tense, not past. Satan was cast out of
heaven at one time (Eze 28:15) in the past, at the Garden of Eden.
We know that he somehow visits (the accuser of the brethren, Job
1:6, Rev. 12:10), but it seems that just he has that access.

Why does the Bible mention after Satan is cast down from heaven
that he now knows his time is short? Was he tampering with time
before that point and is expecting to have a lot more time? Why does
this seem to surprise and anger him?

"...Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the
devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he
knoweth that he hath but a short time." - Rev 12:12

Many of the experiments that tap into the force of gravity, apparently
produce gravitationally-induced electromagnetic fields in the process:
EMFs. These can affect electrical equipment in a similar manner to EMP.
Depending on the scale of usage when the Antichrist starts to use them,
there may be impacts that appear to have the same symptoms of an EMP

Jesus twice describes His surprise return for His watching servants as an
unmistakable, visible event in the sky:

"For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto
the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. " - Matthew
24:27 & Luke 17:24
Jesus describes that the world will see Him: He will be revealed - in the
same language that the Bible also uses to describe the Antichrist's
revealing (II Thess 2:6)! Antichrist's revealing will be mimicking Christ's!
"Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." -
Luke 17:30

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When He returns, does He literally open the door to Heaven as a portal into
our dimension? Is this the visual effect that Project Bluebeam is trying to
imitate? Is the movie Interstellar conditioning people to what the whole
world will see? Will the world literally, briefly see the throne room of
Heaven? It appears that the world knows 100% that they are now in the

"After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven:

and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet
talking with me; which said, Come up hither..." - Rev 4:1
"And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together;
and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And
the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the
chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every
free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the
mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and
hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from
the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and
who shall be able to stand?" - Rev 6:14-17

The book of Daniel does not give a day count for the first half of the
Tribulation, just that it is a period of time, times, and half a time.

"...and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into
his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." - Dan 7:25

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"...for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have
accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things
shall be finished." - Dan 12:7. Note that the angel again describes
the first half by perceptions of time, not by days or a fixed length. Not
till the midst of the covenant does the Antichrist move against the
Hebrews - that action comes after the playing around with time.

Notice the three different time perceptions given, and the order in which
they are given:

time: normal progression of linear time

times: accelerated time
dividing of time: half time / decelerated time

It appears that the angel is telling Daniel that there will be normal, linear
time, then a period of accelerated time (possibly going into the future?), and
then a period of dividing time (possibly going back into the past?). Put
another way, it appears that the angel is possibly describing a time loop:
several steps forward, and then a few steps back.

Satan, and his demons know that there is an

appointed time for their judgment; so, what is their
best hope for avoiding the appointment? Go back in
time or somehow stop time.
"And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we
to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou
come hither to torment us before the time?" - Matt

When Jesus says that He will shorten the days (at the midpoint) during the
Tribulation, is He also implying that the days have already been lengthened
prior? Has Satan slowed down the celestial clock to give himself more time?

"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh

be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." -
Matt 24:22

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Scientists have often speculated that for time travel to
occur (where objects or people could pass from one to the
other), you would apparently need to have a time device at
both ends. Food for thought: were the Nazi experiments
with time-related technology part of opening one side of a
two-sided wormhole? Can you only visit the past where you
have already built the door? Is CERN the powerful side to
wedge open a crack made in the past?

The Book of Revelation mentions that there will be a period of five months
where people will not be able to die. What is the only way that this could
happen? Time loops seems to be a technical solution - to die, but not die

"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and
shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." - Rev 9:6

It is interesting to note that there have been a number of movies (especially

recent) - all dealing with time loops and going back in time. For example:

Tomorrowland, 2015 (a place in time and space)

Edge of Tomorrow, 2014 (repeated dying in time loops)
Star Trek, 2009
Star Trek: First Contact (the Borg / tesseract)
Stargate: Continuum
The Terminator series
Philadelphia Experiment II
12 Monkeys
Groundhog Day (repeated time loops, with some dying)
Back to the Future
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
The Final Countdown

Is Satan trying to get people used to what is about to happen?

11 of 12
While I cannot say one way or another, I would expect any
fiddling with time to not go beyond the life timeline of those
who have witnessed the rebirth of the state of Israel. The
other prophetic events have been fulfilled within that
timeframe, and Christ did say that some of those that saw
the rebirth would also be alive at the end of the Tribulation
(Matt 24:34, Mark 13:30, Luke 21:32).

Friend, I do not know what the past, present, or future holds; all I can do is
research and make educated guesses. I do know that the Lord commands us to
watch and live as though He is returning unexpectedly. Regardless of what Satan
and the Antichrist end up doing during their short time in the limelight, it will have
zero bearing on your and my accountability in the here and now.

" ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,

forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." - I Cor

We will have to give account on That Day, of all our labor - and lack of labor - for
eternity. Eternity is what matters, friend.

"...For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far
more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things
which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which
are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." - II
Cor 4:17-18
"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be
compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." - Romans 8:18

Updates (Updates will be appended here as needed)

Update #1 - 4/24/15
"But of that day and that hour knoweth no man,
no, not the angels which are in heaven,
neither the Son, but the Father.
Take ye heed, watch and pray:
for ye know not when the time is."
- Mark 13:32-33

12 of 12
By Daniel Valles,

This article is Part IV of Time, CERN, and the Bible series, and presupposes that
you have read Part I, Part II, and Part III.


REWIND was a cancelled TV show pilot revolving

around a team of military field operatives and
civilian scientists who travel back into time (using
an underground particle accelerator) to alter past
events in order to change the future. [youtube]

Someone spent a lot of money to make this pilot

episode, which is filled with blatant references to
the CERN accelerator and time travel, and Rubik's

The Flash TV Series

An ABC TV Series about The Flash, the fastest

man alive. "After a particle accelerator causes a
freak storm..." [source] Even in the promotional
graphics they include the familiar accelerator
device - modeled after the same LHC setup.
FlashForward TV Show

FlashForward was first a novel, set at CERN; it

was then made into an ABC TV series.

"Sawyer's story follows a research team using the

particle accelerator at CERN in pursuit of the
elusive Higgs Boson, a theoretical subatomic
particle. But instead of finding the Higgs, the
consciousness of the entire human race is thrown
ahead by twenty-one years." [CERN][wiki][hulu]

Interestingly, one of CERN's top

scientists, John Ellis did a video
interview talking about the science
behind the FlashForward series.

For his interview, the statue of Shiva

is prominiently in the background,
with the CERN 666 logo lined up
directly underneath.

RIFT Movie Short

"A surreal interpretation of Pandora's Box about a

scientist whose failed experiment results in the
formation of a black hole that alters time and
space..." [Lstudios]

In the behind-the-scenes, they say the particle

accelerator is based on the LHC; it visually echoes
two major components of the LHC.
CERN Half-Truth?

On April 1st, 2015 (April Fool's), CERN posted an

update entitled, "CERN researchers confirm
existence of the Force".

While most of the post was an obvious spoof, there

is the veiled reference to the dark side. Also, the
very last sentence ends on a curious note: "With
the research ongoing, many at CERN are already
predicting that the Force will awaken later this

More Media In-Your-Face

On Nov 10th, 2014, Rihanna visited the White

House. After not posting anything on Instagram for
six months, she suddenly posted pictures of her at
the White House gate, calling to open the gates.

Her dress clearly depicted the recognizable LHC

structure and corresponding colors.
Even More Media In-Your-Face

In Part I of this series, we covered Katy Perry's

Halftime performance. Shortly afterwards, I found
that she made a Pepsi commercial ("Hyped for
Halftime", released just prior to the Superbowl) that
was about her upcoming halftime show (where she
rode in on the beast, particle, etc.).

The commercial starts with her entering in through

a doorway, walking in a spacesuit (with implied
devil horns), with what looks like a giant UFO
(reminiscent of Close Encounters of the Third Kind)
in the background.

After taking off the spacesuit, she stops in front of a

model of a stadium, while a giant fan sits
prominently in the background, very similar in
configuration to CERN's LHC. She talks about
glitter (particles).
She shows off her time machine, saying she is
going to be bringing in a special guest.

In the background, there is a noticeable 666.

Mention of Pegasus (a winged, white horse in

Greek mythology) and unicorns. Also, blatant
references throughout to gravity's rainbow (time
travel and portals), neon CERN, neon cube.

Commercial ends with Katy walking through

another large doorway, bathed in light, with
exploding fireworks superimposed (colliding

Key to the Bottomless Pit?!

On January 12, 2015, CERN posted an update called "LHC Season 2: holding the
key to new frontiers." To mark the restart of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the
activities coordinator symbolically handed over the LHC key to the operations
team. "With collisions at energies never reached in a particle accelerator before,
the LHC will open a new window for discovery..."
Based on what we have seen in the other parts of this series, I believe they are
gloating over the fact that their intent is to open the bottomless pit. It hasn't
happened yet, but they are almost there...

"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the
earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened
the bottomless pit..." - Rev 9:1-2
By Daniel Valles,


This article is Part V of Time, CERN, and the Bible series, and presupposes that
you have read Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV.

Here are even more evidences toward Satan's signaling to his disciples what his
plans include - and that to expect them very soon. The LHC collider has already
powered up, and is already making initial collisions to finalize calibration before
their announced special run in June. I strongly suspect, however, that their posted
schedule is only for public consumption.

With each of these media pieces we are about to examine, although they may
seem totally different, the symbology, technical references, and even reoccuring
patterns are the same. All of the messaging in this article is from the trailers only.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III 2015 game trailer

The premise of this video game is: "In the next 50

years, technological advancements will lead us into
a world where only those who risk going too far, will
find out how far we can actually go." [trailer]

"Mankind's greatest mistake will be its inability to

control the technology it has created."

Not only is there a direct picture of a particle

accelerator flashed on the screen really fast, but
there is also an almost-exact rippled blast, similar
to the CERN-film, Symmetry which we covered in
Part II.
Fantastic Four movie trailer

You really have to watch the trailer

fullscreen, and in motion, to see that
the octagonal dimensional gateway
that they use is patterned after the
LHC and the CERN databank;
multiple parts are copied closely in

Displayed on one of the screens in the trailer is a

dimensional view that helps you visualize it better
and make the connection. This is their dimensional

"You opened a door you don't know how to close."

- [trailer]

CERN Reference

Even apart from their dimensional gateway, they

use the same CERN octagonal reference again in
a trailer training scene.
Dreamwork's Home movie trailer

Right away, in their title logo, we see the portal

spiral from the sculpture that is right outside of the
main CERN building [Part IV]. It also appears
several other times throughout just the trailer.

There is the exact same splitting of the particles

sequence that was seen in Katy Perry's 2015
halftime show, along with the main figure marching
down the middle [Part IV]!

There is also the exact same horned figure coming

through a doorway, from a UFO, as Katy Perry's
pre-halftime Pepsi commercial [Part IV]!

Blatant reference to Saturn (Satan) and gravity's

rainbow (time travel, dimensional portals).
And, of course, double references to tetrahedrons
(tesseract) and tet space ships, just like in Oblivion
and (intended) for 2001: Space Odyssey [Part II].

Lego Dimensions xbox game

"When a mysterious and powerful vortex suddenly

appears in various LEGO worlds, different
characters from DC Comics, The Lord of the Rings
and The LEGO Movie are swept away. To save
their friends, Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle
bravely jump into the vortex and quickly find
themselves fighting to save all of LEGO humanity."

Obviously, their logo references the spiral

The trailer starts out with a mysterious box
(Pandora's box) arriving at the front door. This is a
clear reference to the tesseract concept.

Concept in Avengers

Transformers' Allspark

The tv briefly shows a scene from The Wizard of

Oz, as the house travels through the tornado

In the trailer, a gold lion

(similar to Katy Perry's
halftime show), is
noticeably visible several

The lego characters travel to the Emerald City,

presumably to meet the Wizard, so they can get
knowledge, etc.
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation 2015 movie trailer

While not as blatant, there are some curious

references in the Mission Impossible trailer.

These include what appears to be a tokamak

reactor [Part III] and circular blueprints that are
shown with the torus blueprints.

CERN readouts

Tom Cruise later jumping into what appears to be a

water intake, but could represent a portal,
especially with water regularly used in the occult to
represent time. Even the opening somewhat
resembles a typical stargate / portal. I doubt it is

Disney's Tomorrowland movie trailer

"...embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the

secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time
and space known only as “Tomorrowland.” What
they must do there changes the world—and
them—forever." [trailer 2][trailer 3]
A segmented display, very similar to the LHC
computer readouts of the various detector sectors.

CERN readouts

A mini-portal, very similar to the Lego dimensions,

and others, is seen in the living room.

On the main character's shirt is seen the

predictable and obvious spiral pattern.

Time is almost over...

Friend, all of these movies and games were released this year.

Satan is making sure his disciples are informed and ready for the events about to
transpire in this world. They are excitedly awaiting his arrival.

" ye also ready" (Matt 24:44)

- or you will be left
"with the unbelievers." (Luke 12:46)
"The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him,
and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder,
and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers."
- Luke 12:46

It has been amazing and humbling to see how the Lord opened the doors of
understanding on this subject (and the related subjects), just within the last weeks.
I have heard from other watchmen the same experience of being burdened all of a
sudden to get this information out there during these weeks. Many connections are
now being noticed by the watchmen as we see how close Satan is to his goal. The
Lord has also worked various events in my life during this time that have grabbed
my attention like no other to this exact, singular subject.

"And at midnight there was a cry made,

Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps."
- Matthew 25:6-7

Time is short.
The watchmen are blowing the trumpets.
Are you ready?

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