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Name : Andriya Fitriya Anwar

Nim : 19020230044

My Dream

Everyone has a dream in his life which they want to achieve when they grow up. Some
want to be a doctor, lawyer, and engineer. But only you know that for achieving these goals you
have to work hard and stay attentive to it. After I graduated from vocational high school as a
Multimedia major, I decide to turn my dream into reality. I tried to register in some of the
universities as a design interior major but I was rejected by all of them. With a big failure that I
got, I decided to study different thing which is the newest thing for me. That’s English, I studied
in a small place which had many memories as people said,” Kampung Inggris”. After I graduated
from there, I tried to teach in some courses while learning about design. Staying motivated by
my parents is part of my goal to still continue my dreams as a graphic designer. What people
usually think and believe about designers is that we are ‘creative’. They think we have the
capabilities to use our brain in a more logical. Being a designer is a lot more than just being
simply ‘creative’. Actually, no. That is also not the point here. The real point is to understand the
word ‘creative’. Well, this is something I truly believe in. Since the day I stepped into this world
of expressing craziness. I have a lot of room to grow and this is where I have decided to start and
take a step towards the ladder to reach the pinnacle of my dreams.

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