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Name: Dylan Clerque.

Date: Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Class: 2nd IB

Report: The new student café

In this report I´m going to talk about the problems with the new café and why students don’t use
the existing facilities. My purpose is upgrade our new café with some recommendations. The
situation is that my college is going to create a new student café and students don’t use the
existing facilities, so I want to explain why.

For this report I did a questionnaire for my classmates and they answer this. So, I could realize
that my classmates hate that our facilities close too early and they couldn´t buy at the end of the
classes. I saw that the facilities don’t have many things and that is so uncomfortable because is
very small. When I bought there, I could appreciate that is expensive because a bottle of water
cost 2 dollars.

In conclusion, I thing that this report is very important, because our new student café is going to
be better. My classmates and me will buy often.

I recommend to the new café to work a little more to have the possibility of buy at the end of the
class. I recommend too that have many products, to have variety of products. Expand the local
and upgrade the chairs to be more comfortable and finally don’t put high prices.

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