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Mental Health Considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak​:

1. Work from home, complete your pending works
2. Do Exercise
3. Practice meditation/yoga
4. Seek updates for COVID-19 once or twice a day
5. Sign up for online courses
6. Watch new content i.e web series, TV series, movies etc. (Best time is now)
7. Listen to new podcasts
8. Learn new language of your interest
9. Try making new dishes/ learn cooking (Something that will be helpful anytime in
10. Cultivate the habit of reading (We have ample time to read)
11. Learn how to solve different cubes i.e. Rubik’s cube, ​pyraminx, skewb etc.
12. Help your parents in household works
13. Learn a language through duolingo.
14. Learn to play musical instrument
15. Watch a live show of a band you don’t know (Youtube)
16. Find new music! ​Here ​and ​Here​ are come cool playlists for discovery! Also try
everynoise​ and ​music-map​.
17. Spend some time outside if you can safely do so
18. Learn a new skill, (brainjogging as an example )
19. Learning to stay absolutely silent(mouna vrath)
20. Try your luck on writing: Write a daily journal or create poem or short story based on
your past experiences
21. Learn Surya-namaskar (Practice of yoga, which consist of 12 asanas, for full body
22. Spend time with family and mainly grandparents

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