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Implement HR analytics in organisation:

Follow the 4 steps outlined below on how to implement analytics into your hiring to give yourself an edge.

Step 1: Encourage a culture of data-based decision making

A data-based decision making culture is characterized by collecting data, analyzing information, and conducting
tests.Encouraging innovation, tolerating mistakes, and emphasizing continual learning all help to create this type of culture.
In a data-based decision making culture, insights revealed by the data – rather than opinion or gut feel – take priority.

Step 2: Identify a question you want to answer

Assess your current pain points. What’s ailing your company the most right now?
Remember to be specific and start small by setting a reasonable goal. Think of a hypothesis based on a problem you’re
experiencing and that you think data will help solve.
Based on this hypothesis, determine what needs to be measured and what data needs to be collected.

Step 3: Collect the data

Based on step two, decide on what data you want to collect.
Use accurate data measurement tools and software to ensure data is being captured in a standardized way. Software that
uses analytics is emerging for all areas of recruitment and talent management, and many companies offer free trials or
reduced prices for early adopters of their technology.
This software will look for patterns in your data.
Step 4: Interpret the results and take action
Based on the results of your data analysis, figure out the story your data is telling you.
Then determine which actions can be taken based on that story. Implementing those actions and then following up on their
outcomes is what makes analytics a truly strategic tool.

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