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Healthy Eating For Diabetics

Having diabetes can result in a number of health problems. To reduce the

risk for complications such as heart disease and stroke, it is necessary that
you maintain a healthy diet. A diabetes diet means that you eat the
healthiest foods which are naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and
calories. A healthy diet includes eating vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meats,
whole grains, beans and non-fat dairy products.

Plan Your Meal

In addition, it is easier to maintain a healthy diet if you plan your meals. Your
meals should be in moderate amounts and you should stick to regular
mealtimes. You should also consider the food you choose and the portions
you eat. The plan helps you control your blood sugar, manage your weight
and control risk factors for heart disease and high blood pressure.

Always Eat Smart. Include healthy carbohydrates, "good" fats, and fiber-rich
foods in your diet. Avoid saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, and sodium.
Make sure that your food provides the highest quality nutrients you can find.

You may also consider the size of your plates. A smaller plate can make
smaller servings look bigger.

Minimize Dining at Restaurants

Instead of dining out, consider cooking at home. Not only you supervise your
food intake, you also get to bond with your family in the kitchen. The more
you dine healthfully at home, the more successful you'll be. Enjoy your
grocery and stock your kitchen with ingredients that can be made into quick
meals with very little effort. And when you do dine out, choose wisely and
order less to control your food intake.


Lastly, exercise can help control your diabetes. Regular exercise coupled
with a healthy diet can improve your condition. If you stay fit and active,
you'll be able to control your ailment, keep your blood sugar level in the
normal range and prevent further complications.

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