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The Constitution of Dystopia

We the people of the Great Dystopia hereby promise to abide by and fulfill the following
document’s statements and laws. We will change and create laws as needed and therefore
continue to improve our great nation. The aforementioned regulations and laws state how the
great Union of Dystopia shall be run to ensure peace and freedom among the citizens of
Dystopia. We also abide by all laws in the United States of America because we abide in such

I. ​The Rights of the People

1. Citizens reserve the right to leave the union at any time after filing a document of
immediate withdrawal.
2. Citizens have the right to vote and petition for change
3. Citizens have the right to run for leader
4. Citizens reserve the right to file a court case against the government or citizens
for the following reasons, which must be seconded by 5 other citizens in a
government case or 3 in a civil case.

-Refusal to elect officials
-Refusal to address concerns
-Multiple unfair trials
-Unfair treatment of the people
-Abuse of power
-Breaking the Constitution
-unfulfilled promises among companies
-Companies refusing to pay out or to follow the constitution

-Stolen property
7. If citizens believe that a leader has abused his power, they may file to the leaders to
impeach them. However, the final decision belongs to the leaders. Their must be a unanimous
decision between the remaining innocent leaders. If 2 or less or left, they must be seconded by
5 citizens.
Ⅱ. Justice

1. The accused shall be entitled to the right of a jury of up to 5 citizens to plead his case to
the accusing jury, which he will file to the government
2. The accusing jury shall be made up of 5 people.
3. The accused may choose to defend his or herself.
4. The final verdict shall be chosen by the accusing jury.
5. The accuser must file for the reason of the accusation.
6. The accused must also file a document to say who is on the defending jury, including
him or herself.
7. The government shall pick the accusing jury of a wide variety of members.
8. If the accused finds the accusing jury biased, he or she must file for a retrial with a fair
jury, seconded by 2 or more attendees of the trial. The defensive jury may remain the
same. If the retrial is approved, the government is required to replace 3 or more
members of the accusing jury.
9. All accused shall have the right to an attorney, but they must hire them themselves.



1. Taxes that are imposed on the working citizens of Dystopia must be in line with the
following rules:
a. Taxes may consist of 1/4 of the monthly income.
b. Taxes are collected every month.
c. Taxes may only be collected in the same currency as the income.
These rules only apply to Dystopian citizens.
2. Taxes Imposed on other Governments due to occupied land or otherwise must be in line
with the following rules:
a. Taxes may include the other government’s currencies.
b. Taxes are collected every week.
c. Taxes are imposed by the Treasurer, but may not exceed ⅓ of the citizens’ or
government's income.
If two governments collectively tax another, the taxes must be split evenly.
3. Taxes imposed on companies within Dystopia must follow the following rules:
a. Any company operating in the borders of Dystopia shall be under right to be
taxed, licensed or unlicensed.
b. Taxes shall consist of 1/5 of the companies income before pay is deducted.
4. New taxes can be put into place by the Treasurer, with the consent of 2 other leaders, in
the event of war or an economic crisis in Dystopia.
5. Taxes are collected by the Treasurer.
6. Tax evasion will result in all money of any currency being seized by the government for
the next 2 weeks.
B. Regulations of Companies in Dystopia

Companies that may exist in Dystopia include:

1. Banks
2. Insurance Firms
3. Investing Firms
4. Law Firms
There shall be no other types of companies supported in Dystopia.

Ⅰ. Regulations of Banks
1. Banks must be under license in Dystopia.
2. If a bank has employees, they must be given fair wages.
3. Banks may lend money at an interest rate of no more than 5% interest per
month. They may also open accounts on behalf of their clients. Any accounts
open must only be savings accounts. Banks may not give credit cards or debit
4. Banks may choose whether to provide interest on their savings accounts, but if
there is interest it must be a minimum of 2% per month.

Ⅱ. Regulations of Insurance Firms

1. Insurance Firms may insure any amount in any category up to one hundred
Dystopian dollars.
2. Any firm is able to insure an item or money amount up to the amount previously
stated for at most 40% of the current value per month.
3. If a firm has employees, they may appraise and charge fees to appraise objects
which must go directly to the company. Any employee must be paid a fair wage.

Ⅲ. Regulations of Investing Firms

1. Investing companies may invest in any number of companies.
2. If the company operates in Dystopia, they must follow the interest and earning
equity rules previously stated.
3. Employees may recruit companies to invest in and must be paid a fair wage.

Ⅳ. Regulations of Law Firms

1. Law firms may only participate in the cases of law in the country in which it
2. Law firms may collect fees for service.
3. Dues must be paid on the day of the court case.
4. Employees may only be attorneys for the defendant. Employees must be paid a
fair wage.

All companies and Dystopia may collaborate with each other, but must have the terms in
a written agreement for legal purposes. Otherwise, no help will be provided if any other
company has sued and the case will be dismissed. All companies but banks are suggested to
be under license with The Great Dystopia or otherwise no help will be given from the
government. Banks must be under license with Dystopia.

C. Other Regulations for Companies in Dystopia

1. Banks must be under license and be approved by the four leaders of Dystopia. Licenses
must be renewed every year. If a company is not under an official license with Dystopia,
they shall receive no financial or other help from the government of The Great Dystopia.
2. There shall be a fifteen Dystopian dollar fee for filing a renewal or request to be
approved for a license.
3. The country of Dystopia may have a national bank and mint to print currency and special
passes in given amounts which must be approved by Mr. Maxwell. The treasurer of
Dystopia shall be responsible for the printing of new currency in Dystopia.
4. Companies will be given a misdemeanor and then their license shall be revoked. They
shall not be able to apply for another license for two weeks.
5. Banks may complete transactions outside of Dystopia or Maxwelltopia, but companies
must submit a record of the items sold, price sold at, price bought at, and whom it was
sold to, as well as the company who sold it. This shall be due two days after the outside
transaction is complete. After the initial transaction is complete, there is no need to refile
a secondary transaction.
6. Passes must be dated by the date it was bought.
7. Inside transactions do not require a record.
8. Once an outside transaction enters Dystopia, a tariff may be imposed on the seller when
the record is turned in of three percent, differing by no more than three percent.
9. Tariffs shall be collected by the country the citizen is entering..

D. Rules and Regulations of the Stock Market

1. Any company may have 10 stocks. For every one stock that an investor owns, that
investor receives 5% of the companies profits.
2. Stocks must be paid for in full upon purchase.
3. Companies may sell stocks, but must submit a record by the end of the week.
4. Companies must keep track of the stocks bought and sold. If a company oversells
stocks, they must buy enough back to get back to the maximum allowed.
5. If an investor wants to sell a stock in the company, they must sell it back to the company
that it was bought from within 25% up or down of the price bought.
6. There shall be no trust funds.

Ⅱ.The People’s Petition for Leaders and Elections

Requirements to Run in Elections

1. Citizen of Dystopia
2. 8th Grade student
3. No suspicious activity with an outlying country
4. Must choose an assistant from the 8th grade to help and fill in if needed.

Ⅳ. ​Running in Elections

1. Those who desire to run must have at least 7 signatures of citizens that want the
candidate to run.
2. Leaders are reelected each year and are responsible for all legal matters and affairs and
consult each other for all decisions.
3. There will be one leader for each of the following jobs (That leader runs for their job in
Military Leader

2. There will be at all times, a maximum of 2 of each of the following
ranks within our military
a. General
b. Colonel
c. Captain
d. Lieutenant
The rest of the military has the rank of Private. The ranking of power descends the list.
Each Private is paid at least 3 Dystopian Dollars a week. One dollar is added with each rank.

1. For no reason shall the military of Dystopia be forcibly charged

with invading a similar country, such as Maxwelltopia, but only
exists for the defence of The Great Dystopia. However, when our
country does declare war, such soldiers may legally fight for us.
Fighting in an offensive war is therefore optional.
2. In the event that a Mafia or unsubmissive enemy within our
borders arises, the military shall be summoned to fight with the
opposing party.
3. The military shall be made up of 5 or more members as
determined by a sign-up. Leaders may not be in the military, but
are allowed to fight in battles.
4. In the event that 2 or more members of the military should be
absent and a battle occurs, available citizens shall be summoned
to take their place.
5. New soldiers will be made every year.
6. In the event of a war, more citizens are allowed to fight in such
battles if approved. They are under the original soldiers in rank.
This also allows leaders to fight in such battles
7. This leader can propose a treaty or armistice, in the event of a
war, with the consent of 2 other leaders. He will decide the terms
proposed with consent of the Justice Leader, but 3 leaders must
agree to the terms proposed by the opposition.
8. This leader shall handle all matters pertaining to the military.
9. They are responsible for starting wars, with approval from 2 other
10. They are responsible for all battles and battle-plans.
11. They can promote Privates, who have proven themselves in
battle, to available higher ranks.
12. In the event of an impeachment of this leader, the highest ranking
general will replace this leader until an election can be held.
13. Every private shall be paid three Dystopian dollars a week, which
shall increase by one Dystopian dollar per rank.
14. Any rank of soldier shall be paid an additional two Dystopian
dollars per battle fought in.
15. No soldier is able to be promoted more than one rank at a time.

Justice Leader

1. This leader is responsible for all legal matters within our borders.
2. This leader may select three Judges and give them different levels
of importance and power.
a. Judges shall be paid at least 5 Dystopian dollars per week
and paid an additional three Dystopian dollars for court
case officiated.
b. Each member of the jury will also be paid three Dystopian
dollars for their work.
3. He has the most say in the verdict of the trials among the accusing
jury who will have the final say, and will also be representative of
the will of the other leaders after consulting with them.
4. He chooses five citizens as members of the accusing jury for such
trials with consultation from the other leaders and must have the
approval of at least three other leaders.
5. He must make an official charge to open the court to trial with the
consultation from other leaders.
6. The justice leader is in charge of filing for all court cases that take
place and enforcing the consequences.
7. In order to remove a leader, all 3 accusing leaders must come to a
unanimous decision to remove the leader seconded by at least 10
citizens, or a citizen must file to remove a leader seconded by
three-fourths of the citizen body.
8. In the event of an Impeachment, the most important judge will
become the new Judicial Leader until a new leader can be

Document Manager

1. This leader is responsible for keeping all legal papers and

documents. Such documents include Citizen Census, Military
Gathering, Constitution of the Dystopia, Declaration of Dystopia,
and will create others when needed.
2. He can change the constitution when a unanimous vote is held
among our leaders.
3. He must be able to recall documents when they are needed.


1. He is responsible for all monetary matters.

2. He can ask other leaders for payment contributions for necessary
3. He may not bribe anyone with the treasury.
4. The leaders are responsible for all merchandise and items owned
by our country.
5. All purchases must benefit the country, agreed upon by the
leaders, and documented by the document manager.
6. They are responsible for imposing taxes with one other leader’s

Ⅴ. Voting and Elections

1. The previous year’s leaders will run elections

2. New Leaders will be elected every year. Elections start during the third
week of school, allowing new members to become citizens. Potential
candidates may apply to run for a specific branch of the government up
until the end of the second week of school.
3. The next 2 weeks are for campaigning by those running for their
respective offices.
4. On the 5th week of school, elections are held.
1. Boxes are set out by each person with their name and the
position they are running for posted on the box, separated into
categories based on their branches.
2. Citizens put one vote, with their name and grade on it, on a slip
of paper and put it in the box for each category.
3. The votes will be counted and the winners will be posted for
each category by the document manager in a week after the

Ⅵ. Citizenship

1. A census is taken 2nd week of school and those who sign it are made citizens.
2. Afterwards, those who choose to become citizens, must sign the Citizenship form, given
to them by the Document Manager which is then turned back in to be processed.
3. If approved by the leaders, that person then is made a citizen.
4. Those who become citizens, if they meet the requirements, can choose to join the
military as soldiers and may possibly move up in the ranks.
5. Citizens are able to leave our country at any time, but must fill out a document of
immediate succession, and if they choose to rejoin, must fill out the Citizenship form

Ⅶ. Amending the Constitution

1. Only the Document Manager may propose a new law or change the constitution by
2. Otherwise, 2 leaders or 5 citizens may propose to make a new law or change the
3. Once proposed, it then must be passed by at least 3 leaders.
4. Next, 7 citizens must then approve of it by signature.
5. No propositions may change our form of government, weaken our army, remove the
voice of the people, or support an outlying country without supporting us.

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