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Discussion forum - Unit 1 - Task 2 - Writing Production

Presented by:

Marly Yelithza Turizo Ariza Cód. 1115739721

Daniel Alberto Antequera Cód.84.451.096

Emileydy Ramírez Urbina Cód. 1115733793

Laura Sofía Romero Cód.

Yolman Alexis Morales Cód. 1065648696

Group_ 900003_416

Presented to:

Carlos Cesar Casas

National Open and Distance University

Academic and Research Vice-Rectory

School of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

English B1

March 2020
Text written by the group.


Paragraph 1: Describing your occupation and your duties at work

Music teachers teach students of all ages and abilities to read musical escores, play an

instrument, or sing. Teachers teach in a wide variety of settings, including schools, colleges,

universities and conservatories. Some teachers teach music privately, in their own homes, or in

their students' homes. Some of the functions of a music teacher are as follows: Plan and organize

classes. Explain and demonstrate the different learning techniques. Prepare students for exams or

presentations, Establish tasks and a work plan, Teach concepts such as rhythm and harmony and

provide information and support to students and parents.

Paragraph 2: Describing the workplace.

My workplace is a calm, harmonious, ventilated, illuminated environment, we have all the

necessary tools to carry out the assigned activities. We work as a team, we have an excellent

leader, the company has a well-implemented structure and it complies with the Legal

Regulations in force, we have protocols for attention, communication and service.

Paragraph 3: Describing reasons for having this occupation.

One of the reasons why I exercise this occupation is because I love music and through it I can

teach a person to play an instrument and I am also generating several benefits that can make him

a successful person. By learning to play a musical instrument and read a score you are improving

your brain power. A study shows that people who learn music are more successful throughout
their lives. Studying music will make you, for example, more skillful in subjects such as

mathematics. Mastering an instrument can be hard work, but it brings many rewards for your

brain and will give you tools to be successful in all aspects of your life.

Paragraph 4: Describing your skills and weaknesses.

Paragraph 5: Answer to the question: If you could do any kind of job, what would you like

to be?

I would like to have a job where I can perform my art and create incredible design pieces, I

would like the place to be expanded where there are different recreation places to take active

breaks and share with my colleagues, something similar to the google study, I would also like to

be were allowed to bring pets and have place for them.

Comments made to the classmates

Marly Yelithza Turizo Ariza

Emileydy Ramírez Urbina
Yolman Alexis Morales
Laura Sofía Romero

Daniel Alberto Antequera

Bibliographic References

UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1-1: Interview and respond to interviews (1). Inglés B1.

Taken from:


UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 1-2: Interview and respond to interviews (2). Inglés B1.

Taken from:


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