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What did you do last weekend?

¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado?

Por: Blanca Rosa González Hernández
El objetivo de la siguiente presentación es que
analices el uso del pasado simple en una situación

Observa que todas las palabras resaltadas en

color naranja son verbos en pasado.
Hello, my name is Fernando.

Figura 1. Fernando.

I am 7 years old.
I am going to tell you what happened last
Figura 2. At the park.

On Saturday s morning, we visited the park and we

saw a huge rock.
I found a big leaf.

Figura 3. Fernando and his leaf.

Figura 4. Fernando’s mom and her bottle.

My mother was thirsty and drank a

bottle of water.
On Sunday we had a party. It was my sister s
third birthday. It was a really funny day.

Figura 5. Fernando and sister playing with dough.

First my sister and I played with

some special dough.
Figura 6. Fernando, his mom and his sister.

My mom showed us how to use it.

We stretched it.
Figura 7. Fernando and his prize.

I won a toy. It was a little white egg.

I changed it into a new form.
My sister sat on a little red chair. She was sitting
between two friends.

Figura 8. Girls.

Jessica had long black hair. She is the oldest.

She was on the left.

Lucy had short black hair. She was sitting on a

little pink chair.
My father helped my
sister. They played

Figura 9. Playing golf.

After that, they tried to
catch a duck with a
hoop, but my sister
wanted to do it by

Figura 10. Catching ducks together.

Figura 11. Catching ducks alone.
Figura 12. Catching ducks with dad.

Then it was my turn, I played with my dad.

Figura 13. Eating watermelon.

Finally I ate some watermelon.

Atribución de las imágenes

•  Las imágenes utilizadas en esta

presentación son cortesía de Blanca
Rosa González Hernández.

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