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CHAPTER 3 – Hoyos Zuloeta Brandon

1. What was Sultan Haroun’s problem?

The sultan couldn't sleep one night so he mentioned to his vizier if the night could be
shorter, it was what he wanted.

2. Who was Masrour? Why did he laugh?

It was the vizier of the sultan, his lord laughed because he thought of something funny and
told the sultan of a man who said funny things.

3. Who was Abdurrazak?

He was a fat and fat man. The fat man told funny stories and did funny things. Everyone
laughed at him.

4. What was the agreement between Masrour and Abdurrazak?

Abdurrazak had to give him something to mask the other half for since he had spoken to
his vizier about him and when the vizier would pay him the deal it was the one agreed
between the two Abdurrazak he was not very happy with this, but in the end he said yes.

5. Why didn’t Haroun laugh?

Abdurrazak started saying and doing funny things but the sultan thought Abdurrazak was a
very stupid man and he was not funny.

6. What was the payment that Abdurrazak received?

Masrour, hit this man hard ten times, then Masrour: Well, do you want half your rate? I hit five
more times. The sultan turned to his vizier. This is the second half, he said. My vizier will give you a
hundred pieces of gold. Now, Abdurrazak, collect your fee and go home.

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