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FOR $0L0 GUITAR_ Cet ee “Cong molt ve ARCANA Enos BOK 425 CAWACA, MEP 26g LE CRI DE MERLIN L. Muorve Ne ae COMMISSIONED WITH FUNDS PROVIDED BY THE CANADA Counc DE DIC, ID 10 NORBERT KRAFT PROGRAM NOTE Many are the stories told of Merlin, wizard at King Arthur's court. He was alleged to be the offspring of a virtuous woman and an incubus, which accounts for his amoral character. "Among other endowments," says Bullfinch, "he had the power to transform himself into any shape he pleased. At one time he appeared as a dwarf, at others as a damsel, = Pago, er oven a greyhouu ov a stay." Arter serving King Arthur, it is said, he returned to the forest with the fairy Viviane and was never seen again. His cries were still heard but were increasingly leca wnderstocd as society gradually exchanged its faith in magic for faith in technology and civilisation. PERFORMERS Wore: The performer must make a tape of birdsong which will accompany the guitar from the bottom of page 13 to the wud of the piece. whe tape fades in gradually to achieve a volume equal to that of the guitar, then slowly fades out again at the conclusion of the piece. LE CRI DE MERLIN RMeray ake ey sea. 60 C step staves oN vioewrty yp TiBtessve, Airrse A Lomy —— ee ot x ‘x x A ee a a ee ect gett mn ArEenpo Woseurey . . wemy are aoe ATENEO se See, eee oe ts ete P Thre wy pricenrps( wer > 7 te Seo a Malus) Ou" UPAR SIOE OF GbITAR © copyricny ARCAWA Eomous 1987 Woveurey 2® aa jae. 7 (d=4) daesy seowowe & Shon ATENDO dc 84 MODERATELY sca Zo (worm) ” eas a gk © 406 Mie _ pt oa i _ 2 pine p = = a ———— mp apo Re ire ATEMpo ® (d= cao) om Pane a ks SSS Spf FF P— Ff a RAAPS0DIC; FREELY ~~ => 7 oOoO> F Fy — ee Pee, Ve age — = eee BN Caney [ime sna? : ary Po gw mg be sist 2. Sed Tapeme way) BEGIAING FeeK132 5 POCO A POCO ACcELERANDO.., - Farce. 45 BePote 23 SS poof ——— SHAE WITH GkEAr ENEcy o oO o ey dF S8.46-100 — WARD KNOCK CC Bite aeeB ar 2508 OF SeodS woe z Exa deans Sus pour (veky erme) a Siek He eee 7 ea — he | ¢ (#) yD : REAM. RIT Si, pour — (A TEMPO TY AeA o> ™y way , es fakin from [Se Be ee Seed = 2 a wa — RELAXING: A TEMPO . ce Wha 6 , Ot TS rf ee @ 40 Ayan ers i. 7 Mesene puesntiry:” A684 35 4 2 3 yf vacewny tg bee Became wonnne, ar a oT Hi fom Hef re G + a ger =a —— 4; VERY REAXED Aerie. HARMONIES oes — 5 & sims At 2 ae GaFp = Sige £$stt it gd eee on a = — ? 7 fs ye Sas AE OG, a ahead = a i= ee rs = we —— ROE = Zappa —~ Puce AS ao 96 ¢=192) ‘Bepoe pine bbe im a= # ’—=? ——— Genome ae ear Ty _ or eee ==. 3 = ¥ PO ——_—__ deze Furvousty ; Crom ny 00_ © 0,0, aie, aeettd Be 2 etint Scag MBE ce RELAX Ta, pees > ce > > > = SP bgee P Ss Se Sey == = = =e —_— 3 FO fy lc ? Fiveers sinpreD Aeamvar idle Bonne WITH MOVEMENT RANDOM NOTES ON UPPER STRINGS ‘ey MCHC AD beasts aeeee a ica nan ster tA ogee Ps ge RE Sut pour Saavuauy pe ex 4 Secon TO MIGHEST RANGE ——— #4 28 a if FAT AP TY TY 2 arty Ey 57 7 Os [soa ge See pour (very seme) her ie ge 2 ER ee ‘eete Pet Tj $22 Ef a a = =" ALATLE S10 WER a one Ts -* = Ge ») b, co ht \ ui- & — 6 U Lae om 4 x qq a. Stops —____ > © S. PLUCK MOT LET HAND A TEMPO z = te re vioLewrty (deca) Ff i WHISTLE Soup, AAPbey SchApE ube. LENGTH Or CER NAIL es A A (4 - oP a wf puff BROADLY; RHAPSODIC 4 FREE 2c056 poce a poco crese.- a op g ar a) 7 —— Pe warm msston! & ii ® — orm Mh et ee — C ae re RELAKING = (uae dhorr Resour a sranés a ore) TING PE ~ ( riucens as w— ‘Bereee x a s P 3 oS pop ysrensousty / ty say $Y mame os be SS ” SSS Stowsy ; ACCELERAWDO.-. 7 7 —— ZF. SSS ans ene eS —= = a dees _ Bevo sang) i > 3 2 3438 (von men0.0) EWERGETIALY dep + SG, cme —__...... ——~ 8 1a 4 —— Ce SrRwes (asain Ss = She me RP Pe Pees) (kar sreummive wim nese oF TB wen teens psa ea BR ——_—Ee_P——— pl START TAPE OF BIRDEONG | eEpouKL Fase TAIE Cowes INUES TO END a oN Cover m eacueane anf S 0p 2 ee ott ee Se em: a i om = (ee er reepanmnneeinaonaiee RE gee per Peer Soren a es oe ie (pean re ore attire, gs eee 00? et 5 ‘ deat, RECAKED m = Sh —~ 5 Cas fit BER me Sh TE FRO THIS POINT 10 IME END IME TAPE OF BIRDSONG SHOULD BE MORE OR LESS FOIL WW VOLUME WITH THE GUITAR. THE GUITAR PASSAGES BECOME MORE EPISODIC. WITH THE CONTIILITY BEING PRovi0ED BY THE BieDsone. SUGGESTED PAUSE FOINTS ARE MARKED BY COMMAS Worm. (wirreor so) a ae ze SS 3 (( DATIRAL Mamoqies K2ove THE Fascer Bo4eo sured pe PATTERN 19 Tye SANE Me (Rerun > fam grne Eevee, Bieta, one SS es fee ae - iy eine tars’ sre (ge Creme wey NO) a, | ese, wire 7 39s og le ee = [wet = + =F =e Z Salta welh Ha! g poof —————/P SS [Pex oF PEE] m ea ; ye 3 o nf ] _ z — 7 a? a a hg pt (ate ’ Ta ee ee ie aaa a ; — a Poof — 15. — Quire a4pony NORMAL. eae THE Biapfowa TAPE Suowly FADES OUT peg t sip Tove, 4, iy 9, << — 16.—

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