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Geophysical Technology in Finding Energy Source

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Energy becomes a component that cannot be separated from human life, since nearly
all human activity requires energy. Therefore, this article aims to find out how important
energy is in human life, how much energy is available in Indonesia, and to know the
geophysical role of searching for energy sources.Energy resources are composed of patra's
non-biological natural resources, such as petroleum and gas from the earth, minerals like coal
and uranium. Energy resources beyond water and oil /gas earth, such as geothermal heat,
solar, wind, ocean currents, tides, ocean heat, As well as natural resources like firewood. It
can be chemical energy, electrical power, nuclear, mechanical, and thermal energy. Indonesia
is a country that relies on oil and gas production to meet its energy needs. Causing demand
for oil and gas production to rise even higher. However, Indonesia's reserve supply of natural
resources is dwindling. In this case geophysical role is needed to explore these natural
resources. Geophysical methods may be performed, among them using seismic method,
magnetic, electric, and electromagnetic methods. The method is to figure out what's in the
earth's subsurface,It's meant to give you information about structure, the composition of rocks
below the surface.

Key words: energy, natural resources, exploration, method and structure.











1.1 Background

Energy has an important role in human life now and in the future. Energy becomes
an important component for human survival because almost all activities of human life are
very dependent on the availability of energy, such as motorized vehicles that can function if
there is energy. The energy used today comes from petroleum, natural gas and metallic
minerals. Where natural resources are limited and will run out at any time. Overexploitation
causes supplies to run out while human demand for energy increases. Then the problem
needs to be solved, how to find energy sources on this earth.

In searching for this new energy source, earth experts have developed a variety of
increasingly modern exploration techniques. Until the 20th century, the search for energy
sources such as petroleum was limited to direct investigations on the surface of the earth
while new methods were needed about subsurface areas. This method involves measuring
the physical properties of the earth's surface, which can provide information about the
structure, composition of rocks below the surface, which can be used to determine the
location of energy sources.

The study of the earth by using physical measurements on the surface of the earth is
geophysics. Geophysics is the study of parts of the earth that cannot be seen directly from
the surface, through measurement of physical properties with equipment available on the
surface of the earth.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the background above, the following problems can be formulated.

1. How important is energy in human life?

2. How is the availability of energy in Indonesia?
3. What is the role of geophysics in finding energy sources?
1.3 Research Objectives

Based on the problems that have been formulated objectives are achieved :

1. Knowing the importance of energy in human life

2. Knowing the availability of energy in Indonesia
3. Knowing the role of geophysics in finding energy sources


2.1 Energy

Energy resources are very important, because energy resources are everything that is
useful in building value in the circumstances in the condition that we find it. For this reason,
energy resources are assets for the fulfillment of human satisfaction and utility. Energy
resources can include everything on earth, both living and inanimate objects, useful for
humans, limited in number, and their mastery in meeting technological, economic, social and
environmental criteria. Energy resources on the other hand are resources used for the need to
move energy through the process of heat transformation and other energy transformations.
(Braunstein, 2001). Energy resources consist of non-biological natural resources of patra
minerals, namely petroleum and natural gas, minerals such as coal and uranium. Energy
resources outside water and oil / gas, such as geothermal, solar, wind, ocean currents, tides,
ocean heat and biological natural resources such as firewood. Energy itself can be in the
form of chemical energy, electricity, nuclear, mechanical, and thermal energy.

2.2 Mineral

Mineral resources are unrenewable resources. The amount of these resources is very
limited and the process of formation and recovery takes a long time. For that, its utilization
must be used as effectively and efficiently as possible. Mineral resources are mineral
deposits that are expected to be exploited significantly. The mineral resources themselves
according to geological beliefs can turn into reserves after a mine feasibility study has been
carried out and meet the mine's eligibility criteria (Nugraha, 2014: 1)

2.3 Geophysics

Geophysics comes from the word geo, which means earth and physics. From its own
scientific roots, geo comes from the word geology. So, geophysics is the science that applies
the principles of physics to find out and solve problems related to the earth, or it can also be
interpreted as a science that studies the earth by using the principles of physics. Geophysics
includes the study of parts of the earth that cannot be seen directly from the surface, through
measurement of physical properties with available equipment. Geophysics also includes
interpretations of measurements made to obtain information about the structure and
composition of layers in the earth.


As scientific work, it cannot be separated from the use of methods. In general, the
research method or scientific method is a procedure or steps in obtaining scientific
knowledge or science. Almack defines the scientific method as a way of applying logical
principles to the discovery, validation, and explanation of truth. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the research method has a very important function and becomes a guideline in
carrying out a research, so that it can produce maximum paper.

The method used in writing this article is literature review. The review literature
contains a description of the theory, findings, and other research materials obtained from
reference materials to serve as the basis for research activities. The description in the
literature review is directed to develop a clear frame of mind about solving the problem that
has been described in the formulation of the problem.

Literature review is done by reading, understanding, criticizing, and reviewing

literature from various sources. The review literature contains reviews, summaries, and
thoughts of the author about several sources of literature on the topic discussed.


It cannot be denied that in this modern era all human activities are supported by
energy. Energy is important for the survival of all humans on this earth because energy and
life have a very close relationship. Without energy, all human activities will be hampered.

Energy security is again a topic of discussion. The government recently reported that
Indonesia's crude oil stockpiles are only sufficient to supply 3-4 days, while the stock of fuel
oil (BBM) at PT Pertamina's public fuel supply station (SPBU) is only able to serve the
consumption needs of motor vehicles for 21 days. As a result, public concern arises over the
reliability of fuel supplies in meeting the demands of the community as well as dependence
on imports, especially from Singapore's oil refineries. This concern raises questions about
the extent to which energy availability can guarantee the fulfillment of energy demand as a
major component of economic activity.

Energy is the basic capital in carrying out national development. The availability of
absolute energy sources to carry out various activities in our lives. Some experts argue that
with current consumption patterns, within 50 years of fossil fuel reserves will be exhausted,
this can be seen from the rise in oil prices in the country and the unstable oil prices on the
international market.

Only Indonesia is dependent on oil and gas production to meet its energy needs. This
is tantamount to relying on mineral content to finance the industrial economy which is the
basis of modern civilization. The extracted mineral content figures continue to show that
demand continues to increase in accordance with economic growth. The growth of
geophysical technology can help find oil and gas reserves, but must be used as much as
possible so that mineral needs are met.

Geophysical methods which are widely used in exploration are seismic, gravity,
magnetic, electricity and electromagnetic methods. Some of these methods are used for
hydrocarbon search. Other methods are more widely used in mineral exploration. Seismic,
magnetic and gravity measurements are the main measurements for mineral exploration. In
petroleum exploration, it can use reflected, seismic, magnetoteluric, and resistivity seismic

Seismic methods in oil and gas exploration are to provide a clear picture of
subsurface surfaces. The results of data processing are useful to recognize the presence of
petroleum system components that are an indication of the presence or absence of oil and gas
traps in an area. Seismic technology has the potential to play an important role in the future.
From a geological point of view, new innovations in seismic technology are needed to
provide better subsurface images with high resolution. In reservoir characterization, seismic
methods will have many roles to understand reservoir structures that involve fractures,
porosity, permeability, and fluid content.

Seismic method is one part of the exploration geophysical method which is grouped
into active geophysical methods. Where measurements are made using artificial seismic
sources such as hammers, explosions, and others. After being given a seismic source
disturbance, wave motion occurs in the soil or rock that meets the laws of elasticity in all
directions and is reflected or refracted due to the difference in velocity. Then, at a certain
distance, the particle's movement can be recorded as a function of time. Based on this
recorded data it can be estimated the shape of layers or structures in the soil.

As science which is a tool from various other fields of science that aims to determine
the conditions under the earth's surface, Geophysical science is needed in the present and
future due to its application and development. In order to further optimize the management
of natural resources contained in the earth in the form of mineral and coal resources.
Geophysics is also needed to overcome the energy crisis that began in the last decade through
geophysical surveys.


4.1 Conclusions

In meeting the increasing energy needs, geophysics plays an important role in

exploring natural resources, so that these needs can be met. Exploring natural resources can
involve several methods, such as seismic method, magnetic, electric, and electromagnetic
method. It's meant to give you information about structure, the composition of rocks below
the surface That is used to pinpoint the location of energy sources.

4.1 Suggestions

Overuse of natural resources can have a negative effect, Because natural resources
such as oil, gas, and coal are unrenewable natural resources that will gradually be exhausted.

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