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We should never judge a book, or in this case a dog, by looks alone.

Old, worn-out, and dog-eared books, which others usually cast aside, actually meant they’ve already
served their purpose and imparted valuable knowledge to a number of readers, making them priceless
treasures. Along the same line, dogs with unique physical attributes, who are often overlooked for
normal and better-looking ones, are usually those who have equally unique personalities and a huge
capacity for affection.

Take for example a 2-year old dog from Thailand called Lucky. This dog has very distinct features that
made him practically unforgettable. His face was so unique that Charice Fca Cha couldn’t resist the urge
to adopt him.

Charice knew Lucky was special, given his odd appearance. His eyes were of different colors, one was a
pale blue while the other was brown. He also had one very thick eyebrow that’s perpetually raised,
which Charice was quick to point out wasn’t drawn with a black marker.

Lucky has a rare condition called heterochromia, which explained why his eyes had different colors.
Despite his condition, he is a healthy and happy pooch. He didn’t have any vision problems and could
see just fine.

Adjusting to his new surroundings, Lucky was slowly learning to socialize with other dogs as well as
people. Although he still gets jumpy with unfamiliar sights and sounds, he was completely comfortable
with his new mom Charice. He loved snuggling and playing with her.

After Charice posted his photo online, Lucky became an overnight sensation because of his unusual
looks. People were charmed by his homely face and wanted to know more about him. His photo earned
11,000 likes and over 600 comments, officially making this cuddly dog a star.

Charice decided to create his own social media account so he could bask in his newfound popularity.

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