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9th Jagna International Workshop “Stochastic Analysis – Mathematical Methods and Real World

Models”, 15 -18 January 2020, Jagna, Bohol, Philippines

White Noise Functional Approach to the Ring of N-coupled Harmonic

James M. Gallo and Bienvenido M. Butanas Jr.a

Physics Department, Central Mindanao University,
University Town, Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon, 8710 Philippines

The harmonic oscillator chain with rotational symmetry was studied using
white noise analysis. The quantum propagators of the system were obtained after
solving for the normal modes to decouple the coordinates of the Lagrangian
describing the nearest-neighbor interactions of the harmonic oscillators. Investigating
its dynamics, it was observed that the motion of the entire system was dependent on
the number classification (e.g. odd, even) of oscillators present. For an odd number of
oscillators, the propagator consisted of N − 1 degenerate and one non-degenerate
normal mode frequencies. For even numbers of oscillators, the propagator consisted
of N − 2 degenerate and 2 non-degenerate normal mode frequencies. Finally, the
dynamics of the system was achieved through the product of degenerate and non-
degenerate normal mode frequencies.
Keywords: N-coupled oscillators, White noise analysis, Harmonic oscillator chain,
Normal modes, Ring

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