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JOBNAME: cocc 11#1 2005 PAGE: 1 OUTPUT: Wed December 29 20:44:40 2004

Prod#: COCC11110

How to ventilate patients with acute lung injury

and acute respiratory distress syndrome
Luciano Gattinoni, Pietro Caironi and Eleonora Carlesso

Purpose of review Abbreviations

The purpose of this paper is to review the mechanisms of ALI acute lung injury
ventilator-induced lung injury as a basis for providing the ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
bw body weight
less damaging mechanical ventilation in patients with acute EELV end-expiratory lung volume
respiratory failure. IL interleukin
NF-kB nuclear factor k-B
Recent findings LPS lipopolysaccharide
In normal lungs, high tidal volume causes an immediate NIH National Institutes of Health
PEEP positive end-expiratory pressure
gene upregulation and downregulation. Although the VILI ventilator-induced lung injury
importance of alveolar inflammatory reaction is well known, VT tidal volume

recent findings suggest the potential role of airway

distension in causing ventilator-induced lung injury. The ª 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
initial activation has been shown to occur in the airways,
accounting for the damages induced by high peak flow. The
healthier lung regions are more exposed to the injury, since
Mechanical ventilation is the most common therapy in in-
they may be subjected to strain. Challenge with endotoxin
tensive care units. However, since its introduction in clin-
enhances in a synergistic manner the pulmonary
ical practice, its potential harm has been progressively
inflammation induced by mechanical ventilation. However,
recognized. Indeed, many studies have been devoted to
mechanical strain and endotoxin seem to trigger lung
the ventilator-lung interaction, involving epidemiologists,
inflammation through two different pathways. Despite
intensivists, biochemists, and molecular biologists. In
convincing experimental and clinical evidences of lung
this report, we will review what we consider to be the
injury, the clinical implementation of low tidal volume
most significant contributions in the field produced by
ventilation is still limited and has not yet become part of
our scientific community from August 2003 to September
standard clinical practice. Setting positive end-expiratory
pressure remains an open problem because the ALVEOLI
study did not provide any exhaustive answers, likely because
of methodologic problems and, unphysiologic design. Danger of mechanical ventilation
Summary We recently reviewed this topic and will summarize here
Gentle lung ventilation must be standard practice. Because the general framework [1•].
stress and strain are the triggers of ventilator-induced lung
injury, their clinical equivalents should be measured It is well recognized that the first trigger of injury is me-
(transpulmonary pressure and the ratio between tidal chanical. In the diseased lung, the distribution of stress
volume and end-expiratory lung volume). For a rational (ie, the tension of the lung skeleton fiber system) and
application of positive end-expiratory pressure, the potential the strain (ie, the elongation of the fibers) is not homoge-
for recruitment in any single patient should be estimated. neous. Consequently, the healthy regions of lung paren-
chyma bear more stress and strain than the collapsed
Keywords and consolidated lung regions, which are somewhat pro-
ventilator-induced lung injury, mechanical ventilation, acute tected because they bear stress but do not strain. The pul-
lung injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome, cytokines, monary endothelial and epithelial cells are anchored to the
lung recruitment fiber skeleton and accommodate their surface to this
unphysiologic strain. The cell deformation increases the
Curr Opin Crit Care 11:69–76. ª 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
permeability of the endothelial layer through a variety
Istituto di Anestesia e Rianimazione, Ospedale Maggiore di Milano – IRCCS,
of mechanisms, including increased size of endothelial
Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy. fenestrations, active contraction of the endothelial cells,
and cytokine production. The macrophages and the epithe-
Correspondence to Luciano Gattinoni, Istituto di Anestesia e Rianimazione,
Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico-IRCCS, Via Francesco Sforza, 35 20122 Milano, Italy
lial cells react, via stretch-activated sensors, by producing
Tel: +39 02 55033232/3231; fax: +39 02 55033230; interleukin (IL)-8 and metalloproteinases. IL-8, in partic-
ular, seems to play a pivotal role by recruiting and activat-
Current Opinion in Critical Care 2005, 11:69–76 ing neutrophils. Neutrophils, in turn, produce a variety of
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70 Respiratory system

proinflammatory mediators, leading to full-blown pulmo- be substantially different. However, despite these limita-
nary inflammation. Indeed, the balance between proin- tions, the injurious mechanical ventilation is a useful model
flammatory and antiinflammatory mediators, which are for studying the possible mechanisms determining VILI,
also increased during ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), although the results cannot be transferred as such to hu-
is in favor of the former. man beings.

In this context, we will discuss whether the recent studies Biologic response
have added new knowledge, confirming or contradicting One-hit model
the previous results. Our belief is that a clear understand- An interesting report by Copland et al. [3] highlights the
ing of the biology underlying VILI is essential for a rational importance of the lung/body size when mechanical venti-
approach to mechanical ventilation in patients with acute lation is used to cause VILI. In fact, the same ventilatory
lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome pattern was overall more harmful in adults than in new-
(ARDS). born rats. Copland et al. [4] also reported that 30 minutes
of injurious ventilation—VT 25 mL/kg bw, equivalent to
a VT greater than 50 mL/kg bw in humans (Fig. 1)—were
Mechanisms of ventilator-induced lung injury
sufficient to upregulate especially 10 genes encoding for
Because the biology of VILI has been investigated in var-
transcription factors, stress proteins, and inflammatory
ious experimental settings, it is more convenient to ana-
mediators and to downregulate especially 12 genes mainly
lyze the problem by making a distinction between
encoding for metabolic enzymes. Such an early activation
experiments based on one-hit model (effects of mechan-
was present in the absence of any histologic or mechanical
ical ventilation in healthy lung) and those in which a two-
signs of injury. This type of response is characteristic of
hit model was used (effects of mechanical ventilation in
a chaotic system—that is, redundancy of the answer to
already injured lung). Here we will discuss first the
a given stimulus. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance
strength of the noxious stimulus and then the biologic
of time. In that study, the gene expression was assessed
after 30 minutes, and we do not know whether the acti-
vation might have occurred in an even shorter time. If that
Strength of the stimulus is the case, even interventions of very short duration, such
In these studies, different experimental settings were as recruitment maneuvers, could be potentially dangerous.
used, such as cell cultures, isolated perfused or unper-
fused lung models, or in vivo experiments. Similarly, differ- The pivotal role of IL-8 as an early mediator of the inflam-
ent species were used, such as mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, matory cascade has been confirmed in vitro by stretching
and pigs. Despite these differences, most of the studies alveolar cell cultures and by several studies performed in
had a common denominator: perturbation of the system in vivo models [5–7]. The injurious ventilation causes
by high or low tidal volume (VT), which represents the macrophage activation and the early presence of inflam-
strength of the stimulus. High VT ranged from 12 to 44 matory mediators such as IL-6 and IL-8 (or its rodent
mL/kg of body weight (bw), whereas low VT ranged be- equivalent, MIP-2), which in turn determine neutrophil
tween 6 and 8 mL/kg bw. The use of VT according to body infiltration [8–10].
weight represents an attempt to normalize the strength of
the stimulus. Because the VILI is triggered by strain on If the excessive unphysiologic strain is the trigger of VILI
the lung structure, it is important to evaluate the relation through the activation of stretch-activated sensors of the
between VT per kilogram of body weight and a putative epithelial and endothelial cells anchored to the extracel-
strain within different species. As shown in Figure 1, lular matrix, it follows that the lung regions that are more
6 mL/kg bw corresponds to an alveolar diameter change exposed to the injury should be the healthier ones, be-
of approximately 7% in humans, whereas the same VT cause the permanently collapsed or consolidated regions
per kilogram of body weight corresponds to an alveolar cannot strain and are relatively protected. There is grow-
diameter change of approximately 16% in rats and ap- ing evidence that this is the case. Caruso et al. [11] found
proximately 25% in mice. In humans, the same alveolar that in an in vivo rat model, mechanical ventilation with VT
distension would require, respectively, a VT of approxi- equal to both 6 and 24 mL/kg bw caused an inflammatory
mately 15 mL/kg bw and approximately 23 mL/kg bw reaction. However, the expression of inflammatory cytokines
[1•,2]. Therefore, to produce an injury in healthy human was higher in the nondependent lung regions, which were
lungs, a very large VT per kilogram of body weight would likely more strained during mechanical ventilation.
be necessary. However, it is questionable whether a VT Haitsma et al. [10] showed in an in vivo adult rat model
equal to 6 to 7 mL/kg bw is really a low VT in rats, mice, that even noninjurious ventilation, or moderately injurious
and rabbits, considering the resulting alveolar distension ventilation, may induce inflammatory cytokines even in
(Fig. 1). Finally, the strength of the mechanical stimulus normal lungs. Additionally, Kurahashi et al. [12], in an
necessary to produce damage in already injured lungs may in vivo rat model, reported that high VT ventilation (12
JOBNAME: cocc 11#1 2005 PAGE: 3 OUTPUT: Wed December 29 20:44:41 2004

Ventilation of patients with acute lung injury Gattinoni et al. 71

Figure 1. Alveolar diameter changes as a function of VT/kg in different species

Alveolar diameter changes relative to baseline diameter [(actual diameter ! baseline diameter)/baseline diameter]. Changes are expressed as
a function of VT/kg in different species (men, mice, rabbits, and rats). Baseline diameter dimensions were derived from Mercer et al. [2]. Alveolar
diameter changes due to volume changes were computed assuming the same relation existing in a sphere, ie, % D diameter = !1 + (1 + % D
Volume)1/3. Dotted arrows indicate different intraspecies putative strains caused by low or high VT/kg bw (6 and 12 mL/kg bw, respectively) and
interspecies differences due to different respiratory system characteristics. Modified with permission [1].

mL/kg bw, equivalent to a VT of 30 mL/kg in humans) was form is smoothed. Interestingly, it has been shown in rats
more harmful in comparison with low VT ventilation only that early gene activation of the inflammatory cascade is
in the healthy lung, in a model in which the other lung was primarily located in the bronchoalveolar airway epithelium
injured by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Moreover, in an ex vivo and that leukocyte recruitment occurs primarily in the rat
rat model, atelectatic lungs (not strained) were found trachea after the airway distension induced by positive
to be more protected than lungs undergoing cyclic open- end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) [4,18]. Taken together,
ing and closing [13]. Resolution of atelectasis, by contrast, these findings lead to a reevaluation of the possible impor-
seems to attenuate bacterial growth and translocation dur- tance of airway distension as a cause of VILI.
ing experimental pneumonia in piglets [14].

Taken together, these experiments raise an important is- Two-hit model

sue in the era of the open lung approach. If the closed lung Although the sequence of events leading to the injury is
regions remain unopened throughout the entire respiratory more complex because two noxious stimuli are operating
cycle and consequently seem to be more protected, why (eg, mechanical strain and endotoxin/lung lavage/acid aspi-
should we try to open them? Wouldn’t it be better to keep ration), the two-hit model is more similar to the clinical
them always closed until the resolution of the underlying scenario, wherein the mechanical ventilation is applied
disease? Further investigations of this topic are warranted. to the already injured lung. In general, the effects of
the two noxious stimuli may be either additive or syner-
Recent studies have suggested that not only VT, but the gistic. In an ex vivo rat model, Whitehead et al. [19] com-
pattern by which it is delivered, may be important for pared low, high, and medium VT ventilation (7, 40, and 15
the pathogenesis of VILI. In fact, it has been found in mL/kg bw, respectively) after the intratracheal instillation
an in vivo rabbit model that increased inspiratory time of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The results were in part sur-
increases lung damage [15]. Furthermore, increased peak prising because the inflammatory response, as reflected
inspiratory flow at the same VT may increase lung injury in by tumor necrosis factor-a and MIP-2 levels in bronchoal-
rabbits and may decrease arterial oxygenation in piglets veolar lavage fluid, was markedly lower in lungs ventilated
[16,17]. We may speculate that the possible damages in- at a high VT than in lungs ventilated at a VT of 7 or
duced by the peak flow should be primarily located in 15 mL/kg bw. Of note, after high VT ventilation, alveolar
the airways, because at the alveolar level the flow wave- macrophages were mainly detected in the interstitial
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72 Respiratory system

space outside the alveolar compartment. The accompany- the NIH study participants and the nonparticipants
ing editorial by Dreyfuss and Rouby [20], somewhat ven- [29,30]. Several reasons, including the patient’s discom-
omous (very likely as a consequence of the long-standing fort, have been advocated, but they are not yet well de-
debate between the two groups), emphasizes some con- fined [31,32]. One possible explanation may be the
tradictory findings between this study and previous find- concern that has been raised about the NIH protocol. It
ings reported by the same group [19,21]. Nevertheless, has been suggested that the different outcomes in the
this study suggests that low VT ventilation increases the NIH study were not caused by the beneficial effects of
inflammatory response when the lung has been previously low VT but rather by the detrimental effects of 12 mL/kg
challenged with LPS. This has been more clearly shown bw ventilation [33]. This view was obviously challenged
by Altemeier et al. [22•], who, in an in vivo rabbit model, by most of the authors of the outcome studies [34]. How-
found that a VT equal to 15 mL/kg bw alone resulted in ever, a recent cohort study demonstrated that the use
a minimal pulmonary cytokine expression but markedly of VT of 12 mL/kg bw or higher is an independent
enhanced the inflammatory reaction when associated with risk factor for the development of ALI/ARDS [35•]. In
intravenous administration of LPS. The authors con- our opinion, independently of the specific value assigned
cluded in favor of a synergistic effect of systemic endo- to the harmful VT, it is evident that over the past
toxin and mechanical ventilation on the increased 25 years the decreased mortality rate in ALI/ARDS
cytokine response. has been associated with a progressive decrease in the
VT used [32].
The possible mechanisms underlying the synergy be-
tween mechanical ventilation and endotoxin were ele- At this point, it is important to emphasize that tailoring
gantly investigated by Uhlig et al. [23••]. In an isolated the VT to the body weight (ideal or actual) may be mis-
and perfused mouse lung model, they found that overven- leading. What matters, in fact, is the actual lung strain,
tilation caused the nuclear translocation of the transcrip- for which the ratio between VT and the end-expiratory
tion factor nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) followed by an lung volume (EELV) is a more appropriate surrogate
inflammatory reaction involving alveolar macrophages and [36]. It is obvious that the same VT per kilogram of body
epithelial type II cells. The nuclear translocation of NF- weight may result in completely different VT/EELV ratios
kB was inhibited by infusion of Ly294002, a specific inhib- (ie, strain) depending on the severity of the disease. In
itor of the phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase. By contrast, fact, the strain is defined as the elongation of the lung struc-
when the stimulus consisted of LPS challenge, Ly294002 ture compared with its resting position. Unfortunately,
did not prevent the nuclear NF-kB translocation. These EELV measurement is not a routine practice in inten-
results were also confirmed in an in vivo rat model. There- sive care units. In conclusion, the best strategy we can
fore, it is conceivable that two different pathways are re- recommend now is the use of gentle lung ventilation with
sponsible for the inflammatory process consequent to low VT. This strategy is generally recognized as beneficial,
different stimuli, and this may account for a synergistic as stated by several recent reviews, despite some caveats
action of high VT mechanical ventilation and LPS on pul- [36–39].
monary inflammation and cytokine expression.
One of the most important studies for its potential conse-
quences is the recently published ALVEOLI trial [40••].
Mechanical ventilation of patients with The patients were randomized to high or low PEEP strat-
acute lung injury and acute respiratory egy, according to a predefined FiO2/PEEP scale. In both
distress syndrome groups, the VT was set as 6 mL/kg bw, and the plateau
Since the report of Amato et al. [24], who compared the pressure was limited to 30 cm H2O. The trial was inter-
high PEEP—low VT and the low PEEP—high VT ventila- rupted after the enrollment of 549 patients, according
tory strategies for lung protection, several outcome stud- to a prespecified ‘‘futility stopping rule.’’ The conclusions
ies have been performed, testing the effects of mechanical were that ‘‘in ALI/ARDS patients, treated with 6 ml/kg
ventilation with different VT in ALI/ARDS. Of note, ideal body weight VT, limiting the end inspiratory plateau
whereas Amato et al. [24] compared strategies that in- pressure to 30 cm H2O, the clinical outcomes were similar
cluded two different variables (PEEP and VT), all the whether lower or higher PEEP levels were used.’’ This
other studies compared different levels of VT only. Al- study, however, had several problems outlined in the ac-
though three studies were inconclusive, the largest Na- companying editorial [41]. The main concerns were the
tional Institutes of Health (NIH) trial, comparing VT of imbalance between the two groups at the randomization
6 versus 12 mL/kg bw, was definitely in favor of low VT ven- and the protocol amendment made during the study. In
tilation [25–28]. fact, the patients randomized to the high PEEP group
were significantly older and had lower PaO2/FiO2 ratios.
Despite this success, the implementation of a low VT After the enrollment of 171 patients, the PEEP/FiO2 scale
strategy in clinical practice is still limited, among both was modified to increase the PEEP difference between
JOBNAME: cocc 11#1 2005 PAGE: 5 OUTPUT: Wed December 29 20:44:48 2004

Ventilation of patients with acute lung injury Gattinoni et al. 73

the two groups. The authors discussed these limitations, We may now comment on the ALVEOLI study from
but despite several statistical arrangements they were not a physiologic perspective. Both groups were treated with
able to detect differences between the two groups in any a plateau pressure at 30 cm H2O. Because this limit pre-
of the predefined outcomes, including mortality. The po- vents opening of the lung regions with an opening pres-
tential consequence of this study, which suggests that sure higher than 30 cm H2O, it is questionable whether
PEEP level is indifferent, may be devastating and sharply the ALVEOLI study tested the open lung approach, as
contrasts with the daily clinical practice in patients with did the study by Amato et al. [24]. The recruitment
severe ALI/ARDS. maneuvers, in which 45 cm H2O was applied, were aban-
doned after 80 patients because only small and transient
In our opinion, the limits of this study go well beyond benefits in oxygenation were observed [52]. However, giv-
the protocol amendment or the slight group differences en the fact that oxygenation changes are a poor index of
at randomization, if we consider the study design under recruitment, the recruitment maneuver, in our opinion,
a physiologic perspective. The rationale by which PEEP should be used in the context of the open lung approach.
could reduce mortality during ALI/ARDS is the decrease Moreover, the recruitment maneuver per se, even if suc-
of VILI: high PEEP should make the mechanical ventila- cessful in opening the lung, does not succeed if it is
tion less dangerous than low PEEP. The theory behind not followed by a PEEP level sufficient to keep open
the beneficial effects of PEEP is that it may prevent the newly recruited lung regions. More important,
the cyclic opening and closing of the pulmonary units, patients with different potentials for recruitment were
keeping the lung open throughout the respiratory cycle. likely distributed similarly among the two groups. As
In an open lung, according to the model of Mead et al. the authors recognize in the discussion, the possible ben-
[42], the stress and strain should be more homogeneously efit of high PEEP in patients with a high potential for re-
distributed throughout the lung parenchyma, preventing cruitment may have been offset by its harmful effects in
the trigger of the inflammatory reaction. Accordingly, patients with a low potential for recruitment. Finally, the
PEEP may be beneficial only if a given ALI/ARDS lung PEEP was set according to an arbitrary FiO2/PEEP scale to
has a sufficient potential for recruitment. Because recruit- reach the same oxygenation between the two groups. As
ment is an inspiratory phenomenon, sufficient plateau previously discussed, the oxygenation changes are not
pressure must be provided to open the lung, and sufficient necessarily related to lung recruitment. Furthermore,
PEEP has to be applied to keep the lung open. In the the FiO2/PEEP scales, curiously, are not parallel but seem
sponge lung model, more typical of extrapulmonary to converge at high FiO2 levels (Fig. 2). Indeed, in our
ARDS, the alveolar opening pressures may be as high as opinion, the study design was inappropriate to show a
45 cm H2O, and the PEEP adequate to prevent the col- PEEP effect on prevention of VILI and improvement in
lapse due to gravitational forces may range between 15 survival, mainly because it was not based on a physiologic
and 20 cm H2O—that is, the order of magnitude of the rationale. The importance of setting the correct PEEP
hydrostatic superimposed pressure in the heavy ARDS level is still an open and hot question.
lung [43–46]. However, if the potential for recruitment
is low, as is frequently observed in pulmonary ARDS from How do we ventilate these patients?
diffuse pneumonia, where consolidated lung regions pre- Without denying the importance of randomized trials, in
vail over the collapsed lung regions, the PEEP may be daily clinical practice we have to face a single patient in-
harmful because it just increases the alveolar stress and stead of a population of patients [36]. Because the popu-
strain, enhancing VILI [47]. Accordingly, high PEEP lation is heterogeneous, our first approach is to define the
should be reserved for patients with a high potential for characteristics of the single patient.
recruitment, and low PEEP for patients with a low poten-
tial for recruitment. There is a growing suggestion that 1. First, we determine the history and clinical presenta-
the potential for recruitment may largely vary among tion: the underlying pathologic changes of ARDS oc-
the ALI/ARDS population [47–49]. Indeed, the definition curring with pneumonia are likely different from
of the potential for recruitment is a key issue in exploring ARDS occurring with peritonitis.
the putative beneficial effects of PEEP or in preventing its 2. We define, in each patient, the potential for recruit-
harmful effects. Unfortunately, the PEEP setting is gen- ment by CT scan taken at 5 cm H2O PEEP and at
erally based on the improvement of oxygenation, and 45 cm H2O plateau pressure at end inspiration (3-slice
we have known for more than 20 years (and unfortunately technique). Then the patient undergoes a PEEP trial
we forget) that PEEP may increase PaO2 without any lung at 5 and 15 cm H2O PEEP, in volume-controlled ven-
recruitment, simply because of a decrease in and/or a dif- tilation, and we consider together the variations of
ferent distribution of pulmonary perfusion [50]. The PaO2, PaCO2, and respiratory system compliance. The
PaCO2 decrease, for the same minute ventilation, seems patients in whom only PaO2 improves are usually those
to be a more reliable indicator of recruitment of perfused with a low potential for recruitment. In this case, we
lung regions [51]. will use a PEEP between 5 and 10 cm H2O, whereas
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74 Respiratory system

Figure 2. Graphic representation of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and fractional inspired oxygen (FiO2) combinations
designed for the ALVEOLI trial study

Closed circles, lower-PEEP strategy combinations. Open circles, higher-PEEP group strategy combinations. Gray circles, steps excluded from the
higher-PEEP strategy (PEEP < 12 cm H2O) after 171 patients had already been enrolled in the trial. Dash, mean FiO2 values during day 1 treatment:
0.54 ± 0.18 (lower-PEEP group) 0.44 ± 0.17 (higher-PEEP group). Published with permission [40••].

we will use a PEEP greater than 15 cm H2O in patients reaction cascade, involving an immediate upregulation
in whom the overall gas exchange and the CT scan and downregulation of numerous clusters of genes. Mac-
show a high potential for recruitment. An ongoing rophage activation and IL-8 production seem to maintain
multicenter study (Gattinoni L, unpublished data) their pivotal role in the inflammatory reaction induced by
seems to provide a solid physiologic basis to justify high VT. The airway distension caused by PEEP or peak
this approach. inspiratory flow may also play a role in VILI. The healthier
3. We then use a low VT rather than using a VT according lung regions may be the main target of the injury because
to the body weight (mL/kg), and we try to tailor VT the collapsed and consolidated regions are relatively pro-
value according to the EELV as measured by helium. tected. Despite the experimental and clinical evidence
We believe that the VT/EELV ratio is the greatest in- that high VT ventilation is harmful, there is still some re-
dicator of strain clinically available. luctance to use VT of 6 mL/kg bw. Unquestionably, how-
4. As for pressure, we measure the transpulmonary pres- ever, high VT should never be used. The ALVEOLI study
sure, which is the real indicator of stress. was not able to show any influence of PEEP (high or low)
on outcome. Setting PEEP, however, is still an open issue
All this is done at the beginning, as soon as the patient is because the methodologic problems and the unphysio-
admitted to the intensive care unit, and it is repeated if logic design of this study do not allow any conclusion to
any discrepancy between the clinical scenario and the ob- be drawn. Our believe is that mechanical ventilation
jective data, such as gas exchange or lung imaging, is ob- should be tailored to different variables, such as transpul-
served. Overall, our ventilatory approach is based on the monary pressure and EELV. Unfortunately, despite its
distinction between patient recruiters and nonrecruiters, physiologic rationale, this approach is far from being used
according to the results obtained from different challenge and proved.
tests. From a physiologic perspective, the differentiation
between recruiters and nonrecruiters is the key issue in
tailoring the safest mechanical ventilation in ALI/ARDS
References and recommended reading
patients. Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
been highlighted as:
• of special interest
Conclusion •• of outstanding interest

Further advances in the past 12 months have been made in

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