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1. Bacchanalian- involving a lot of drinking alcohol, uncontrolled behavior

2. Apollonian- relating to rational, self-disciplined, ordered aspect of human nature
3. Venereal- a contagious disease that is typically acquired in sexual intercourse
4. Belligerence- aggressive behavior and always wishing to fight or argue
5. Ambiguous- open to more than one interpretations
6. Jovial- cheerful and friendly , always in good mood
7. Rebellion- opposition to the one in authority or dominance
8. Antebellum- period before a war ex. A period before the Civil War
9. Amphitheatre- a circular or oval area of ground which rows of seats are arranged on a steep
slope for watching plays, sports etc.
10. Ambivalent- having two opposing feelings at the same time or being uncertain about how you

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