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Chikiamco, Mary Ysabelle Samantha A.

Why do people go to war?

When people don’t get what they want, when people have experienced or felt violated,
when people are threatened, or when people are misunderstood, the only thing they think of is
violence. Ever since the dawn of time, wars were already prevalent and it has always been used
as a violent medium to achieve certain goals. This negative mindset which the ancient and early
humans created has left us with so many challenges and problems when war and violence
between countries, states, groups, and individuals start and escalate. This world has experienced
countless battles and conflicts which either resulted to relationships becoming worse or to a
peaceful end. However, the main question we should delve deeper is why do people and
countries go to war?
Because of this mindset that if we fight our way into something, we would achieve what
we’ve always wanted. People don’t just go to wars or create conflicts for no reason because we
are rational beings with the capacity to think of plausible solutions and ways to get what we want
and to satisfy our wellbeing. Human beings are given the equipment and knowledge for them to
find and create ways in order to survive in this world full of indifference, greed, and hatred. A
look back in history, wars were fought because of what countries would gain from others—
resources, power, and territory—which would greatly benefit them in the long run, and this is
one of the reasons why countries went to war against each other. It was through violence, threat,
and fear that states would give up what they have for the sake of saving themselves and their
people, and this is why the conquerors and powerful states have been creating wars against other
smaller and less powerful countries. They know that they would not get what they want if they
just ask for it in a subtle way because this is not how we, humans, are made. We would not just
give up the precious things we own just for others to benefit from, and this is why people go to
war, this is why people choose violence, and this is why people create conflicts.
War does not only occur because of our self-interests and selfish wants, but another
reason why people choose to create conflict is for them to be heard and to show that they
strongly oppose something. Because of the lack of ability to listen and to enforce or commit to an
agreement, then people would choose to be violent and to create war in order for the authorities
to notice their voice and struggle. It is by threatening the people and instilling fear in the
government that a certain group of terrorists or also another state could be heard and seen. It is
also because of the bargaining failure and the misunderstanding between two parties that a war
may escalate. Moreover, patriotism or love for one’s country is what binds people together and it
is what allows people to agree to go into war against other countries. If people see that there is
threat coming their way, they will do whatever it takes to protect their own country, resources,
and people, and this is one of the reasons why people choose to go to war. Protecting what we
own and protecting our fellowmen is how we, humans, are built and made in order to survive.
Moreover, external threats which emanates from internal weaknesses are dangers to a country’s
security which could create an opportunity for other surrounding states to take advantage over
the weaknesses they see over a certain country.
It is also through revenge and power that wars came to existence. Countries who were
hurt and who got violated and controlled by other powerful states are what causes chaos and war.
It is because of this hierarchy of states and power which we made and instilled in our minds that
there is inequality and indifference among each and every one of us. Powerful countries or
hegemonic states went to war against smaller and less powerful countries because they wanted to
prove their power and wealth. However, conflicts among and between countries are not the only
conflicts happening, internal struggles also occur. There are also problems happening inside
countries between the people or a group against the government. Poverty, political, social, and
economic inequalities between groups causes conflict within a country. It is in the nature of
humans to satisfy their needs, internally and externally, and if their surroundings are unable to do
so, this where they find ways to fulfill their desires and basic rights.
We have all been infected by a virus in our minds that it is only through creating conflict
and fret to other groups or countries that we would get what we want and that problems could be
resolved. We cannot remove that innate human aggressiveness and anger which we all have
within us ever since time immemorial, and it was because during historical times, a predatory
hierarchical structure came to existence and this was eventually viewed as a cultural variance.
There are numerous reasons why wars started to occur during the dawn of history and why they
are still happening up to this day. It is up to us to change and to reduce the likelihood of wars and
conflicts in order to promote inclusive and exclusive development for the betterment of the globe
and its people.

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