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Q1 What do you mean by sockets

or what do you mean by socket >give only syntax to use sockets in java both UDP and
q4 What is string tokenizer?how we are parsing data using string tokenizer
or write a java program for parsing data using string tokenizer
Q5 explain the various steps
(1)to implementing generic network client
(2)to retriving file from a HTTP server
Q6 What is the important of URLs
Q7 write a java program to download the content from specified URL
or how to retrieve web document by ysing the URL class
Q8 What are the various steps for creating server side programming
or explain the steps for creating with essential syntax
Q9 Write down the basic steps to create UDP client -server using java networking
or write client server psudo code/procedure for JAVA network programming
Q10 How to create the HTTP SERVER?gIVE the steps to create HTTP server
or what are the classes and interface required for construction of HTTP server?
Explain in brief
Q12 write down the procedures to implement multithreaded environment in an HTTP
or explain multithreading
Q13 What do you mean by iterative server

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