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Assignment no   2

Short Note On

1.Message Passing Communication

2.Socket Communication Primitives

3.User level threads

4. kernel level THreads and Hybrid Threads

5. Physical Clock

6. Logical Clock

7.The Berkeley algorithm

8.Vector Clock

9.Election Algorithms

10.HDFC and MAP Reduce

Q1. What is meant by Interprocess Communication

Q 2. What is RMI?Explain Java RMI in Brief

Q 3. Draw and Explain a typical RPC call message Format

Q4.DIscuss Process migration mechanisms

Q 5.Write note on Taxonomy of load balancing algorithm

Q6. what are the features of a Scheduling algorithm

Q7 Explain in detail Clock Synchronization Algorithm

Q8.Explain Election Algorithm

Q9. Explain the Architecture of NFS in Detail

Q10.Describe Sun NFS with its Architecture and components for UNIX system with the help of

neat Diagram

Q 11.What do you mean by file Caching? Explain Several file Caching mechanism in brief

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