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Sunday School Questions – Junior 2

Please answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1) When Jesus spoke about his death, burial, and resurrection provide (2)
analogies that He used?
2) Jesus was the ____________ slain before the foundation of the world.
3) What was Jesus’ mode of transportation when entering Jerusalem?
4) What were the charge laid upon Jesus?
5) Who anointed Jesus’ feet in preparation for His burial?
6) Jesus was also a friend of her brother. His name was?
7) Which (3) disciples did Jesus take with Him to the Garden of
8) Who asked for Jesus’ body?
9) Who buried Jesus?
10) Which (2) individuals visited the tomb after Jesus was buried?
11) What did the (2) individuals bring with them? What was the
significance of each thing they brought.
12) Jesus started his public ministry at what age?
13) What was the name of the disciple that betrayed Jesus?
14) In the book of Acts, how many souls were converted after
hearing Paul’s first message?
15) What was the great commission that Jesus gave his disciples?
16) What was the name of Zebedee’s (2) sons?
17) Who wrote the book of Acts?
18) Who was the Governor who tired Jesus?
19) What island was Apostle Paul shipwrecked on?
20) To what city was Paul travelling when he saw a great and
blinding light?
21) There was a little boy whom the Bible spoke of in one of Jesus’
travelling mission. What did he give Jesus?
22) There were (2) individuals who died suddenly in the Bible. Who
are they? What caused their deaths?
23) Who was with Moses when he encountered the burning bush?
24) According to Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians, which attribute is
greatest of them all?
25) Who was the high priest of Jerusalem? Who put Jesus on trial?
26) What was Simon Peter’s occupation before he became a disciple?
27) Who was Stephen in Acts of the Apostle?

Fill in the missing blank, and provide scriptural reference for each below. In
your own words, explain the meaning behind each verse.

 Without shedding of blood, there is no ______________.

 Apostle Paul stated: If Christ was no risen from the grave, then our
____________ would be in vain.
 What is the requirement for one to be saved?

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