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Find the slope of the line passing through the given pairs of points, then describe the trend of the line:

1. (1, -2) and (6, -8) 6. (-5, 16) and (-5, -23)

2. (9, 15) and (2, --13) 7. (34, -98) and (32, -64)

3. (-13, 4) and (5, 5) 8. (-17, 6) and (-17, 21)

4. (12, 7) and (-3, 7) 9. (3, 28) and (-7, 13)

5. (25, 4) and (-15, -1) 10. (15, 9) and (18, -3)


Copy in their notebooks:

Problem: John bought 2 pencils and 3 erasers from a sari-sari store for Php 7. Billy also went to the same
store to buy 6 pencils and 2 erasers for Php 14. How much is one pencil, and how much is one eraser?

What is asked? Cost of a pencil

Cost of an eraser

What are given? 2 pencils and 3 erasers for Php 7

6 pencils and 2 erasers for Php 14

Challenge: Put the given pairs of equations on the same Cartesian plane. Then identify the point where
the lines meet.

1. 2x + y = -3 2. 4x – 2y = 8 3. 2x – y = -7
3x – y = 8 x–y=1 x + 2y = -6

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