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Orden de las palabras

Partícula interrogativa + verbo auxiliar+ sujeto + verbo principal +


How much do cows eat?

Why do you study English?

Where does she go?

Verbo auxiliar + sujeto+ verbo principal + complementos?

Do you tidy your room on Sunday?

Does she tell funny stories?

Orden de las palabras en pasado

Partícula interrogativa + verbo auxiliar en pasado+ sujeto + verbo

principal en presente+ complementos?

How much did cows eat?

They ate a lot of grass

Why did you study English last year?

Because I thought it was very interesting

Where did she go yesterday ?

She went to Italy

Verbo auxiliary en pasado + sujeto+ verbo principal + complementos?

Did you tidy your room last Sunday?

Yes, I did / no, I didn´t

Did she tell funny stories at school?

Yes, she did. /No, she didn´t

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