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Free Writing

If you eliminate a species of insect from the face of the earth, which one would it be?
Why? (4 minutes)

If I could eliminate a species of insect from the face of the earth, I would choose the
mosquito. Mosquitos are very dangerous type of insect because they transmit diseases such
as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika. My experience with mosquitos is bad because I had
Chikungunya and it was awful. I had to stay in bed for at least one week and a half. My
body hurt and had a fever. The doctor recommended to drink Powerade or Gatorade, and
because of mosquitos I do not drink it anymore.

What if you could choose a superpower? What would you choose and why? How
would you use it? (3 minutes)

If I could choose a superpower it would be teleportation. It would make my life simpler and
more fun. I could teleport myself when I am late for class. Also, to scare people just by
appearing. Definitively, this superpower would help to save money on gas. By teleporting
myself, I could travel to any place on Earth without waiting or spending any money. Maybe
in less than a week I would see all kinds of places.

If you could sit on this bench and chat for one hour with anyone form the past or
present who would it be? (4 minutes)

If I could sit on this bench and chat for an hour with anyone form the past, I would choose
my grandmother, Eladia. She died a couple of years back and there is so much I want to tell
her. I want to tell her how much I missed her in my graduation and that I wear her gold
necklace every day, because wearing it makes me feel closer to her. Also, I would tell her
that this years without her had been the most difficult of my life and that there is not a day
that I do not think of her. I just want her to know that I will do anything for a last hug.
Additionally, I want to ask her why she waited for me to leave the room to die? There are
many thinks I could still mention, but there are not enough words to describe how much I
miss her and wish she were still here with us.

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