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Name: _Jackeline Villegas Zúñiga 28.03.


Write the correct form of the adverb according to the adjective given in the preview sentence

EXAMPLE: She is quick when she runs. She runs quickly.

Joanne is happy. She smiles _happily_______________

The boy is loud. He speaks __loudly______________

Her English is fluent. She speaks English __fluently________

Our mom was angry. She spoke to us _angrily_____________

My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives ____carelessly__________

The painter is awful. He paints __awfully_________

Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano _wonderfully_________

This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house ___quietly____________

She is a good dancer. She dances really _well____________

This exercise is simple. You __simply_______ have to put one word in each space.

Write if the pointed word is an adjective or an adverb

The bus driver was seriously injured. _adverb__________

Kevin is extremely clever. _adverb_________

This hamburger tastes awful. _adjective__________

Be careful with this glass of milk. It's hot. _adverb_________

Robin looks sad. What's the matter with him? _adverb____________

Jack is terribly upset about losing his keys. _adverb___________

This steak smells good. _adjective___________

Our basketball team played badly last Friday. _adverb__________

Don't speak so fast. I can't understand you. _adjective_______________

Maria slowly opened her present. _adverb__________

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