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Essay 1

A recent study shows that people living on the continent of North America suffer 9 times more
chronic fatigue and 31 times more chronic depression than do people living on the continent of Asia.
Interestingly, Asians, on average, eat 20 grams of soy per day, whereas North Americans eat
virtually none. It turns out that soy contains phytochemicals called Isoflavones, which have been
found to possess disease-preventing properties. Thus, North Americans should consider eating soy
on a regular basis as a way of preventing fatigue and depression.


The author tries to establish a link between the consumption of isoflavones and the levels of fatigue
and depression. This argument involves citizens of North America and Asia whose eating habits
differ in the consumption of soy. North America citizens have a fast lifestyle, a high level of stress in
their everyday activities, difficult relationships, bad eating habits and little time for exercising, etc. It
is not the best way to have a healthy lifestyle and the Isoflavones are not a magical cure to solve
fatigue and depression.

The living conditions in Asia are better and more spiritual than in North America. Asian people in
their everyday take time to meditate and take care of themselves whereas North American people
need time to spend with family, practice sports, travel to new places, meet people, prepare healthy
food, rest, etc.

In Asia, transportation is a completely different experience. People commute in total silence, it is not
a prohibition but they do it to respect other people. In parks and common places people meditate,
ancient people spend time exercising, playing board games, and educating children. Ancient people
have a really important role in the society.

North American spends their time in the early ages working without taking care of their health. In
metropolises like New York

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