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5r Fairness ofthe internal evaluation process by the teachers.

4 7 Always fair
3 — Usually fair
2 7 Sometimes unfair
l 7 Usually unfair
07 Unfair

6, Was your performance in assignments discussed with you?

4 7 Every time

3 7 Usually

2 — Occasionally/Sometimes
l 7 Rarely

07 Never

7. The institute takes active interest in promoting internship. student exchange,

field visit
opportunities for students.
4 7 Regularly
3 7 Often
l 7 Rarely
()7 Never

8. The teaching and mentoring process in your institution facilitates you in

cognitive, secial and
emotional growth
4 7 Significantly
3 7 Very well
2 7 Moderately
I 7 Marginally
07 Not at all

9. The institution provides multiple opportunities to learn and grow.

4 -- Strongly agree
3 7 Agree
2 7 Neutral
l 7 Disagree
()7 Strongly disagree


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