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Mr. O'Connell

Writing E05

November 13, 2019

The Tale of Youngjun

Have you heard the story of Youngjun’s tale?

One which gave a frightful chill, on a scale,

Never meant to be. Here I am to tell,

The story of him; never meant to dwell.

A blazing summer day, th’sun up ahead,

Was Youngjun Moon, with a strange sense of dread

Following his friend into the waterpark.

Never suspecting; always left in th’dark.

There he was, going step by step, towards-

Something, just looming over the sand shore.

A great monstrosity of a creature.

A slide, tow’ring over all. The leader.

The slide, blood red and black, looked over all.

It bent straight down, toward th’ground, and gave a call,

For everyone to flee. Youngjun stood still,

Completely paralyzed, filled with a chill.

Meanwhile, his good friend, watched so very grim

Totally unfazed, and jabbed at his limb.

Youngjun was freed from th’spell and gave out a’breath.

Just relieved that he was not claimed by death.

Then his friend said, with a smiling face,

“Let’s go on that ride and land with such grace,

That nobody would be able to beat!”

Youngjun walked, his friend pulling with conceit.

Water drops fell, landing on Youngjun’s arm,

Seemingly starting to mourn in alarm,

Of Youngjun’s quick coming death. But alas

The wind will still blow, and the lives still pass.

There Youngjun was. Step by step. Step by step,

Going up the metal steps. Told to prep,

By taking deep breaths while watching to

The vast, beautiful, and the cool dark view.

In a blink of an eye, he was standing

In front of the lifeguard and listening,

To the safety instructions that he gave.

He went in the slide and tried to act brave.

He fell. He screamed, his voice piercing the air.

But then it was all over with a flare

Of light enlightening his face so bright.

Boom! Youngjun had landed with all his might.

Now you’ve heard the story of Youngjun’s tale

And now I hope that you can all prevail.


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