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3 The Elimination of Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language ty RUDOLF CARNAP. (raanstaeo wr atsnon rar) a 1. berrooucsion Tune ngre sa any onornt of meta to he Grek ite uc a theo cory Ces of ry se etfs lot Many fae he ta he Oe Serpe fae, sace coments oer empl Eno Ei fre eed to be uncer, on the Bow hot fic" nssnd the mis of oan nome Mony ae rics bee detie tha saya nih etapa que Teese: Whe or tee quttons can be ane, enecmecesary wry att thm ter devote cases Secs the pace coke wich confront neve men eer oy ter inet “i dle of morn oi bt made i posible ave 2 ew and shater ose te stn Of fhe Yay aed Jose Turney ates sf spelt the ey Gripe etch sim a aire th Conte comm ot ‘Su stents and tec te chlngs tet that oa ie men mos cea pone thio tmpuve ete The ple woul worked’ tthe Suda oP Saptie ence: devin concep of he yao inane see ae sag the ormt lege anepaene= Toga conection ae wade exc Tate donno met, Raa ec te eit WE ta ie he Eiminaon of Metphyes toy Inca sl plocopty of alse and normative theory, tga eat mse et tea ere ‘domain are ene” sects. Terni rel elimaton of Imetnhyis i ssined. which was not Jet esible fem he eae Smimetapyecl stein (fre tha rested eae maybe found aeniy In several earlier train of thous ethene OC ‘msi Rind: bn solv now hen the development of si ‘Bring recnt decades prover wn nth sleinly sarp tol hat the deci step can be taken, ‘eying thatthe vocal tment of metapbiscs ae mean ingen, we iten this word In ke sleet sme. Te aloo nnae tthe word stement or question at snes called meanness i entrely store to er or ak We might sy tit for i Sane aout the qurtion “what fhe average weight Of se Ib {ints of Vienne those eepione moner ends wih "707 oat ‘Stacicat which ue ebviowly fle tke “in 1910 Visa had { inhotams or sbout temert hie sot just empl. at lopaly foe. a conastry satement such “fersons A fod Bare cach ayer coer tha the oie.” Such seenees ote ‘ally meaninafl thous they ave pottess or fas: fer it only ‘means sentences tat ar xen de it (ecreeally) fue lord series ara fate ft sit tenve, however a squenoe ‘woud mhonisete Het ot, within speci angie, anne a stement It nay pen hat sch a sequence of words eck hie statment tft sane: in tht eae wee Pow Sotemevt. Oats. now that eel anaes revel the alleged Satemets of metaphysis tobe predate 'A'languige const of venulry and 4 sa, be. a set of word bch hove msaninet and rules of tener fvaton. hist Tas inate how sewtenst may e formed oat he mais tons {t wordt Accordingly, there ate two Hinde of ose. ‘hucr they contin ® word which erent eved to have meaner te conettuent wos re esi, Nt te pt lone fa couplets! way, 20 tt they 40 ot yd 9 meal atcneot, We tal show in ir of earls tat ona seme ‘of bath inds occur in tapas. Later we shall Bae Yo ie int the reson thie support nar onion tat metaphysics ety ont of sch prado samen 2. Tue Stomrteaner oF 4 Won ‘A word which (within a defite language) hat 2 meaning a ly'ap sd to designe 9 concepts ony sees hie & ty seoour eatnar meaning while i realy does not, we speak of a “pseudo-concpt. How it the origin of pucudo-coneet to be explained? Has oe ery mord been introduced int the lmnguase for no otler purpose than o express somthing or othe, to that it had a dite meaning tom the very teponing of Rs use? How, the, ca a tana l= {rage contain meaningless words? To be se: olinly every Word {fccptng rae cases which we shal ilsrete later) hod a meas [nthe couse of historical development 4 word frequen changes its meaning. And i lvo happens st times that a word Tos its old ‘exe mthow acquiring a ew one. It eth that's pseudo concept se ‘iha, now, isthe meaning of @ word? What stipulations co cerning sword ms be made in order for it tobe silat? (I ‘doe aot mater for oer imetignion wheter these stipulations re xpi laid down, as inthe ease of some Words amd symbols wl frodern sclonce or whether they have been tly aged upon, the cave for toet words of tration langune.) Fs, th sym ff the word mut be feed, Lethe mode of He occurence ithe Simplest sentence form in wich Kl capable of cccrving; we all {his rentene form He elementary sentence. The cemetary sentence {orm forthe word “stone” eg, "—The Noting tel orig ‘mn orde show tha the psy of forming ptt satemente {s bated on alps defect of lrgaag, west up the stem tow, The semences under ate grammatically well a Toga cea, hence meaninhl. The tnenee under Il exesping BS) fie in grammadeal respects perty mnogo (0 los yer 1 See form IA (dt and ses) es mt. dd, sass the requirments to be impel on #lngialy corel lense. But iis nevenheess meaning, bene fe andble Imo ore language This shown by sentence THA, which ho the same con ing ws HA, Sntcnce frm IIA then proves be undesable Besse swe canbe fed rom it by means of rama fase operations, 1 the meaning sentence forms HB, which are taken rom the tore quotation. ‘These forms cannot eem Be constructed ie the Correct lnguage of Col II Nowe, helmet 1 ‘oc obvious at fst lane, teeae one fecal deed by The Slory with the mean semenes TH. The fa of our language ‘toile hee es, therefore, nthe circumstance that, in conta {ova logealy comce lingege, amt the same gama form for meaningfl amd meaningless word seqvencet. To esch sentence in words we have added comspondingTormala io he teh Men yee a eo ced 17] ocote eaenar ‘notation of symbole lope: these forme facilitate rcopiton of the undesirable analogy between IA and Aad therewith of the fren of the meaningest constructions 11. ALWoat omiey A.Whaic ome A Tee mation “Out ‘Oac) es ea ay. Nothing is oo thing) “ich ‘Sutno) ou “ae.0u0 (le what dori” Noting?” "(a0)" can even ve See roe at onus 1.We know the rnin 1."We sek the Rio Nath 2."The Noting ‘On closer inspection ofthe pseudsatements under IB, we ao find sme diferenes, The contin of sentence (1) simp bised onthe mistake of emplcying the word "nahing” 22 2 ‘noun, Decne is customary ino langsage to we iin this fre fonder to construct a negative existential statement (sce TIA). In ‘comet langage, onthe other hand, itis not 2 partial name, tht a certin Topic! form of the telence tat tert this purpose The linination of Metaphyer on (see IA). Sentence IIB2 ads something ne, viz. he fasion of the menninglne word “to nothing” This tetence, tereore, male for a'votoldrexson. We ported Ou before that he mean Ingless words of metaphysics usually owe their origin to the fa that a meaningfl word i deprived of ts meaning through is met Dorel use in metaphysis. Bur here me confront one ef those rare Ener where a new word i etrodued which never had a meaning to begin with, Likewise sentence INBD mut be rejected for lwo re fons: In fespsc of the eror of using the word “othing” as 4 noun ICs ke the previous zentences. Hut in sddivon i ivavee a conta: Ahioa. For even it were admissible t introduce “nothing” 3s 2 mame or description of am enya the exsence of this entity ‘ould be dened nits very dfnttn, whereas veateee (3) goes om Uo aie its existence. This sentence, theretore, would be contradc= tory, hence absurd, even if were ot alesdy means. in'view of the gross logical rfors hich we fnd in Semences 1B, we might beled to eomgetare that pertags the word nothing” has 'in Hetleggers tretse '® meaning entely ‘iflerent from the ‘stomary on, And this presumption Is ferret wengtened as we fo.on to read there that ase eval the Nobing thst the Nothing [alts present as such in aniety. Fr ete te ward “aon” seems to refer to 2 certain emotional constitution, posily of Teigios torr or something OF other that nderier‘ssh emotions, T suc twee the case, then the mentioned logis emer in sentences 1D Would not be" commited” Hut the frst serence ofthe quotation st tho teening of ths section proves tha the interpretation fe mt Psible The combination of “ony” and "othiny ese” shows un Iistakably tht the word “nothing” ere ha tbe aeeal meaning {geal patel tht server forte fwmulation of a negaive ert {ental statement. This inroducion of the word "aething” i then nome immediatly ftlowed bythe lesing gusston of the ea bout this Neh Tut our doubts es toa posible mixnerretation get completly isle ss we nee thatthe nor ofthe teat fe lesly aware ff the confit tetoeen his quesions and statements and lope. “Questo and answer In repnrd tothe Nothing ae equally abvid in themetves, “The tindamental tule af theking. commonly anrealed te, the'law ef probitied contradiction, pene lone? ‘destroys thi cation” Allthe worse for lope! We must sblish Severeeny: “Ir thus the power of the andertnting the ek Of ‘questions concerning Noting and Heine roten, ten the fate of the soveregaty of lpi’ win phlewophy Is theehy decked 38 in) sumoee cansue well The very iden of Toi’ dissolves in the whi of more basic ‘qocsonng But ll sober sience conde the Wai ct counter Hepat guesionag” To this question too there i 2 Teady answer "The alge sabiety and supenority of tice becomes Fclous ite does not take the Nething serious" Ths we fin hee a good ‘onimatin ofr thes; a etaphyscian hema here rates that {is questions nnd answers ave iresoaciable with logis the 2c mu way of thinking "The ilerence between oor thes and that of the ealr om ‘metgphyeicons shoud nom be sear. We do not reeatd metaphysis tm Sere speculation” ot "airy tales” The statements of tty tile do not confit wth Tose, but nly with expeienee they ate Fcc’ mesnimefl although fase. Metaphysics is noe “superst= Tons 1 i pool to believe tre end take peopoitons But not to believe meaningless sequences of Words. Metapyial Fatenens fe no even acceptable a "working iypovheaes= fora hypoess ‘must te capable of entering ita relations of dedacey wt (tse ‘or fls) empl statement, which jst what peeudosiaemens ‘nnat do. ‘Wi reference to the so-called liniaion of human kowiedge an atempt is tometiner nade to save melapiyies ty renin the (Glowing bein: sical stant en nes vs {able by man or by aay eer finite Bein: nevertheless they might be construed ab conjctrer bout the answers which a being ith Nigher ce even perfect powers of Knowledge would make to out ‘ietions, andar such conjectures they woetd, ar lhe mean= {afl To counter ths bjecton, kts comer the folowing. It the meaning of 2 word cannot be speed, ov ifthe sequence cf trordr doen not accord withthe rust af ayia, th ons has net rem asked 2 question. Jus think of the psudo-questons "sthis {able eaty", ie the umber 7 oly, which numbers re darker, the even or the a ones”). Where tere no queton, not eve hn omnisceat being an pve am answer Now the Objector may jst one who can sce’ may communiate new knowledge tthe bind, soa higher eing might perhaps communicate to ts meta- physical knowledge, eg. whether te vile orld isthe mals fiom of sprit Here we mat reDet on the meaning o "new know ‘ige” I, indeed, concevble thst we might encooner animals two tll ws about anew sense, I thes bengr nee fo prove tots Formats theorem or were to inent a new physical intrimen oF ‘wee to essa hitherto unknowa iw of fate, then ou knowl ‘ge would be increased wih tse help. For is sre thing We ‘The tmination of Metaphysics Im an tt, jst the way even a nd man can understand and et the Stole of physics Vand therewith ny satement made by thse who ss). Dt if those hypototical beings Yell Us something which Se cinnct ery, then we cannot understand I ether, in tat ease 'm information hasbeen communicated tow, bul mere vera Sounds void of meaning thowph possibly aseriated with images. 1 fl~ ows that our knowledge can only be quartiaivey enlarged by cer bags, no matte wheter they know more oF Ki or ever hing, bun knowledge of an esse ieee kind cam Be Ide. What we do ot know for cetan, we ay come to kno with fens certainty through the assitnce ef other beings: bat what FE unintgible, meaningless for us, camo become Meaningful throuphsemcone cl’ atnce, however vast is knowlege sight be Thereore no pod and no evan gi us metaphyseal knowledge (6 Meannvouesavess oF ait MerAnivsics ‘The examples of metaphysical statements which we have anal- ype were al fken rom jst one treatise But oar resus apply with {tua aly in part even in veeally Senta ways o ther meta Diysiea systems. That tease Is compte In he reat Ia cing ‘oprovingly a tatemen by Hegel ("pure Being and pure Nothing, Ahretorey are one and the same"). The metaphysics of Hegel as tally the sae Toll character a thia modern stem of met pss. And the same holds forth rete the metaphyseal sytem, though ‘he kind of praseolory and therewith the Kind of ogteal ‘errors that occur in them devine more orl fom the Kind that ‘occu Inthe examples we dncused I shoald mote necessary ere t adoce further examples of specie metaphysical Sentences in diverse systems and sub theme {0 analysis. We confine ourselves (0 an inston of the most c= ‘gent nds Wf ero Phas the majority of de loge mistakes that ate commited when poeudosiotemens ae made ave ased onthe Teil Tats Infcing the ese of the word "to be in our Language (amd ofthe ovtespondag words in her Isgusos, at less in met Fsropean Feguape). The Frnt fut isthe ambiguity ofthe word "tobe Tt Is sometimes used as copula preaed to «predic "Tam Banery"), Sometimes to designate exktonce ("I am") This mae 8 at Fravaed by the fact that metaphyslcans often are mot cea about the ambien ‘The second fast Hsin the form of the ver init second meaning, te meaning of existence. The verbal form figs (7) onote camer 2 pate he thei on, To be et ha bot for 2 ng time that extence i not a property (cf. Kans relation Cth cosa proof ofthe extenee of Gt) Bu ns mo ‘hal the advent of moder logic tht ful eomstency ca ths point ‘tat reached the sytactia! fom in which eden age induces the ig for ext suc that icanoot, hem predicate, be p= ied tosis for objects, but only to predate (ce. sentence IA inthe above table). Mest metaphysctans since antheiy have ‘lone themeies tobe seduced ino rewdosatement byte {ert and tere the predictive form’ ofthe word to be Samco i “We met an stration ofthis error in Descartes’ “opt, ero sug" Lotus tezrd hee the mate ejection that have been ‘aed again the premiso—vn, wheter the rene" ik” ae gnely expres the iteoded state oar or contin perhaps a Fipostuioeand conte the two sentences oly from the foral- togeal point of view. We nedce at once two, vena opel {akce. The fist fs Ia the conclusion “am” The verb Wo be" ‘moubtedly meant inthe sense of exener here form copa ca ‘ot be ined witout procaine, Descartes a hes lays teen ited inthis seme Bot in hat cv this vetoes the sorementoned loa rate that cxstence ean be predated ‘yin confncton witha prediene, roy In conection wiht mane (Gobjec proper tame.” exellent doc not ave the form 4a exit (as in "Ta" eT exs”), but “ere exis Something of ch snd sich a Hed" The second eror le inthe traaaion from "I think” Yo "exit" I from the sstoment “P(a)” (Chas the property Pan exten snence tt bs deed, then the intr ean ser exten oly wth respec oth preicte not wth repel to the subject Of the premise. What fellows from "tam a European” nt ot Evropenn exe” What flows rom thing that hiss" "fae crcamtance hat ou engages expen enlace by a veib (tobe oo ext) smo inl Tope! at oy inp Drops dango. The vettal form caly miseas wr Ino the fiseoncpton that exstece a predicate. One then aes at sch [egily increta hence senseless modes of expettn a¢ were fest ermine. Likewise such forms. as "Being" or "Not Beng” thick fom fine immemorial have played prea olin metopiyis, Inve the sme xg ln afopally otrect language sch forms ca tot event constted, I sppea hatin the Eatin andthe Germ The Hniationof Metphyies [sy Ianetapes the forms “ene” of “die Seiende™ wor, pefhaps under the sedetve influence ofthe Glek example, Iodiced special fr ‘We by metaphysics; in ths way the languge deteriorate lostelly ‘whereas the aditon Was bekcred to represen an inpovement "Another very frequent vilatinn of fogical synta the socal “type confusion” of concept. Whils the fuevouly memone! imie take consists im the peda use of symbol with non-pedicve ‘meaning, inthis sce prediae indeed, teed ae predicate et = freien of a ierent type. We have bee wlan ofthe ues ve of metapyses but already occurs very eften in convertion Fanguage alo. Bot here it arly lends to aomseres The typical ambiguity of words hoe of such ind that canbe easly rere Buample: 1 “This ble leer ta hat” 2. “Te it of hist Sarge in the height of ht ib” Here she won “ger” ol (for alate bettcn abject in (8) for ison betwee SS eater 1 ot Simin nso er a ‘Fnac args ethene in term of “reese” by deans ment orm (1) 1 be sronyoun wih (2) (ond 3 St Since the confusion of types causes no harm In conversational language, i usualy ovored ently Thief indo eepedion fo! the ondary we of language, bat as had unortunste consecees In metphysics Here the condoning hy evetydy langage ha Ted 10 confine of types which, alte thor in everyday language, ae 0 longs Uaroltale ino lily covet form. Paio-atemens Of this kind are encountered in aspect are quan crs the ‘tings of Hegel and Heldenger The latter has ndopd many. fos “allrties of the Hepsi idiom slong with thei lope fut es preietes which shoul! be sped to objec of eral sort ae Instead applied to predicate of these object or to “hea oe 10 existence" of 0a aation between these bet), ving found that many metaphyseal safements are meaning Jes, we confront the question whether there Ts ot perhaps core of mesingl statements Im metaphysics wich would retain Sle ‘imination of ll he meanings ones. 161 ovate eamiar Indeed the ress we have obtained so far mleht give ise to te he thts re many dank of alin Into toss fe fpetapapsis and that one mut sccordimly endesvor To avo tape nih ret cae fo wants to-do metapiies. But actly the statin fe tat mesninful metaphyseal siemens ae impos ibe. Thi follow from the tsk which metophysis ste isl) 10 Giscover and formulate kind of Knowledge wbich i not accessible {o empirical scence. "We have ten ete thatthe meaning of statement les in the ‘method of is vericton, A statement srt onl 80 much as 5 ‘eulfblwith respect t it Therefore a sntense chm be wed only To'amert an empires! proposton, i inded it sed 10 asere amy thing at ll, I something wert le, in pict, Beyond posible fexperncey 1 could be netiot ssid ot ough nor aed. “Mesningfl) statements ae divided into the following Kinds Fist thre se stenente which are tuo solely by vue of thet fom Cos meg Wie hy Coen mata to nite judement). They sy othing out relly, ‘The formulae of lope tnd mathemares ae of is Und They sre nt thomelves fetal statement but serve for the ‘ch coe fale by situ of thie frm, With reaper to all other state: mens the decslon abot trath or flzehod lies inthe protocol se teoce. They ate therefore (tre ot fake) empirical statement ane Belong wo te domaln of empielslence, Any statement ene estes to conduct which does not fall within thete esepois comes Stiomatcaly meaningless. Since metaphysis docs not wet to sar, nate propositions aor to fall witha he domain of empire fiene, is competed to employ words for which no evtaria of pplication ee specifed and whieh ae therefore devo of seme, bres to combine mecningfl words In such away that nether an Solve (or contadctory) statement ot an empiiea stternen Prodiced In eter ese rewo-sttements ae th ineabe rele Logical trays, them, pronounces the verdict of meanings ses on ay lleped knoe tat pretends 10 reach above or behing xperinces This ver hits in the fst plce, any speculative eto psc, any alleged Knowle by pure thinking oe By ere inarion {hat pretends tobe abe to do without experience, Bat the verdict ‘equal applies to the Kind of metaphysics which staring frm ex perience mants to acquire knowledge aboot that which tanacende ‘experience by means of special inferences (eg, the neo-vitalst thes The Elimination of Metepatce im, ofthe cctv presence ofan “entelechy” in organic processes, wich ‘Stpposeiy cant be vortood in terms of pss the question Coutening the “estece of carats tamscendiag the acetatn- ot of etn rapatites of uscestions the tlk about the “thing Inset). Futber, the same judgment most be passed onal por ‘phy of orm, or philosophy of vlu, on any ethics or estes a8 {normative dpline. For the objective vay of 3 value or norm ie even om the tew of the philosopher of valve) at enpirialy ‘eeisble nor dedacible front empl statements; hence i eannot be anerted (in a meainefolstement) stall moter wor: Either Etpal crea are indented forthe ise of “good” al "beati- {ut and the rest ofthe predicates that are employed in the normative Science, oe they ave not Inthe fet cae, sateen containing Sch 3 predate ers lao a factual Judgeat, bet nota value jae ‘bent inthe second ease, i becomes 2 prewdostatement I sat [Phe imposible to make a sttemeat that expres a auc jadomest. inal, the verdit of meaningissness aso fs those metar physical movements which are ueually ald, inpropedy, epsteme- Tegel movements, that is reatim (iota a6 Heats 19 say aoe them te empca fart tht the gequrese of events exits certain regulary, which makes the applleation ef the indoctive method pos Sle) and its opponents: subjective team sisi, phenonencl- ism, and postnn (in he eaiee sense) "But what, then, let oer for pias, ill tatements what ver that suet something are of an emprelaatoe and belong. 1 lst scence? What remains m0 statements, ror 9 theory, not 2 system, but nly 2 mrtg. the method of fog anayis The Toceging discon has iletated the neste sppietion Of ths ‘method in that context it serves to climate meninges word, ‘eanagins prea atstements. In its pove wei serves to ary Imeaningft concepts and prepostons olay fica Fundations for {aetal ence a for mama The aka appeaion ofthe eed acer and Inga ne pet hea ston. iat even in ie present pace, the poutine application mot fete. We cannot here daca in gremer deta ht ete Indicated task logical aay, inguiy ino lpia foundations, thats meant Dy “sient phlowophy” in contrat to metaphysics The avestion repaing the Topeal chuacer of the statements which obtain ae the real of slog anys, the sate en, eng habeas lope papery ah ie be a ‘svered only tentatively: such statements ate pay analy, party ‘mputcalFor these statements about statements a parts eae vay sonour camer sets tlong in pat to pure mealne (“a vequcnce consisting tthe exitencesymtol and noun, Is ot acter”), i pat 1S dept metsope (eg “the word sequence attach an Such 1 place i such and techs took fr meanings"). Meta wil teiscwsed ewer. I wil uo be shown tere thatthe melons ‘hich ses abet the sete of © ie nngage can be Tor Tate in that very language sel 7. Merarnsies 1 Bxeassston oF CATHODE TOWARD LIFE ‘Our chim thatthe statements of metaphysics ae entiey mean- ingest tht they do not ser anything, wl eave even thse who ‘te intellectaly wih or et wth pall fing of sae test how could tbe caplaned tht 0 any nic ll ass od ows, among th eaieat minds spent fo much ener, ay ‘erable fervor, on wetaphyacs the Tater consted of ing bt mere words, mnsenialyfutapsed? And how cold one ae fount forthe fat that metaphyseal Docks have exerted sack song iene on readers up to de presen dy, they cael ot even tore but nothing 3S? These doubts ae pated ince means Serine av cet ny # moter or, Te (seudo)sttemens of metaphysics do not tere forthe dewrption af se fy eter eng oes ina ae ey wend fe te statements) nor aoeexsting ons in that cae they woul! be leat fab statements). They ere fr the expreson ofthe gem al atiude of « prion towards Ie (Lebeseetlung, shes tune). Pethaps we muy astune that metpysisorgated fom myth ogy. The child angry at the swiked tbe which bart him Friis mn eno consi the eatcnng no arthqakc,o he woes the diy of the fertile rai i rata ire we confor personification of natural plenonena, which we the qumi-porc etpresion of mans emotional reatonsip 0 hi ‘trionment Ths heiage of yalogy beuraled on the ome and to oer which produces an nenies the ees of mye ‘ogy on fe ina debermte way on he othe han, kis handed down to eal, ich develops mythology int &ysem. Which, mo, 1 the stoica role of metaphysis? Perhpe we may rea it a8 ube for theology on the level of systematic, concepts hak ing, The (suppor) tstscendentsoares of nowege of thal ‘oy ace ere replaced by natural, yee supped wan-enpieal he Einination of Metpyss 179) beret of told On ls inspection the fame conten 8 hat ‘Stnytnclogy fs het sil reogizable behind he epeatedy varied Grea find tat metaphysics lp aces from He Ded ive peta to man's tds in ie, hi emotion and votional $eoSon to the environment tsk, 19 the tasks to which Be ‘Shoce se to the mifrtnes a befall hn. Tai aide stim tue unconsiously 8s, i everything # ma Soot sae tbe impress ell on hx fia estues, pechaps even Gh character of his gat. Many people, or, fea desire 10 Sh owe and above thas manfeaiines spel exiresion Ot ‘Heiramteds thowth wich esp come vb fa more ne Bee So penton way they have arse talent they ate ee {e'eapre hemes by prod work art Many wtce ave aleny carted the sayin which the tase ate fe mai {ted thong the ye and manger of 2 work of at (eg Dithey ‘ns sens) (int eonaectn the tem “world yew CWE SRchnoumg’) i aten wt we peter tava it because of Rk Stivguy wich Bre tne diferenes between atitede and theory, wifes whieh of saci importance for our analysis} What {sre ene! for ont coroner enly te fact tha it 20 ‘equ; metaphysics sn adequate means fr the expression of the ‘an tide: OF Course, there aed be no tine chetion fone {ing nny mean of expression one ies But the case of mets Finis we Ge tis sition trough the frm of Is works pee ait be comething tat inate form it question shat Se sem of Satesents witch ave appre eal as premises Se eosin at the form ofa tory. ta hi way the tion Tica! content gem wborene mee hae see, there Eo soc coment i no ony te ender, ba the metopys Kimi ho sues trom the Mon that the metaphyseal tate thems sy someting, dese ster of fas. The mata feieves Ut he tal fe terior im which aia feo ae ete ‘ta eat: ever, he har at sated omhing, but on Speed some ke arte That the metaphysis ‘Suing mgt cohot be dled fom he fot thot he selects tngungs te neon of expression a delrative sentences 2 tietform cf eepeson for Iyer pots doth sme wifloat so ‘ming to selon, Butte eapysian sopprs is tte sie sens, cnins stent to ir coment he polemics ‘lie Tocaphyscans of Sergent peraion Wy atenpng 1 ite te acenns in seni: Lil pots om the ete han, Go'ne yt ele hei pom the mtements ia poom by rome 1) unote catnar ther Iriel poet for they know they are in the domain of art and tot in the domuin of ery. Peshaps music 1s the purest means of expression of the basic anode beease 1 entre fre from ary relerene to objects. The Ihumonous feling or sttade, which the metapsiin tes to ex pres in's monic sytem, ir’ more clearly exprened inthe must Sf Morar. "And when a metaphysician gies vetbsl expression 10 ‘is date ere situde towards ie in Gals eystem, et mo {ethape becase he Tacks the ability of Beethoven To express th Stode in an adequate medium? Metaphysics ae musicians wth ‘Sat mosis Tread they have tong fntintion to work ‘tin "the medium ofthe theoretical, Io comet concept ad thouhis, Now, instead of scvatag, on the one hand thi ncina- tim i the dian f etenes, and stetyng, onthe other hand he reed fr expesion i a thematic cones te two a [Produces «suture which achieves nothing fr knowledge and some ing nade for the expression of aude “Our conecture that metaphysis Ist substiut, albeit a inde quate one. for at, sem 10 be frther confined by the fact tht the metaphycian who perhaps fod aris talen to the Rphet ‘epee vi. lease, alert emily avoided the eror of tht come asin, A irge pat ‘of tit wort has predominanly ena! eon tea. We ind thete, for Instinee, isto snalses af specie ane Phenomena, cts histor! pryholopial anages of ovate In the Shork, however, Im which he exprestes mos stongly tat wich others xpress though melapyics cr etn, in Thur Shale Zarahusre, fn doesnot choose the misleading Uhereucal frm, bot openly the {oem of at, a pote. REMARKS BY THE AUTHOR (1957) ‘nlutve ‘Stte” Metapcsmthie ene nner tems Hee thao et ‘Siting, Hegel, Bergvon, Hedger ut esol iciae endows tonardh'a syne and’ generation of he rents of the wrout ce. “To eton 1, “meaning” Today we ditingsch varios mening. in patil copitve (Signing relent) meaning ot {he ot hands ead nomcopntie. (tyrant) mening compacts ‘eg emote and motivate en the oben th pe pope, he ord The Elminaien of Meaphyies (a Sncaning” i always understood inthe tease of “cogtive meaning.” Toe ta thee of aes meninges no the'eoment The bin papctolopeal fetta they hve apes Imcaning hereby not dei explcy sated Seto “To'tcnon 6, “nto” The tr retro he theory of expen: soto in nin pra ofthe gel eons Tay Teimat reatons tnd semantics athe theory oC meaning ad rat secon 6, reli ad elim Tht bath he aries he SS hae tied show fe tee snnoyeph See ‘Ler Phloophies Der Fromdpmpehice und der Reimer, ee ie he nn ae he ca tes sho eat nent abaat nies, en rope, ati propia, ‘docnacl In "Empire, Simatic tad Omology” Revue Inrn’ at Pho 3,190, 2640, reed In: Meaning and Neves, sco ea tony ea, i956.

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