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Drugs or drug is a substance / substance that can affect the mental condition / psychology person
( thoughts , feelings and behavior ) and can cause physical and psychological dependence . Are included
in the drug , ie narcotics, psychotropic and other addictive substances .
The problem of drug abuse prevention is not the task of a group of people alone , but become our
common task . Drug abuse prevention efforts are done early is good , of course, with enough knowledge
about the response . The role of parents in the family and also the role of educators in schools is great
for combating the drug prevention .

Narcotics according to Law No. 22/1997 , Narcotics , which are substances or drugs derived from plant
or not plant either synthetic or semisintetis which can cause degradation or alteration of consciousness ,
loss of taste , reduce to eliminate pain , and can lead to dependence .


1 . individual factors

Most started as a teenager , because adolescents are changing biological , psychological and social
rapidly . The characteristics of adolescents who have a greater risk of drug use , such as lack of
confidence , easily frustrated , aggressive , moody , shy , reserved and so forth .

2 . Environmental Factors

Environmental factors include family factors and unfavorable milieu around the home , school , peers ,
and society , such as parent and child communication is not good , parents are divorced , married again ,
parents are too busy , indifferent , authoritarian parents and so on .

The factors mentioned above does not always make a person would become drug abusers . However ,
the more the above factors , the more likely a person become drug abusers .

Clinical Symptoms of drug ABUSE

1 . Physical Changes

At the time of drug use : stagger , pelo speech ( slurred ) , apathetic ( indifferent ) , sleepy , aggressive .
When there is excess dose ( overdose ) : shortness of breath , slow heart rate and pulse , cold clammy
skin , and even death . While we were hooked ( sakau ) : red eyes , runny nose , yawning continuously ,
diarrhea , pain throughout the body , lazy bath , seizures , decreased consciousness . Long -term effects :
an unhealthy appearance , do not care about the health and hygiene , tooth loss , injection site on the
arm .
2 . Changes in attitudes and behavior
Decline in school performance , not homework , play truant , lazy, irresponsible . Changes in sleep
patterns , late nights , hard to wake morning , sleepy in the classroom or workplace . Often travel up late
, sometimes not come home without permission . Are often confine themselves , to linger in the
bathroom , evade met with other family members .

Often gets phone calls and visited by people who are not recognized by other family members . Often lie
, ask a lot of money for various reasons , but it is not clear to use, take and sell the valuables belonging
to their own or family , stealing , violence and often involved dealing with the police . Often be
emotional , irritable , grumpy , rude , hostile , pencurigaan , closed and secretive .


Prevention efforts include three things : identify high- risk adolescent drug abuse and intervene . This
effort is mainly done to identify adolescents who have a high risk for abusing drugs , after the
intervention for them not to use drugs . These prevention efforts made since the early age of the child ,
so that factors that can menghabat process of child development can be addressed properly .

Two-way communication , being open and honest , listen to and respect the views of the child .
Strengthen religious life . The emphasis is not just a religious ritual , but rather reinforce moral values
embodied in religion and apply them in everyday life . Parents understand the problem of drug abuse in
order to discuss with the child . ***
Drug threat for Young Generation

Which always occurred in reflecting anti - opium World Day which falls every year on June 26 is
a fact increasingly high incidence of drug abuse . Data shows that the number of drug cases increased
from 3,478 cases in 2000 to 8,401 cases in 2004 ( or rose an average of 28.9 % per year ) . While the
number of suspected drug crime suspects rose from 4,955 in 2000 to 11,315 suspects in 2004 ( up an
average of 28.6 % per year ) .

Injecting drug users are also increasing . Even more than 169 thousand users , 50 percent of them are
infected with HIV / AIDS . Since 2000-2004 , BNN ( National Narcotics Agency ) and police seized narcotic
drugs among other types of marijuana and its derivatives as much as 127.7 tonnes and 787 259 rods ,
93.9 kg of heroin , 244.7 grams of morphine , and cocaine 84.7 kg , as well as the type of psychotropic
ATS seized goods , including 741,061 tablets of ecstasy and methamphetamine 233,106.81 grams .

What is also ironic , drug offenders are not only men but also women and also there are housewives . In
fact, often the children are also involved in drug transactions . Of the findings are , generally sourced in a
matter of poverty so that they dare plunge into the drug business . This fact is reasonable by considering
Ansori assertion ( 2003) that the drug problem in Indonesia has been through a long history .

In the last three decades , illicit trafficking and drug problems in Indonesia continues to grow . This is
partly reflected in the allocation of cases of drug -related problems , including the form of opium ,
hashish , heroin , and morphine . In general , those involved drug cases in Indonesia are mostly citizens
( 98 % ) , from a variety of professions , including civil servants ( 0.73 % ) , students ( 4.74 % ) , students
( 3:36 % ) and unemployment ( 32.90 % ) . In fact , the comedian did not miss too entangled drug cases .
While public officials or civil servants caught drug cases is still relatively little , but the real figure is much
greater because of alleged unreported . While the number of unemployed drug addict who looked high ,
including here are young children . The younger generation unemployment is quite vulnerable to drugs .
Some of them are still in high school and junior high school , aged 15-24 years , 80 % male and 20 %
female . ( BNN , 2003) .

Actually , drug offenders are not only citizens , but also foreigners . In fact , there is a strong
presumption syndicate has existed in various drug transactions in Indonesia . In some of the findings
showed that in the last 5 years as many as 20 Australians involved drug offenses in Bali and foreign
nationals caught in Bali drug case numbered 79 people .

Actually, the government and the international community is very intense combat drug threat case . But
unfortunately , she became more intense drug trafficking along with the incessant war against the drug

Indeed , on one side of this publicity can reduce circulation . But on the other hand , what is needed is
concrete action so that drug trafficking can be minimized ( read : if it can not be removed ) . Figures drug
abuse rose sharply despite the security forces , the National Narcotics Agency ( BNN ) , the Anti - Drug
Movement ( Granat ) and several NGOs intensified fight against drug trafficking . Of course there are
many underlying reasons why this case still can not be resolved . Therefore , collective and systematic
work should indeed be further improved to prevent the widespread circulation .

It should be differentiated levels of drug use ( drug user) : Namely : a) People who do not use drugs in
the state ( abtinence ) . b ) Phase of trial and error ( experimental user ) . c ) The use of drugs as part of a
recreational activity or party (social user ) . d ) The use of drugs on a regular basis ( habitual user ) . e )
Users who feel very dependent with norkoba ( addict) ( At this stage , users find it difficult
psychologically apart from drugs ) . f ) Users who have been dependent on drugs ( HC addict /
dependent) . At this stage , physically and psychologically the addict is difficult to break away from
dependence taking drugs .

A- d levels are relatively still be helped . They also do not need to undergo the process ditoxsifikasi
( remove toxic drugs in the blood ) . They just need a social therapy , but for those who already are at a
stage addict and dependent , they need to be in - detox and the need to undergo intensive rehabilitation
process to strengthen the healing process . ( Ibid , 2003) .

Regardless of the various factors, which also turned out to be a bit ironic of women who fall into drugs .
Related to this , it's normal then Adiningsih ( 2003) asserts that the existence of women in drug -
traffickers only as perpetrators or even just as a victim of the drug business ?

This question can not be answered easily because it is very thin difference between the two . There is a
possibility , a certain condition makes woman who initially was the victim , turned into perpetrators . In
fact , the thinness of the boundary , so that could be a real woman is a victim but the perpetrator looked
like , so he actually treated like criminals . Thus , the condition is very ironic and this fact poses a serious
threat to the continuity of the development of quality human resources in the future .

Drugs have become a thorny issue in this country . The victims came from all walks of life , not to
mention the public officials and the majority of our young people . Clearly drug adverse impact in terms
of anything else. Pecandunya will undergo psycho - social dissorder . Various studies have shown that
drug abuse related to traffic accidents and crime , even today , the use of drug needles into the
transmission of transmission of STDs , HIV , hepoatitis C is very effective . In Indonesia , cases of HIV /
AIDS transmission through injecting drug increased dramatically . If in 2001 the number of cases of HIV
infection through injecting drugs by 1 % , then in 2001 to 19 % , and continued to increase by about 40-
50 % in 2003 . ( MOH, 2003) .

The facts show that HIV / AIDS has now become a serious threat . Based on data from the United
Nations , people with HIV / AIDS are mostly women . The data shows that globally approximately 41-50
% of women infected with HIV / AIDS , even in Sub - Saharan Africa , about 58 % of people with HIV /
AIDS are women . Two - thirds of women infected with HIV / AIDS under the age of 24 years and this
trend is prevalent in Asia . The new paradigm of prevention - prevention of HIV / AIDS is to empower
women , touching aspects of fairness and gender equality , and women's use rights perspective it is
especially urgent . The new paradigm is not limited to the medical and moral solution , but in the
broader political transformation , economic , social , cultural construct within the framework of justice
and gender equality between women and men .

Drugs are a serious problem . Therefore there must be a commitment from all parties to combat drugs .
Involvement of parents to control their children become very important in the fight against drugs . It
mainly refers to the consideration that the role of parents in instilling a spirit of faith is very dominant in
the family sphere . If not we fighting drugs now , when? Will have to wait for more and more victims ?

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