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Terms relating to COVID-19

'Social distancing' is just one of many terms related to the Corona virus that emerged in the
COVID-19 pandemic. To better understand the terms related to COVID-19, consider the
following review:

1. Social distancing

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the meaning of the term
'social distancing' or 'social restrictions' is to avoid public places, stay away from crowds, and
maintain an optimal distance of 2 meters from other people. With the distance, the spread of this
disease is expected to decrease.
2. Isolation and quarantine

The two terms related to the Corona virus refer to actions to prevent transmission of the Corona
virus from people who have been exposed to this virus to others who have not.

The difference, isolation separates people who are already sick with people who are not sick to
prevent the spread of the Corona virus, while quarantine separates and limits the activities of
people who have been exposed to the Corona virus but have not shown symptoms.

Various experts recommend quarantine at home or independent isolation for at least 14 days.
During quarantine, you are encouraged to stay at home while living a clean and healthy lifestyle,
not meeting other people, and keeping a distance of at least 2 meters from people who live in the
same house.
3. Lockdown

The term 'lockdown' means regional quarantine, which is a restriction of population movement
within an area, including closing access to and leaving the area. The closure of routes and routes
and restrictions on population movements is done to reduce contamination and spread of
COVID-19 disease.

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