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Always reaching for more

Abraham’s grandson Jacob the son of Issac a man who stand in contrast with Abraham himself
the great father of faith

While Abraham comes to place all his trust in God Jacob is introduced as a schemer who
aggressively pursues his own desires for his life even if they are not in accord with God’s plan

His brother Esau’s birthright steals Esau’s blessing and dishonorably violates custom as he seeks
to marry Jacob relies on his own plotting and effort more that he relies on God Israel me he who
strive with God

Jacob be entrusted with the great promises and blessing passed down from Abraham and
become a great patriarch at the foundation of Israel’s history

Sibling Rivalry

When Abraham’s son Issac marries woman named Rebekah who conceives twin son that are
rivals from the start the struggled together in her womb even their birth was a moment of

When the first born Esau was delivered the second born grabbed hold of Esau’s heel hence the
younger brother was named Jacob which means supplanter or cheater or even more literarily he
clutches the heel

First Jacob grabs Esau’s birthright when Esau returns from hunting one day he is famished and
pleads with Jacob for some food

He gets the best of his brother when he trades him pottage for his birthright the birthright
represents his prerogatives and status as the first born including the right to a double portion of
inheritance that his father would award each son

Stolen Blessing

But getting the birthright was not enough for Jacob he still wants more and grabs at the blessing
Esau was supposed to receive from his father as well

The difference between the birthright right and the blessing is that the birthright refers to the
concrete material inheritance a first born son would receive from the father the lions share of the
fathers estate

The blessing is a spiritual inheritance the father invokes Gods grace upon the first born so that he
can carry out his responsibility to lead his family as patriarch after his father dies

The firstborn also assumed a priestly role leading the family in worship and meditating their
relationship with God

The younger before the older

When Jacob arrives in Haran he meets Lebans two daughters Leah and Rachel

Leah is the first born and Rachel is the second

Rachel means beautiful and lovely

Many Wives

The lord recognizes that Leah was involved and blessed with he ability to conceive

The twelve sone will become know as the twelve patriarchs of the nation of Israel the Bible also
shows that Jacobs sons experience intense rivalry and tension will arise in the history of their

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