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After humanity's conquest of the continent of Khorvir, and the movement of The Old Faith, currently
known as Menoth, lead the tribal lives of humans to leave the wild and settle into cities across the lands, it
also quickly became clear that humanity had to share the world with monsters, and they had existed before
man and most likely remain long after, no matter any attempt established to exterminate or somehow else
lower the casualties and dangers to the people of the land. While humanity hid behind walls of stone, the
wilds hid beasts and terrors of great dangers.
The current kingdoms have always had their problems and conflicts. But the monsters of the land doesn't
distinguish between nationalities or ethnic groups, and when the lands realized the threats roaming the
roads outside their safe city walls. Many knights and heroes saw it as their duty to combat these horrors and
beasts. And it was a known tradition for knights to go on quests to slay a monster, saving a young maiden,
or a village from danger, but despite their prowess, it didn't do the greatest difference. The roads was still
It's unknown exactly when or what they would gain, but certain secret powers agreed to do something
rather drastic, and with united resources and the combined skills of some of the greatest sages, alchemists,
and scholars of the time, have all contributed, somehow, to create a solution to the problem. There are even
some undocumented rumors, that illegal use of arcane powers have played a part in the process for the
Training and education of great warriors could only prepare a soldier or knight to the dangers they
would face, however, it couldn't provide them with the edge to fight such monstrosities in equal battle.
After all, the strongest knight can wield a skilled sword in a strong hand, but against an immortal creature,
able to split an armored man in two with a single blow, it would always be an unequal fight that humanity
would end up loosing by time.
No matter how skilled and heroic the knights of the time was, each time a village settled, whenever a
road was constructed, whenever a settlement rose by human hands, fore as long as a wild beast roamed the
woods, a terrifying dragon foraging within the nearest mountains, a basilisk nesting close by, or a ghost
haunting the local fields, there wasn't really much to do. Some heroes could perhaps slay the local
rampaging manticore, but the loses was always to great, and a better solution was a must.
The combined efforts of the most unique and skilled of sages and mystics from all over the nations, came
to an agreement and united under one project, resulting in the independent, monster hunting organization
Venatorio, later refereed to by the people, simply as Venatori.
Venatorio, Venatori.
Many attempts to grant these warriors an edge were used; unique crafted equipment, unique and
specialized training. Alchemical compounds was later used, but all but the latter failed. However, the
warriors seemed to have a great assistance from the alchemical potions and salves. The use of alchemy had
proved to give the best results; antidotes, healing salves, helpful potions, and effective oils, seemed to give
the last and most needed edge to help against the monsters, the Slayers was fighting. This resulted in more
and deeper research into alchemy and its effects onto the human body. Mostly very secretive, as the research
wasn't exactly accepted at the time, especially due to the high mortality rate, but the greatest progresses in
chemistry, medicine, biology and alchemy came from these secret experiments. And it did, additionally
grant the powers involved a new viewpoint.
The sages and alchemists started over from a new perspective. It quickly became clear that new forms of
alchemical concoctions and affixes could grant great mutations and supernatural powers to the users, but
the effects would last temporary and the human body couldn't handle the stress and toxins of the alchemy
enhancing drugs. The powers of alchemy had proved their powers, but the dangers was to great, as such
more research into making these augmenting substances more safe to use.
Through decades of research into biology and both the human and beastly physiology, aligned with the
developments of alchemical improvements, and groundbreaking genetic understanding, these ancient
alchemists and scientists managed to create unique surgical procedures and alchemy-created biological
organs, to become surgically-inserted into the bodies of willing (and sometimes unwilling) subjects, which
granted them unique metaphysical probabilities to absorb and utilize the powers of these affixes, without

dying of poison exposure.
There are even some rather groundbreaking alchemists who have managed to produce some concoctions,
that can create metaphysic powers, to the point of calling it outright injection of magic skills, enabling them
to stand against monsters on equal terms.
These procedures were extremely dangerous to the recipient of the augmented metabolisms. Later
discovered documents, have reveled that it wasn't uncommon that only one out of ten survived these
procedures. But the results was to extraordinaire to ignore.
The result was a caste of Venatori with superhuman abilities, with the strength to capture, relocate or
simply kill, extraordinarily dangerous and terrifying monsters.
The result was the creation of The Venatori!
The Venatori are biological enhanced warriors who injects themselves with power-granting drugs to give
them that extra edge in combat.
Both back then, and those still created into the present days, aren't always welcomed by the frightened
and often xenophobic people of the outskirts. Sometimes these warriors are by more vulgar tongues called
'Wanderers', as an indication for them not having a home or swearing patriotism to a nation. It's also an
indication for showing that once their job is done, many hopes they go on to some other job somewhere else.
They possess technology that no other nation have access to, and their skills and education, combined
with their drugs and enhancements, makes them a great threat to any nation, should they ever decide to
attack a kingdom, they could easily conquer it; they only need to enhance more subject to create an army,
and not even the most experienced soldiers could stand the battle.
As a result the order of the Venatori have agreed to sign treaties and placed themselves under strict
observations and laws of behavior. Should a Venatori go rogue and start killing or take action against
national matters, the individual will be deemed a renegade and to dangerously for the Venatori to ignore,
which more than usually results in other Venatori to seek out and kill the renegade if able.
Recently they Protectorate of Menoth has deemed the order 'Heretic!' This is mostly due to the recent
spreading faith of the Temple of Menoth, who condemn the arrogance of trying to surpass humanity, who
are already 'perfectly' created in the image of the divine Menoth. So the very act of trying to insinuate that
they can do better than Menoth, is an act of pure blasphemy.
Back in the old days it was, at times, a necessity to send slaves, sentenced prisoners or exiled unwanted
to the Venatorio who took in these prodigies, typically also orphans and abandoned children if
they possessed the desired qualities. There, they became initiates who were
trained by the existing Venatori, until they too were strong enough to handle
the surgical procedures and drug injections. Once fully trained, the
new monster hunter often returned home, prepared to defend
themselves and their country men from unnatural threats.
In recent times, however, the tradition to take in any those no ones wants,
training them to become Venatori, is not as necessary anymore as it originally
was in the time of the order's creation. Now, no more than about three new
Venatori are added to the caste within a period of one or two years. Usually
only when to many of the current Venatori have fallen, do the order finally
take in new applicants. This is the norm in these resent times, and often it's
voluntary ex-soldiers, village heroes, or ex-knights
Very rarely in present times, have an individual entered the order
without a choice in the matter.
In general the Venatori are formidable, and often overwhelming,
opponents to most mundane foes, thanks to their strength, speed,
augmented bodies and resilient capabilities. However they are not
invincible, as they can easily make mistakes, take a misstep in battle against
even mundane men or supernatural monsters, or simply be overwhelmed by
sheer numbers and individuals who have the skills to match a Venatori in
combat. Though rare is the individual who have managed to slay a Venatori
out of skill, rather than dumb luck or by ambush.

The Venatori inject themselves with strange alchemical substances and drugs which enhance and add
capabilities beyond human means. These drugs or 'Affixes' grant enhanced strength, endurance, resistances,
enhanced senses and even metaphysical powers.
Throughout their training, once the Venatori are deemed ready, they undergo some surgical procedures,
which changes their metabolism and immune systems to become able to absorb the poisons and drugs they
are later to inject. These affixes quite literally alters (mutates) the users physical makeup, causing
tremendous stress and injury to the body. Therefore it became necessary to make some pre-alterations to the
user's body, so better to adjust, these biological and psychological stresses.
Without these prior surgical enhancements, the Venatori would die immediately when injecting these
drug enhancements. Any other normal human die in mere seconds from even the most minor of toxicity of
the affixes.
Even though a Venatori can handle these enhancing injections, there are even a limit to how much stress
to their body and mind they can take, before they succumb to the injury of these poisons.
All affixes have a Toxicity Level, indicating how dangerous they are to inject. The limit of how much
toxic threshold a character can handle at a time, equals their Health subability score. For every two points of
toxic levels, above the character's threshold, they take -1 penalty to a save vs. poison.
poison. If successful, the
character may feel a little nauseated, but nothing else of importance; however, another saving throw has to
be made one hour later at one less penalty, and the toxic level has dropped by one, and so it continues until
either the saving throw is a failure, or until all toxic level points are equal to or lower than the threshold.
If the roll is a failure, however, the character loses 1d6 hit points per point of toxic level above the
threshold, additionally (if surviving) the character is weakened for one to two days of which their ability
scores are halved. No further saving throws are allowed.
All of their injury have to be healed naturally, as additional injections and alchemies will just add to the
toxin, and thereby additional damage.
If not poisoned by the injections, Toxicity automatically vanish when the injection's duration expire.

An affix injector looks like a glass cylinder, or cartridge, in a specially crafted and
sometimes, sculpted or inscribed iron framed syringe, all about 6 inches long and 2½ inch in
diameter. When its injected, intramuscular, into the body, the content is released into the
bloodstream via a hollow hypodermic needle. The whole injector can be dismantled and a new
refilled affix vial can be placed within the frame, and the injector reassembled, ready for next
A new injector can be bought from the Venatori's special vendors throughout the lands, for
about 100-200 gp, so most Venatori are careful not to brake or lose their injectors, for multiple
reasons. The money could be useful otherwise and there are far between these vendors.
With the proper materials and ingredients, a Venatori, who's proficient in the different
crafts, as well as alchemy, can create the injector and brew the affixes himself at a far cheaper

Jackrabbit: When this alchemical affix is injected, the user's Movement Rate is increased to 60 feet and
enables him to make astounding leaps, bounding up to 30 feet forward or 10 feet into the air from standing

Leaping to close with an enemy is considered a charge attack, and the character suffers double damage if
he lands on a spear or similar weapon set against a charge.
Duration: 3 hours Toxicity: 7 Alchemy: -1

Rage: When injected with this alchemical affix, the character gains an inherent Muscle subability score
bonus of +2 and +20 bonus Hit Points. Further, the user gains Damage Reduction of 3 against physical
Duration: 2 hours Toxicity: 9 Alchemy: -2

Rock: When injected the user gains denser and tougher muscles than the average person, with a higher
durability, capable of withstanding situations that the average person cannot. The injection provides a +2
bonus to Constitution and +3 additional temporary Hit Dices.
Duration: 3 hours Toxicity: 9 Alchemy: -1

Griffon: This alchemical affix, when injected gives the ability for the body to use less energy when
working, highly developed musculature and cleaner neurons that generate less fatigue toxins.
This enables the user to run for dozens of miles and not lose breath. Additionally, they can exert
themselves at peak capacity for several hours without use of rest before showing any sign of fatigue.
Duration: 12 hours Toxicity: 5 Alchemy: -0

Fortress: This alchemical affix remain within the bloodstream after injection. If the user experience a
horrible attack that destroys his organs, crush his bones, or even damages his entire system, this affix
immediately repairs it, rendering any fatal injury nonlethal. When this affix is injected, the user can still take
damage and will die as any other if below -10 hit points, but for the duration of the drug, the user is immune
to Death from Massive Damage and Death Effects (saves death).
(saves vs death).
Duration: 2 hours Toxicity: 9 Alchemy: -2

Mamba: This injection powers boosts the uses system to neutralize all existing detrimental
contaminants in the body, toxins, alcohols, contamination etc. Alchohols and addictive substances are
ineffective, and if exposed to poisons, diseases and hazardous gasses, the user receives a +4 bonus to saves vs
poisons and against disease, and even if failed the duration of the poisons, as well as any numbering of
damages, is halved.
Duration: 10 hours Toxicity: 4 Alchemy: -0

Manticore: This powerful antidotes, when injected into the body, makes the user Immune to all known
diseases, viruses and illnesses. The user's immunity, digestive, and other organ systems are enhanced or
evolved far beyond that of a normal human's. They are completely immune to every form of disease
brought on by bacteria, viruses, or even parasites, granting immunity to all diseases, both natural and
Duration: 5 hours Toxicity: 4 Alchemy: -1

Wyvern: Once the user has injected himself with this alchemical affix, he becomes immune to all forms
of poisons, toxins and venom.
Duration: 6 hours Toxicity: 4 Alchemy: -1

Renewel: This injection restore the user to full strength whenever they are low on energy or are in any
state of fatigue. They can restore their strength as well as the ability to use their powers if they have any.
Duration: Instant Toxicity: 2 Alchemy: -0

Pain Block: Users of this injection can block pain at will or are incapable of feeling pain outright or
highly resistant to physical pain of any kind, allowing them to think clearly and continue to move despite
grievous injury. Users can think clearly, continue to move, ignore torture and generally function in

situations where pain would disable a normal person, making him unaffected by the penalties of physical
pain. Additionally if below 0 hit points and to a maximum of -10, the user can make a Health subability roll,
to remain active and conscious.
Duration: 5 hours Toxicity: 5 Alchemy: -1

Vigor: When this alchemical affix becomes injected into the bloodstream it boosts adrenal chemicals,
granting the user a boost of energy and speed. The user can take an additional move action during a round.
Further, the user gains a +1 bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, as well as enjoys a +1 defense
bonus to Armor Class during the round as well.
Duration: 1/2 hour Toxicity: 10 Alchemy: -1

Iron Lung: When the user injects himself with this affix, his lung capacities and the ability to extract
oxygen becomes very effectively, as well as influence their breathing process, including adaptation to
various environmental temperatures, oxygen levels, efficiency of gas exchange,
causing/preventing/reversing various respiratory ailments.
This enabling them to hold their breath up to their Constitution score in minutes while staying active,
and remain completely functionally in environments of very low oxygen, or situations where breathing
actually can be hazardous, such as in very hot or cold temperatures, low or high pressure, poisonous gas, or
very moist and dense air.
Duration: 5 hours Toxicity: 4 Alchemy: -1

Fish Lung: The user's lungs, once injected with this affix, can function like the gills of a fish, by filtering
out oxygen in water, practically allowing the character to breathe under water.
Duration: 1 hour Toxicity: 3 Alchemy: -1

Adapter: This injection has the power to maintain a certain body temperature for extended periods of
time. The user can maintain different levels of their own body temperature for extended periods of time.
Some users may even be able to manipulate their own body temperatures at will.
The user can ignore the penalties and risks from extreme and hazardous temperatures. The character are
technically impervious to the effects of hypothermia and hyperthermia. He could sprint in the hot desert, in
black fur garments during a heatwave, without shredding a drop of sweat. Or stand in a frozen tundra
during a blizzard while wearing nothing but his undergarments, and still not feel any cold at all.
The user also gains a resistance of 3 to fire and cold damage.
Duration: 20 hours Toxicity: 7 Alchemy: -1

Bull's Strength: This injection boosts the powers of muscle fibers, reduce their consumption of oxygen
and energy and reduces the production of toxins, granting the user an inherent enhancement bonus of +4 to
Duration: 2 hours Toxicity: 9 Alchemy: -1

Cat's Grace: When injected into the body, this affix enhances the nerve systems and thereby the reflexes
granting a better balance than ordinary humans. The user's balance is at the peak of perfection and may
ignore any penalties to Balance roll checks. They are able to run on tight-rope effortlessly, do a hand stand
on the edge of a building or cliff without tilting, and even walk effortless along a dangerous ledge with ease.
The injection also increase the user's Balance subability score by +2 bonus.
Duration: 4 hours Toxicity: 8 Alchemy: -2

Lightning Reflexes: The alchemical affix has the power to grant reflexes beyond human potential
and perfection. The user receives a +4 bonus to his overall Dexterity score, and also gains the ability to
dodge thrown or fired missiles with a roll of 10 or better on a d20. He can literally catch or deflect an arrow
in midair, dodge offensive attacks, and perform amazing physically defensive feats; He can evade strikes
from monsters with supernatural speed, and evade dangerous areal effects with ease.

The user can't be caught off guard, surprised or out maneuvered by speed. He additionally gain the
effects of the high-level proficiency Evasion for free, and if his Reaction Modifier is equal to, or higher, than
an enemy's. He doesn't have to roll any Initiative at all, he'll always attack first.
Duration: 1 hour Toxicity: 12 Alchemy: -2

Fast Healer: This injection gives the user rapid healing. In other words, they recreate lost or damaged
tissues, and organs. Healing naturally is slow (1 HP per day's rest), however a user of this alchemical affix
can regain 1/3 their Constitution score in HP per hour of rest. However, this is only natural healing, lost
limbs cannot be regained.
Duration: 8 hours Toxicity: 5 Alchemy: -0

Close Knit: This affix gives actual tissue regeneration when injected, instantly healing 3d8+7 hit points.
Duration: Instant Toxicity: 6 Alchemy: -1

Hydra's Head: When this alchemical affix is injected, the user's body have actual regeneration of all
types of damaged tissues, regaining lost hit points at a rate of 1 Hit Point per minute. Additionally granting
a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. death,
death, and paralyzing.
paralyzing. Additionally the character gains an automatic System
Shock chance of 100% and a Resurrection Survival chance of 100%, the character regain 1 lost Ability
Damage points per half hour.
Duration: 3 hours Toxicity: 10 Alchemy: -1

Phoenix: This powerful affix gives the user actual regeneration of damage tissue with 1 Hit Point per
round, and have a System Shock chance of 100% and a Resurrection Survival chance of 100%. Additionally,
the user ignores all Ability Damage, Energy Drain, and Paralyzing effects from special attacks, stunned or
knocked unconscious is also ignored, as are Death from Massive Damage.
Duration: 1 hour Toxicity: 13 Alchemy: -3

Cure: This affix cures blindness, deafness, disease, feeble-mindedness, insanity, infection, infestation,
poisoning, and rot. It will not heal wounds or restore hit points lost through any of the above causes.
Duration: Instant Toxicity: 6 Alchemy: -1

Invulnerability: This affix confers immunity to nonmagical weapons. It also protects against attacks
from creatures (not characters) with no magical properties or with fewer than 4 Hit Dice. Thus, an 8th-level
character without a magical weapon could not harm the injector of an Invulnerability affix. The affix also
improves Armor Class rating by 2 and gives a bonus of +2 to the individual on his saving throws versus all
forms of attack.
Duration: 4d4 rounds Toxicity: 16 Alchemy: -3

Wolfe's Ear: After this injection the user's ears can pick up every single sound, and can decipher layer
upon layer of noise; he has the ability to pick up a conversation from 100 yards away in a busy city. His
sense of hearing is beyond normal, which allows that any task or skill based on auditory, or of which sound
is present, the character gains +100% to Detect Noise, and +5 to any task rolls involving sound.
Additionally, the user can use Detect Noise at a -10% penalty to hear whispers from the beyond in a
haunted area.
Duration: 1 hour Toxicity: 7 Alchemy: -2

Blanched Bat: Bat: Users of this alchemical affix emit sound-waves (merely by walking, breathing or
speaking makes enough sounds for the echolocation to work) out to the environment and listen to the
echoes of those calls that return from various objects near them. He can use these echoes to locate and
identify the surroundings and any objects, inanimate or animated. Alternately, the user can use ambient
sounds to do the same. Since this ability isn't based on sight or light, such things as Invisibility is useless
against it, as are all forms of Camouflage.

The echolocation works up to 120 feet perfect, but like normal senses looses its effectiveness slows
thereafter. A down side to this ability is that the user can become temporarily 'blinded' by loud sounds and
masses moving, or hindered by many different sounds, or reflections.
Duration: 1 hour Toxicity: 6 Alchemy: -2

Whisperer: This affix, once injected, grants the ability to focus auditory senses to certain areas, the user
can quit literally pinpoint or filter all sounds from their senses, focusing on only one particular frequent. For
example, the user could stand in the middle of a thunderstorm, on a ship in the middle of the windy ocean,
with sailors shouting for all of their ability, and the user could still filter out unnecessary noise. Or he could
sit in a tavern full of music, and still focusing in on the rouges talking in opposite end of the room.
This effect reaches as far as 60 feet and can even travel through objects such as walls, but at lesser effects.
Duration: 1 hour Toxicity: 8 Alchemy: -2

Bloodhound: Users of the affix gain enhanced olfactory senses and can detect specific smells, and
locate their origin. Some may even be able to tell if some one is lying by which hormones they excrete
gaining a +5 bonus to investigation rolls, if applying to interrogations or somehow has to do with detecting
a lie.
The user can track others down easily via scents receiving a +4 bonus to Tracking. With enough
experience, the user can follow scents that are days or even weeks old. Some users may be able to
reconstruct what has happened by sniffing around the area they are searching. The user can also recognize
others by their odor alone, and can even pick up unseen targets. For example and individual hidden from
sight could easily be detected by their smell, or a disguised character can also be revealed by their odor,
making it impossible to Ambush the user or sneak up on him, making him impossible to Surprise, and even
immune to certain types of Illusions from which the truth can be detected by scent.
At very close distance, 5 feet radius and a Alertness proficiency roll at a +4 bonus, a user can even smell
information from objects, such as poisons in foods, diseases in persons, or even if a woman is ovaluating or
menstruating, eww!.
Duration: 4 hours Toxicity: 6 Alchemy: -1

Tongue: Users may be able to detect poisons or other problems by even the tiniest sense of taste.
The user has accurate sense of taste, allowing them to sense both harmful and beneficial things, as all
basic tastes are classified as either aversive or appetitive, depending upon the effect the things they sense
have on their bodies.
The user might even be able to tell certain things about people if they taste something the person they're
describing ate/drank previously, such as gender.
The user's sense of taste is so keen, that if previously tasted, he could identify, which farmer's crops were
used for the making of this particular bread, or from which well the water in his mug originated. The
character is never fooled if someone claims this expensive wine originates from the northern part of Filiisse,
when in truth it's a mere cheap replica from out behind the backdoor. The character can take a fine touch
with his tongue on a piece of food, and immediately sense the nutrition value of this particular ”fruit or
berry”, or if the very same fruit or berry is poisonous to eat.
Duration: 6 hours Toxicity: 4 Alchemy: -0

Touched: When this affix has been injected, it enhances the user's sense of touch. Some can feel so
acutely that to rub the users hand reveals much information without oneself knowing it, sensing every
bump ripple or wave. Much like smell can reveal a persons state of health, so can their touch, by giving
hand or laying an arm around another, the user can literally feel their heart rate sensing if a person is
nervous, afraid or calm. Even the tiniest crack or scar in the skin, wrinkle or corns and calluses reveals much
about working experience, age and health.
The user's sense of touch enables him to sense the surrounding air currents . The user can predict and
react to incoming attacks, by sensing the change in the air currents. He could even read the best way to use
the currents to better aim, and let ranged attacks ride the winds for better results, providing an additional +2

bonus to the Aim subability score, in addition to receiving a +2 AC bonus. Additionally the character cannot
become robbed of their Defence Adjustments, if attacked from behind.
Duration: 1 hour Toxicity: 9 Alchemy: -1

Worm Eye: This alchemical affix makes the user able to pick up even the slightest vibrations through
physical contact with the ground, enabling him to perceive the surroundings as precisely as normal sight.
Users are able to sense the structure and materials of solid substances, including the presence of caves,
material changes, structural weaknesses, etc. The user can sense vibrations (up to 15 feet in radius) through
the ground, or anything he touches. The user cannot be Surprised or caught off guard by opponents trying
to sneak up on him. These bonuses, however, requires that the subjects are somehow moving and touching
the ground.
Duration: 3 hours Toxicity: 9 Alchemy: -2

Falcon: This injection makes the user's eyesight so acute that he can clearly detect even the smallest
details in the scenario, writings, paintings, facial expressions and features within a crown, up to several
meters away. The user can negate all range penalties and any check roll, based on sense of sight, receives a
+5 bonus.
Duration: 4 hours Toxicity: 9 Alchemy: -0

Spirit Sight: After injection the user can perceive auras, normally invisible fields of energy that
surround every living thing, this can be used to sense emotions, health, power levels, or the targets moral
alignment. They are also able to see into the spiritual netherworld, allowing them to see ghosts, and hidden
targets, even if they try to remain invisible, this awareness of astral phenomena, gives the user a +2 bonus to
surprise checks against astral or ethereal monsters. The character also has an automatic 55% chance to see
invisible entities, and ghosts from the beyond.
Maximum range is 60 feet. Requires a round of concentration to initiate, and a round to negate.
Duration: 1 hour Toxicity: 11 Alchemy: -2

Viper: This alchemical affix provides visual information of heat-signatures. The warmer the brighter, the
cooler the darker (following the spectrum of light—white, red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue, purple,
black). Gives no detailed information, but shapes can be discerned, not individual details, but even creatures
hidden by illusions, are visible under this spectrum. This vision has a maximum range of 60 feet. However,
the user can become 'blinded' by sudden bright light, it needs 1 round to adjust after using normal light.
Duration: 2 hours Toxicity: 7 Alchemy: -0

Night Owl: Users of this affix gain excellent night vision. It takes 1 round to adjust to the darkness, as
well as his eyes capturing any available light source present. Afterwards the user has perfect night-vision up
to 60 feet range, ignoring all penalties from darkness. It requires 1 round to adjust back to normal. Can be
'blinded' by sudden bright light.
Duration: 3 hours Toxicity: 5 Alchemy: -0

Blue Eye: This injection provides the ability to see in ultraviolet spectrum of light, revealing many
substances and information, that is normally undetectable by normal vision, for example, certain beings and
fungi, glow or fluorescence under ultraviolet light. It allows to locating and identifying bodily fluids even if
attempted cleaned away. For example, ejaculated fluids, blood or saliva can be detected, irrespective of the
structure or color of the surface the fluid is deposited upon.
This vision takes 1 round to adjust and another round to adjust back to normal, while active, ultraviolet
vision, give a +4 bonus to any Alertness, Tracking, Investigation, Awareness and any type of rolls that rely
on previously above mentioned examples. It has a 60 feet range.
Duration: 1 hour Toxicity: 8 Alchemy: -1

Crystal Gaze: After injection, the user must concentrate while using this vision and it takes 1 round for
adjustments, but it allows to see whats on other sides of walls and other solid matter, as well as see hidden

weapons or objects on a person, the internal skeleton, or internal organs in use, or not, in the case of a
vampire, or even the fetus in a pregnant woman. All visuals in this spectrum are usually grayish and
difficult to see details with, as everything seems transparent.
Substance Maximum Thickness
Organic matter 10 feet
Stone 5 feet
Iron, steel 3 inches
Lead, gold, platinium Can't
It can also be used to see through clothes to a lesser degree, if the character wish to live life dangerously.
Specially if revealed.
Duration: 1/2 hour Toxicity: 8 Alchemy: -2

Bluebird: This affix has the ability to enhance accuracy at the highest limits of human efficiency. The
user's brain and reflexes becomes attuned for advanced precision superior to any mortal human, as well as
combat efficiency enhanced to that of the very zenith of mortal potential, automatically ignore any penalties
to ranged attacks, gaining a +1 bonus to the Aim subability score and may halve all penalties for Called
Duration: 4 hours Toxicity: 8 Alchemy: -1

Raven's Call: Users of this alchemical affix gain an increased +2 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom and
easier connection between their brain neurons, feeling more clear in the head and have easier and are faster
to solve reasoning abilities.
Duration: 3 hours Toxicity: 7 Alchemy: -3

Iron Will: This affix makes the user able to face great mental pain, psychological traumas, influenced
suggestions, outside influences through hypnotic gestures and refuse to surrender no matter how much the
odds are stacked against them. This injection strengthen the user's mental power and resilience to the point
that all Charms, Suggestions and Mind-Influencing effects are completely pointless against the user.
Duration: 5 hours Toxicity: 10 Alchemy: -3

Bravery: This injection can affects all neurological transmissions of fright, and treats the fight-or-flight
response, making the host completely calm and in full control during even the most disturbing or outright
terrifying situations. The user are so unaffected by all effects of Fear, that he could stare a dragon in the eyes
and not feel the suppressing feel to flee for his life, which in some situations can actually become an
advantage, but also in other cases a disadvantage, and while affected by this affix, the user looses all sense of
danger, not that he can't recognize a dangerous situation, he's just not frightened.
Duration: 2 hours Toxicity: 6 Alchemy: -1

Shield: Shortly after the injection of this alchemical affix, the user's body-tissue, skin, muscles, bones,
etc. begins to grow extremely dense/solid, allowing to withstand greater harmful strains on the body such
as shattering, tearing, pressure, burns, disintegration, absorption of shock, and slashes, etc. Even
incineration and corrosion can be resisted, gaining a Damage Reduction of 5 and an Energy Resistance of 5
Duration: 2 hours Toxicity: 10 Alchemy: -2

Purge: If the user's body is injected with to much concoctions, and the Toxicity is getting to severe, it's
would be a very dangerous solution to ignore the symptoms and just inject another alchemical, even though
facing a dangerous monster and the situation are dire. However, there are one alchemical affix that can cure
all toxicities and purge the user's system of any affix toxins. When injected, all effects of other injections are
neutralized, however so are all Toxicity points, with the exception of this injection's toxicity. However, it's
very low in toxic value.
Duration: Instant Toxicity: 1 Alchemy: -0

Polar Skin: This dull white cream provides limited protection against cold-based damage. Polar Skin
becomes ineffective once it has absorbed 50 points of cold damage or until it's duration expires.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Flame Ward: Flame Ward is an oily substance used to treat garments, fabrics, and other flamable
surfaces. This substance protects objects from open flames, granting a protection to fire. This substance can
absorb 50 points of fire damage before it loses it's effect.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Liniment of Insulation: A sticky, tarry substance, Liniment of Insulation provides protection from
electricity. The liniment provides protection from 60 points of electricity damage or lasts until duration
expires, whatever comes first.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Bladefire: When this thick, adhesive liquid is poured along the length of a blade, it ignites when
exposed to air. A weapon treated with Bladefire burns with the light of a torch, and deals 1d6 additional
points of fire damage with each hit.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Ghost Oil: This clear oil has a slight tint of gray, and strange, wispy forms seem to swirl through it.
When applied to a weapon, Ghost Oil allows it to affect incorporeal creatures normally for the duration.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -1

Vicious Bleeder: This thick blue gel is a powerful anticoagulant. A wound caused by a weapon coated
with Vicious Bleeder suffers from the Major Bleeding effect; loosing an additional 1d2 HP per round until
treated and properly healed.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Oil of Ichorage: This oddly named oil is utterly harmless if touched, eaten, or smeared onto items. If it
is exposed to blood (whether by coincidence or injury), the oil becomes highly acidic and causes immense
burning in blood and in connected muscles and skin. Its initial activation creates a lot of heat and can
permanently damage muscles, so a save vs. poisons must be successful to prevent a permanent loss of 1 point
of Strength. The “ichorage” also induces 1d6 points of damage per round for 1d4 rounds, unless the victim
makes another successful save vs. poison each round for the duration. Oil of Ichorage leaves angry red welts
as permanent scars at its wound points.
Duration: 2 hours Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -1

Royalscar: This chymical toxin, if injected into a person by a weapon's blade or simply poured into an
open orifice or wound, causes instant paralysis of the entire body for 1d4 hours (save paralyzation). It can
(save vs. paralyzation).
also cause permanent damage to the nerves and muscles (1 point of Constitution damage if a second save is
a failure). Lastly, the location where the poison enters the person's system gains a permanent taint or scar in
livid red-purple (thus its name).
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Trollbane: Trollbane is a sticky blue substance that resembles tar, usually stored in metal jars.
Discovered by long gone alchemists as a safe alternative to flaming weapons, Trollbane interferes with the
natural ability of trolls to regenerate their flesh. Dubbed trollbane because it is frequently used against those
particular monsters, this poison is effective against any living creature that rapidly but naturally heals its
Any creature struck by a weapon that has been coated in Trollbane loses the benefit of its regeneration

ability (if any) against those attacks.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -1

Bloodwine: This thick, crimson alchemical toxin is particularly harmful to vampires. Such creatures
must make a saves vs. poison to resist damage. Though normally delivered by injury, it can also be consumed
by a living creature to deliver it to a vampire via ingestion. A single dose, if consumed by a living creature,
remains in the bloodstream for 12 hours. Bloodwine has a poison strength of 10/0. If draining blood from a
victim, who's be ingested the Bloodwine positoxin, a vampire must feud of a poison strength 5/0.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent/Ingested Alchemy: -1

Boneshard Paste: This positoxin have a pale color and isn't a paste but an oil, contrary to its name. It's
greatly effective to corporeal grave-risen undead such as revenants. A save vs. poison must be made, or the
undead will suffer poison damage 8/4
Duration: 2 hours Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -1

Soul Venom: This pale green alchemical liquid smells like incense. Against living creatures, this oil
have no effect, whatsoever. However, against manifested ghosts, this substance acts as poison, with poison
strength 10/0.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -1

Lichbane: Lichbane is a purple paste, but when smeared unto a blade it turns into an oil and more
transparent. It's begins slowly to smolder and burns any sentient, spell casting undead entity. Any weapon
slashing or piercing weapon coated with Lichbane, burns the target for an additional 1d3 damage, which
can't be healed by magical means. In addition to the extra damage, a target must make a save vs. poison or be
effected by a poison strength -2 HD/10.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -1

Defoliator: This vile liquid has a muddy brown hue and smells of rotten plant life. You can throw a
flask of defoliator as a grenade-like weapon. On a direct hit, it deals 3d8 points of damage to plant creatures
and kills normal minor plant-life outright, though it severally damages trees it's outright withers and
smolders all other foliage in the affected area. Even wooden objects such as wooden doors and wooden
weapons also take damage from Defoliator.
Reach: 10 feet radius Alchemy: -0

Motelight: This flask contains a clear liquid filled with faintly glowing sparks of light. When thrown as
a grenade-like weapon, the flask breaks as it strikes a hard surface, filling a small 10 feet area with rapidly
moving sparks. The sparks are very distracting, they they cause no damage. However, creatures within the
affected area attempting to cast spells, must make roll a Spell Failure check at 30% + 2d10%
Reach: 10 feet radius Alchemy: -2

Flashpellet: This small alchemical bomb can be thrown as a grenade-like weapon. When it strikes a
hard surface or is struck sharply, it ignites with a bright blindly flash of light. Creatures within sight of the
flash must make a save vs. spells or become blinded. The creature recovers roughly within a minute or less, as
it causes no permanent blindness, but it can definitely cause trouble to onlookers and give the user that extra
edge the situation could need.
Reach: Line of sight Alchemy: -1

Scentbreaker: This small flask contains an aromatic, strongly scented alchemical mixture, which can
confound any creature’s sense of smell. When tossed as a grenade-like weapon it spreads within a 10 feet
radius, and remain active in that area. Any creature passing through that area, or is outright splashed by the

mixture, looses their sense of smell, and thereby their ability of tracking by scent.
Reach: 10 feet radius Alchemy: -0

Liquid Salt: This deadly, water clear, alchemical substance can be used as a grenade-like weapon. It has
a very powerful ability to destroy water, even that within living creatures, making it dangerously
dehydrating to the touch. A direct hit deals 3d8 points of 'desiccation' damage (3d10 points to plants). Every
creature within 10 feet of the point where the flask hits takes damage from the splash.
Reach: 10 feet radius Alchemy: -1

Liquid Ice: This viscous pale blue liquid becomes extremely cold when exposed to air. A vial of Liquid
Ice can freeze the surface of a 10 feet square area of water or smother a like area of fire. Used as a grenade-
like weapon, a vial of Liquid Ice deals 3d6 points of cold damage on a direct hit.
Reach: 10 feet square Alchemy: -0

Entanglobe: This small glass globe holds a unique fertilizer and plant food that induces rapid growth
on exposed plants. By throwing this fist-sized globe as a grenade-like weapon and impacting it on a hard
surface containing any kind of vegetation, the globe bursts, releasing a brownish liquid compound which
causes all grass, weeds, bushes and the like to twist and entwine about creatures in a 10 feet radius or those
trying to enter the area, holding them pinned.
Reach: 10 feet radius Alchemy: -1

Oozebane Dust: Oozebane Dust crystallizes the moist surface of most slime or slime-skinned
monsters. It acts as an acid against any and all slime types creatures but does not kill, so if used as a
grenade-like weapon, it inflicts 2d6 points of damage per round for 1d3 rounds.
Reach: 5 feet radius Alchemy: -0

Blue Mold Oil: A flask of Blue Mold Oil, a strange bluish substance, resembling sapphire-colored
water, can be used as a grenade-like weapon, in which case the oil freezes the very instance it's exposed to
air. A direct hit deals 3d6 points of cold damage, while all creatures within 10 feet take 2d6 points of
nonlethal cold damage from the splash.
Reach: 10 feet radius Alchemy: -0

Oil of Nausea: Odorous resins and shines are used to create Oil of Nausea. If used as a grenade-like
weapon, a flask of the oil, hitting a hard surface, releases a terrible gas requiring a saving throw vs. poison or
be nauseated for 2d6 rounds.
Reach: 10 feet radius Alchemy: -0

Shadow Haze Dust: Shadow haze dust is a potent eye irritant that obscures its victims' vision with
dark hazes. One bag fills a 10 feet radius cloud with the dust. Those within the cloud must make a save vs
breath weapon or suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls and a +4 penalty to AC for 1 hour or until a whole gallon of
water is used to flush the characters eyes.
Reach: 10 feet radius Alchemy: -1

Razor Ice: This granular white powder can be sprinkled over any icy surface; one vial is enough to coat
one 5 feet square. The area coated immediately grows hundreds of tiny razor-sharp crystals of ice; if
barefooted these crystals functions as small nails and knife points, dealing 1d4 point of slashing and piercing
damage per step while remaining within the area. Razor Ice is difficult to see; a successful Alertness,
Observation or Danger Sense roll reveals the danger, otherwise, a victim won't realize the true nature of the
painful ice until she treads upon it.
Reach: 5 feet square Alchemy: -0

Archon's Breath: Archon's Breath, a golden glowing substance, damages outsiders almost as if it were

acid. A flask of Archon's Breath can be thrown as a grenade-like weapon, dealing 3d8 points of damage to
outsiders on a direct hit. Each such creature within 10 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1d10 point
of damage from the splash.
Reach: 10 feet radius Alchemy: -1

Oil of Fiery Burning: When this oil is exposed to air, it immediately bursts into flame, inflicting 5d6
points of damage to any creature directly exposed to the substance (save
(save vs. spell for half damage). If hurled,
the flask will always break. Any creature within 10 feet of the point of impact (up to a maximum of six
creatures) will be affected. The oil can, for instance, be used to consume the bodies of as many as six
regenerating creatures, such as trolls. If the flask is opened, the creature holding it immediately suffers 1d4
points of damage. Unless a roll equal to or less than the creature's Dexterity is made, the flask cannot be re-
stoppered in time to prevent the oil from exploding, with effects as described above.
Reach: 10 feet radius Alchemy: -0

Candle, Restful: This thick bluish wax, used for candles, when slowly burned along a wick, fills the air
with a sweet, relaxing fume which sticks in no windy conditions for 6 hours. When inhaling these fumes,
beings feels more relaxed and can easier battle stress, mental pressure and remain calm when facing fears or
Duration: 6 hours Applicability: Alchana Alchemy: -0

Gravebane: This thick white liquid evaporates almost instantly upon contact with air, creating a thin,
nearly invisible smoke. The smoke is nearly odorless, and it has no effect on most creatures. Undead,
however, are usually repulsed by the smoke and can only pass though it with an effort of will. When
opened, a flask of Gravebane fills a 10 feet square area with smoke. Undead cannot enter an area filled with
Gravebane smoke unless they succeed on a save vs. spell. Undead can attack into a Gravebane-filled area
normally, just as long as they doesn't enter the area to do so. The effect lasts for as long as an hour, although
strong winds may decrease this duration.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Alchana Alchemy: -0

Verminbane: This tightly sealed flask contains a pale green smoke. When released into the air, the
smoke fills a 10 feet area. Most creatures are unaffected by the smoke, although many generally finds the
smell unpleasant. Vermins, such as insects and insect-like monsters, find the smoke completely intolerable,
and have to pass a save vs. spell to pass through the affected area. The effect lasts for an hour before expiring,
unless strong winds disperses it before the duration ends.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Alchana Alchemy: -0

Glowpowder: This luminescent dust clings to surfaces and creatures, making them slightly glow. The
grains of Glowpowder glows about as brightly as sparks from a campfire. They don’t provide actual
illumination, but they are noticeable. When sprinkled on an object or surface, the powder helps reveal edges
and details, granting a +2 circumstance modifier on any perceptive usable proficiency rolls made on the
treated area. A creature sprinkled with the powder is likewise easier to detect, gaining a +2 circumstance
bonus. An invisible creature sprinkled with the dust only counts as having a 20% concealment. Once
applied, the dust clings and glows for 1 minute.
Duration: 1 minute Applicability: Powder Alchemy: -0

Slumberweed: When dried, ground to a powder, and ingested, usually as a tea, the leaves of this plant
induce a peaceful sleep state. If suffering from insomnia and are in great need of sleep, or perhaps to calm
someone who's experienced a terrifying encounter with a monster and need to get some sleep, the
Slumberweed is ideal for the job.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Ingested Alchemy: -0

Tongueloose: When ingested—usually dissolved in a drink or sprinkled over a meal—a vial of this
powder induces a lethargic state for about thirty minutes, during which the subject is highly susceptible to
interrogation and questioning. To resist the effect an imbiber must succeed on a save vs. spell each time he
tries to lie.
Duration: 15 minutes Applicability: Ingested Alchemy: -0

Chyra's Polish: Chyra's Polish is a thick white chymical paste that quickly darkens to purple, then
blue, then black as it interacts with any metals upon which it is placed. Assuming an item has not lost more
than 1/2 its total hit points, Chyra's Polish can restore up to 3 material hit points by alchemical restoring and
rebounding the metals. By spreading it onto the metal and leaving it undisturbed, the polish transforms any
lost hit points (and damage by fractures and imperfections in the weapon or armor) into subdual damage
and slowly repairs the weapon at the rate of one an hour.
Chyra's Polish is mostly used by Venators and some mercenaries while out in the field, or if too far from
a blacksmith to easily get metal implements fixed or reforged.
Duration: Instant Applicability: Alchana Alchemy: -1

Cleansing Crystal Dust: This orange dust crystallizes on contact with any and all topical substances
(unguents, polishes, etc.) and helps negate their effects. The dust causes all external liquids or solvents to be
absorbed into a growing crust of powder (changing from orange to white) that can be flaked or broken away
immediately. This will help someone covered in dragon spittle, slime, or some other topical solution like
disease-riddled brackish water.
This effect provides and additional save of any kind against the effects of whatever topical substance is
covering the person or object.
Duration: Instant Applicability: Powder Alchemy: -1

Jharul's Ointment of Noncorruption: Jharul's Ointment of Noncorruption is an embalming

ointment that slows the decomposition of dead tissues. This oil simply slows down the decomposition rate
of a dead body to one hour per day. It's not uncommon for a huntsman to use this oil to keep their game as
fresh as possible while camping in the wilds, before finally returning to their village. There's a chance that
the meat could begin to spoil before returning home, so this helps keeping it fresh for use longer. Many
Venators also use this ointment to keep their trophies a fresh as possible, so that when they return to their
employer to show that their job is finished, they doesn't carry a decomposing, maggot filled, smelly trophy
at their person.
Duration: Special Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -1

Marael's Tisane: Marael's Tisane, while technically an ingestible, is rarely used as such due to its
awful-smelling and bad tasting tea. Instead, its brewed leaves and herbs are generally used as a restorative
for healing, closing lethal wounds and its most outstanding property, restoring lost limbs. Pack the tisane as
a moist poultice between severed ends of a limb within 5 minutes of their severing and the limb can be
restored to the person if the poultices remain in place and the person receives an injection with, at least the
Blood Work affix injection within 3 hours. It has secondary effect of anesthetizing the wounded area,
reducing the victim's pain.
Duration: Special Applicability: Ingested/unguent Alchemy: -0

Maxar's Antiseptic Ointment: Whether applied in advance of an attack or after a wound is inflicted,
Maxar's Antiseptic Ointment counteracts the effects of any contact or injury poisons and infections. It
automatically provides a +1 bonus save vs. poison for up to 3 hours after appliance, though it fully neutralizes
infections in the system if applied after a wound is delivered.
Duration: 3 hours Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Saragun's Blackout Oil: Saragun's Blackout Oil douses flames and lights upon contact, making it a
highly useful product for stealth or firefighting alike. This greasy black liquid is icy-cold to the touch, and it
snuffs out fire or touches upon impact. Saragun's Blackout Oil is commonly packaged in an ounce glass vial.

Duration: Instant Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Satrian's Wildernesssalve: Satrian's Wildernesssalve acts as an olfactory camouflage for those within
the wild. It conceals all scents making it impossible to be tracked by smell, for a duration of 4 hours, at a -4
penalty to all Tracking attempts using scent from other creatures.
Duration: 4 hours Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Smolder Bottle: When opened this glass bottle, containing a strange chymical green gel, begins to
produce thick billows of opaque smoke. It fills a 10 feet cube within one round, continuing to pump out
more smoke if left unstopped until it fills a maximum radius of 30 feet cube around itself. The smoke
dissipates naturally only after the bottle is resealed. If left unstopped, the smolder bottle produces and
maintains its maximum amount of smoke for 2 days, until it exhausts.
Duration: Up to 2 days Applicability: Alchana Alchemy: -0

Tarasta's New Day Tea: While an herbal restorative has been hailed by many as the greatest
hangover cure across dozen nations. This tea wakes up its drinkers, clears their heads, and sets them on
their way. Drinking four ounces of this brewed tea, hot or cold, removes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage,
removes all lingering side effects of minor toxins (such as alcohol) from the body, and removes the need for
sleep for 2d8 hours. The only drawback is the tea's scent—it smells like rotten oranges and overripe apples
and another underlying scent close to freshly tanned leather.
Duration: Instant Applicability: Ingested Alchemy: -0

Tragar's Lotion: This gummy, sweet-smelling lotion is an anti-paralytic agent. Spreading it on the flesh
of a paralyzed person help counteracts most paralytic effects of supernatural powers or poisons. However,
this does not negate the effects beyond loosening the muscles and skin of paralyzed person, allowing them
to slowly perform movement again. When rolling a save vs. paralyzation to resist lingering effects of paralysis,
this lotion provides a +2 bonus to the save.
Duration: Instant Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Chain Breaker: This foul concoction brewed from pulverized buzzard beetle, Chain Breaker is an
infallible cure for paralysis caused by magic powers or toxins. Slow acting, the pasty liquid must first be
placed underneath the victim's tongue where it can be slowly absorbed by the body. Once the victim begins
to regain some motion, he must consume the remainder of the dose. Within a couple of minutes, the
paralysis is completely removed. The character may feel nauseated for up to half an hour later
Duration: Instant Applicability: Ingested Alchemy: -0

Blood Polyp Draught: Blood Polyp root contains a highly-concentrated form of the sap that is so
useful in fending off insects when burned. If this root is dried, further concentrating the active agents and
grounded into powder, a potent drug for killing parasites can be extracted. Slowly dissolved and purified
through a process of evaporation and condensation. When the pure extract is finally attained, it is mixed
with alcohol, creating the potent elixir known as Blood polyp Draught. A 1-dram dose will cure nearly all
parasitic infestations (95% chance of success), though occasionally a second dose is necessary.
Duration: Instant Applicability: Ingested Alchemy: -0

Freeze Powder: Freeze Powder looks like salt but is much finer to touch. One vial of Freeze Powder
sprinkled into any liquid is enough to instantly freeze solid 1 cubic foot of liquid. If introduced into a larger
body of water or liquid, the powder freezes into a 1-foot diameter ball of ice. Sprinkled on a wet floor, a vial
of Freeze Powder can coat a 10 feet square area with ice. Anyone sprinkled with Freezing Powder if wet,
takes 2d6 points of cold damage as the powder freeze-burns his skin.
Duration: Special Applicability: Powder Alchemy: -0

Frostbite Salve: This pale yellow cream provides instant relief from frostbite damage. It does not cure
frostburn damage, but temporarily suppresses up to 2 points of ability damage caused by frostbite. The

salve's effectiveness lasts for just 2 hours, after which only 1 point the ability damage suppressed by the
salve returns.
Duration: 2 hours Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Melt Powder: Utilizing some of the same principles as Freeze Powder, melt powder causes ice it is
sprinkled upon to instantly melt. One vial of Melt Powder is enough to melt 1 cubic foot of ice. Sprinkled on
an icy surface of up to 10 square feet, a vial of melt powder makes a 1-inch-deep pool of water that quickly
refreezes. Melt Powder is bitter tasting, but only harmful to creatures with the cold subtype if touched. Such
creatures take 2d6 points of acid damage as the powder desiccates and dissolves their tissues.
Duration: Instant Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Whale Grease: Whale grease is a thick clear grease fashioned from a combination of melted whale
blubber and various powdered minerals and waxy plants. This foul-smelling stuff must be applied directly
to the skin to be effective; once applied, the grease insulates the user from hypothermia, providing complete
protection from hypothermia effects for as long as 1 hour after application. It is not water soluble, but can be
quickly removed with alcohol. While worn, the pungent odor the grease gives off allows creatures with the
scent ability to detect you at double normal range.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Burn Salve: Burn Salve is an excellent remedy for even severe burns. As its name implies, Burn Salve
mitigates some of the effects of fire damage, but only if it is applied within 2 rounds of the injury. If applied
in time, the smooth white salve heals removes 3 points of damage, but it cannot heal damage that was not
inflicted by fire.
Duration: Instant Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Frost Lotion: This warm, porridge-like substance called Frost Lotion. The pleasant-smelling topical
heals injuries caused by extreme cold. Frost lotion can mitigate some of the effects of cold damage, but only
if it is applied within 2 rounds of the injury. If applied in time, the thick lotion heals 1d6 points of damage,
but it cannot heal damage that was not inflicted by cold.
Duration: Instant Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Gash Glue: A thick, gray glue called Gash Glue. Soldiers often use Gash Glue to seal a fallen
companion's wounds quickly. One application of Gash Glue stabilizes a dying creature.
Duration: Instant Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Elf Hazel: If Elf Hazel fluid is applied to any scar (from a healed wound) the scar slowly vanishes. It
takes a week of daily applications for the scar to vanish completely.
Duration: Instant Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Lantern Stars: A fist-sized glass vial with a pale blue liquid, and if shaken the lichen sheds a bluish
light equal to a torch for a time, after which it burns out. These lights, called Lantern Stars, last for a few
hours before burning out, but if shaken again they begin to glow again. They do not give off heat or smoke,
and the light is constant and unwavering. A Lantern Star can be used and reused for over a year before it
looses it's usage.
Duration: 1 hour Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -0

Icewalker Oil: A thin blue liquid that if applied to boots and/or hands grants uncanny ability to walk
and climb on ice. The effects of Icewalker Oil are identical to the spider climb spell, but the substance
functions only on icy or snow-covered surfaces. The effects of icewalker last for 10 minutes.
Duration: 10 minutes Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -1

Ghostwall Shellac: It can be difficult to ward off creatures that have the ability to float through solid

walls. A quick coat of Ghostwall Shellac will keep spirits at bay. Concentrated Ghostwall Shellac is a thick
green sludge that is always warm to the touch. It is usually stored in metal vials and mixed with water when
needed. Prepared shellac is lime green and runny, and it smells like dead flesh.
Ghostwall Shellac must be mixed with 1 gallon of water to become active. The mixture is then spread
over any nonliving surface (not armor), most commonly the walls of a room. 1 gallon of the green liquid
covers 10 squares. Whether it is applied to a surface or left in a container, the shellac dries and hardens 1
hour after being mixed with water.
When Ghostwall Shellac dries, it changes the composition of the surface upon which it has been spread.
Incorporeal creatures can no longer pass through a coated wall any more than normal creatures can.
Duration: 4 hours Applicability: Alchana Alchemy: -2

Gravesalt: Not a true salt mineral, however, created artificially through alchemy, this powder of silvery
crystals have a deflective effect on incorporeal entities. If spread out in a line or smeared across a 5 feet
square, any ghost or other restless spirit are unable to pass through, unless succeeding on a save vs. spell,
spell, the
Gravesalt doesn't harm the incorporeal creatures, it just deflects them and if successful in the save, they still
receive a -1 penalty to all attack rolls while within the area. And if they failed their save, the spirit can't pass
the Gravesalt, at all.
This is no bulletproof method, however, as an incorporeal creature is allowed to make a save each round
to try and pass, so it's usually used as a method to buy time
Duration: Special Applicability: Powder Alchemy: -1

Sunrod: This 1-foot-long, gold colored alchemically created ceramic tile, glows brightly when snapped
in the hands of a user. It clearly illuminates a 30 feet radius and provides shadowy illumination in a 60 feet
radius. It glows for up to 6 hours, after which it turns more reddish, before it turns completely dark and
have burned out.
Duration: 6 hours Applicability: Alchana Alchemy: -0

Sleep Gas: A chalky gray stick that looks like a candle, when lit this item releases a gas that puts
creatures to sleep. The gas fills a 10 feet square within 3 rounds, though it disperses within 1 round in even
mind wind. Anyone breathing this gas must succeed on a save vs. poison or fall unconscious 10d6 minutes,
unless physically roused. Prematurely woken cause grogginess and provide a -1 penalty to AC and all check
and attack rolls.
Duration: Special Applicability: Alchana Alchemy: -0

Witchweed Stick: This paste, which smells like tobacco, is refined from the stalks and leaves of the
witchweed plant. It is packed into stick paper tubes about the size of a smokestick. When ignited it creates a
10 feet cube of light smoke that provides no concealment. Each time anyone attempts to cast spells within
the smoke must succeed at a save vs. poison if casting defensively. If the roll fails, the spell is lost. The smoke
loses its alchemical abilities after 5 rounds, and dissipates normally.
Duration: 5 rounds Applicability: Alchana Alchemy: -1

Oil of Disenchantment: This oil enables the removal of all enchantments and charms placed upon a
target, and the suppression of such effects on objects. If the oil is rubbed in a creature, all enchantments and
charms on it are immediately removed. If rubbed onto objects bearing an enchantment, the magic will be
lost for 1d10 + 20 turns. After this time, the oil loses potency and the item regains its enchantment.
Duration: Special Applicability: Unguent Alchemy: -2

Spirit Light: When burned, the type of candle illuminates it's surroundings in a greenish glow, which
shows the shadows of invisible creatures and ghosts within the ethereal plane. This light allows visual
detection of ghosts and hidden entities beyond the veil between worlds. It illuminates up to 20 feet radius,
but if placed in a bullseye lantern, the cone of light becomes focused to 50 feet cone. Can burn for 8 hours.
Duration: 8 hours Applicability: Alchana Alchemy: -2


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