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Average Height: Male , Female

Races> Average Weight: Male lb., Female lb.

Optional Ability Adjustment: Con +1, Dex +1, Wis
-1, Int -1
of Khorvir Favored Character Bonus: Bow Bonus, Dagger
Bonus, Dart Bonus, Defense Bonus, Hit Point Bonus,
Javelin Bonus, Increased Movement, Move Silently, Spear

Humans in the world of Khorvir are not the most
widespread or advanced or popular race. Neither are ASIMAR
they one coherent group of people, nor are they Asimar are native to
arranged in a world-dominating empire. There are the Sembian province
many ethnic groups of humans, and they come from a and T'kra speaking
number of regions and countries. lands. Asimar are tall
The social, religious, artistic, and political merits and athletic of build,
and downfalls of each of these groups is entirely with olive skin and silk-
different than the others. like raven colored hair
or light brown hair,
often worn in braids or
in dreadlocks. Their
eyes range from golden-
brown to light blue.
Men are tall with broad shoulders, but with generally
JOBASHI more athletic rather than muscular builds and often
The Jobashi sprout fine trimmed beards or lightly thin mustache.
humans originated Women are usually also of athletic builds with fine
primarily in Idrian features and often very dark paint. Hair dues very
speaking lands, and often consists of long ponytails and sometimes shaved
are native to patterns. Often jewelry are worn of any type, to show
Alcheir. This is one various states of their lives and titles they posses in
of Khorvir's largest, society.
most populous Due to their national history and matriarchy from
countries and most their homelands, many Asimar keep their cultural
cultural divergent heritage abroad national borders. As such, many may
due to it's chaotic find Asimar women to be rather imperious and quite
government or lack decisive in their behavior.
of same, so it's difficult to make generalizations about Average Height: Male 6' 1'', Female 5' 7''
the Jobashi.
Average Weight: Male 190 lb., Female 155 lb.
Because their land is so rich in gems, minerals, and
Optional Ability Adjustment: Con +1, Cha -1
spices, many Jobashi are wealthy warrior-lords who
value finance and material goods over other things. Favored Character Bonus: Crossbow Bonus, Dagger
Alcheir is an unorganized but powerful kraterocracy, Bonus, Hit Point Bonus, Polearm Bonus, Short Sword
ruled by warrior-clans, so many Jobashi are also Bonus, Sneak Attack, Spear Bonus, Sword Bonus.
militaristic and religious zealots who serve their
individual warrior-lords, clan culture, and gods with
Their skin is typically dark, their eyes are a catching KOSSITE
sapphire color and their hair is usually thick and black
to light brown. Physically they are of average height Kossite humans
for humans, but both genders are in general good are found
conditions and very rarely are a corpulent Jobashi primarily in
seen. Khadoran
speaking lands,
Culturally women are often obedient and and they are
submissive, while men tend to be possessive and native to
dominant, but both genders are equally eager to fight Khadoria.
for their believes and traditions.

Their homeland is a fiercely expansive, military- Average Weight: Male 160 lb., Female 130 lb.
govern empire that seeks to govern all of Khorvir. As Con +1, Cha -1
Ability Adjustment: Con
such, the Kossite humans and others who grow up
Favored Character Bonus: Crossbow Bonus, Damage
within the Khadorian Empire are often militaristic,
Bonus, Illusion Resistant, Morningstar Bonus, Polearm
bureaucratic, authoritarian, and racist towards
Bonus, Resist Charm, Special Enemy (typically any creature
everyone who isn't Kossite, and imperialistic in the associated with the Devourer Wurm), Spear Bonus,
realms of politics and economics. Warhammer Bonus.
Both men and women are often tall, broad-
shouldered, and statuette with pale to light-bronzed
skin, ice-blue or grayish eyes and hair that ranges from
black to palish sandy-blond. Both genders generally
remain durable long into their gray years. THURIAN
Average Height: Male 6' 2'', Female 5' 8'' The people of
Average Weight: Male 195 lb., Female 155 lb. Thurian stock are a
handsome folk, average
Ability Adjustment: Str +1, Cha -1
of height with fair light-
Favored Character Bonus: Axe Bonus, Bow Bonus, skin and light brown to
Crossbow Bonus, Damage Bonus, Hit Point Bonus, dark brown or even
Morningstar Bonus, Polearm Bonus, Resist Charm, Sword black hair, which
Bonus. typically turns gray in
the older years but its
usual that it begins
graying already from the
MORRIDANE last part of their early
adulthood. Generally
Native to the land they have grayish or
of Menoth, which brown-colored eyes.
was for over
They are mostly found in Cygnese speaking lands.
centuries ago torn
Their frames are typically trim; most men being
from the northern
slender even if of strong muscular build and females
part of Alcheir, once
are short with fragile frames but elegant and
known as the Cincory
curvaceous. Even in spite of indulgences of the
regions, once
affluent, very few ever get corpulent, and whereas
inhabited by
their hair is voluminous, men rarely cultivate more
migrating Thurian
than stubble, otherwise fine and small beards and
settlers who was
mining the gold rich
areas and built great Average Height: Male 5' 9'', Female 5' 4''
cities of which the greatest was the City of Walls. This, Average Weight: Male 175 lb., Female 125 lb.
one of mankind's greatest cities and civilized areas was
Ability Adjustment: Int +1, Wis -1
torn asunder where thousands were lost when brother
slew brother in a holy war that resulted in the birth of Favored Character Bonus: Bow Bonus, Crossbow
the Protectorate of Menoth and the holy city of Bonus, Dagger Bonus, Find/Remove Traps, Illusion
Catriona. Over time the once Thurian people and Resistant, Potion Identification, Resist Charm, Short Sword
Jobashi slaves breed into the proud and of cultural
zealot religious Morridan people.
People of the Morridane stock are slightly above
average in height and bulky of build, with generally
fine looking men and women of ample curves. With CASPIAN
some notable exception, most Morridane are tan-
The Montelise
skinned, some with a light- to bronze skinned
speaking people
pigmentation, and brown to blond hair is the norm.
They have thick and dark eyebrows and grayish to
native to the great
blue eyes, square features, hard expressive faces, and Empire of
are inclined to scowl too much. Monteliae and other
Cygnese speaking
Most Morridane originates from the mid-western
lands. Caspian are
Khorvir, more specifically the Protectorate of Menoth
and Cincorix speaking areas.
the smaller and
more refined
Average Height: Male 5' 10'', Female 5' 4''
cousins to the

Thurian stock and are of medium height for the above everything else.
average human. Most members of the Caspian have Average Height: Male 6' 3'', Female 5' 10''
a slightly pale complexion, sharp features and a trim Average Weight: Male 205 lb., Female 165 lb.
and slim build, and a fine aquiline nose is not an
Ability Adjustment: Str +1, Con +1, Cha -1, Wis -1
uncommon trait among the men as is their complete
lack of facial hair. The women are generally Favored Character Bonus: D12 for Hit Point, Axe
Bonus, Bow Bonus, Climbing, Damage Bonus, Detect
attractive, petite, and narrow-hipped, with small
Noise, Hit Point Bonus, Increased Movement, Spear Bonus,
noses and fragile features. Light bluish or silvery
Special Enemy (typical enemies are Troll, Tharn, Giants, or
gray eyes are the norm, with light blond to almost Warpwolf), Sword Bonus, Warhammer Bonus.
completely ashen hair are also equally common.
Caspians native in Monteliae are famous for their
culture, art, high education, extravagance and as a
great empire.
However, many Caspians, specially those native
to Montiliae are also often considered conceited yet Oyotomi humans are
still act charming, assertive and often express pride found primarily in O-yengo
in their nation's civilization. speaking lands, and are
native to Ryukusa. Those
Average Height: Male 5' 6'', Female 5' 0'' who hail from Ryukusa are a
Average Weight: Male 145 lb., Female 110 lb. stern, well-mannered people
Ability Adjustment: Wis +1, Cha +1 , Con -2 of few words. Their behavior
Favored Character Bonus: Bow Bonus, Crossbow reflects the simple austerity
Bonus, Dagger Bonus, Increased Movement, Polearm of their empire, and the very
Bonus, Short Sword Bonus, Spear Bonus, Sword Bonus. plain, straightforward nature
of its art and culture. Many
Oyotomi serve their empress
as part of the ruling warrior
caste, although many others
KARD engage in the arts. For all its warring and
The Rhulic aggressiveness, Ryukusa is excellent at preserving its
speaking Kard people ancient forests and doing little harm to the natural
of the southern lands world, and many Oyotomi are in general preserving of
are tall and burly, their tools and equipment and treat such objects with
often dwarfing their great care and respect, as well as the possessions of
neighbors. others.
They have hard Most respected are blood, nothing are more sacred
square features with to the Oyotomi than family and the approval and
strong hair of usually honor of ancestors and other relatives is everything to
auburn, ginger, the Oyotomi, especially the ones native to Ryukusa.
brunette, or dark- Oyotomi skin is creamy- to palish bronzed with
blond hair; men often usually dark eyes and fine hair which is usually tied
have long disheveled up depending on which clan they are from and ranges
hair or in contrast, outright shaved scalps. Eyes are from dark-brown to jet black. Their facial shape are
usually dark, normally brown and hazel, sometimes often pointy but fair and their body is often fit and
green and even less frequently grayish-blue. The males slender. Its a cultural thing to have well kept facial
usually cultivate facial hair in a wide variety of styles. hair, if any at all, and the females usually wear colorful
The females are often decisive, strong, and buxom, and paint that relates to which clan or family they belong
usually wear their hair long, and either loosely, but to.
more often in braids. It's a common style among the Average Height: Male 5' 11'', Female 5' 5''
Kard in Rhunegard, both men and women, that some Average Weight: Male 185 lb., Female 135 lb.
never cut their hair or beard for the latest of their years.
Ability Adjustment: Dex +2, Wis -1, Str -1
They are known to have a fierce and
Favored Character Bonus: Bow Bonus, Climbing,
uncompromising mindset in the face of adversity; and
Dagger Bonus, Dart Bonus, Defense Bonus, Detect Noise,
since its only normal for both men and women, even
Find/Remove Traps, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently,
children to learn martrial skills, despite their status of
Polearm Bonus, Short Sword Bonus, Sneak Attack, Spear
life, they often value strength and prowerss above
Bonus, Sword Bonus.
diplomacy and submessiveness. Some may think the
Kard as agressive and quick to anger, but in truth they
are exceptional prideful and value honor and tradition

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