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ML gS ia BS Bue tm) 5 aD) s EU i RSEGURIT Y N YOUR GUMPANY, The British insurance company Lloyds estimates that the damage inflicted on businesses because of cybercrime around the world costs about $400 billion every year Instill the concept that security belongs to everyone - it's not just the role of the IT or security departments. Create awareness campaigns of the damage that can be done when security protocols are not observed. Send hints, tips and reminders about security protocols. Educate staff on the dangers of phishing, viruses and malware and remind them not to click on suspicious links or download suspect files. Encourage good password habits. Encourage staff to have good back-up practices. Keep software up-to-date including operating systems and antivirus definitions. Reward and recognize staff members who do the right thing by security. Find ways to make security fun and engaging - for example, you could run questionnaires or trivia contests. ALERTS For more information visit our website Infographics by

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