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SITUATIONAL REPORT ON THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (2019-nCoV) FEBRUARY 2, 2020 12:00 SMT - Report 006 A. CASE SUMMARY OF THE 2019-nCov As of February 1, 2020 (12:00) the Department of Health has recorded 36 , Patients Under Investigation (PUIs) wen 19: ‘Samples of PUIs tested at RITM : 26 ve ee Negative: 24 sd Positive: 2 Cr ee Pre nt bie a ear Pending results: 4 ‘Samples of PUIs tested at Australia:6 B. DOH INACTION 1. Philippine Government to implement a temporary travel ban for travelers coming from China, Macao, and Hong Kong, Inter-agency Task Force (IATF) on Emerging Infectious Disease recommended guidelines on the travel ban. 2. On the 2 confirmed cases of the 2019-nCoV ARD: a) DOH is assuring the public that all measures needed to contain the spread of the virus is being strictly imple- mented and followed. San Lazaro Hospital has implemented rigorous infection control protocols while caring for these patients. b) Both confirmed cases were isolated following strict isolation standards, and all health personnel who came in contact with them practiced stringent infection control measures and wore appropriate personal protective equipment, ¢) On the death of the 2nd confirmed case: DOH is currently working with the Chinese Embassy to ensure the \ dignified management of the remains 3. On contact tracing of passengers aboard the flights of the two positive cases: Epidemiology Bureau has secured the manifestos ofthe fights and is in close coordination with the concerned airlines, Contact tracing activities are ongoing in Cebu and Dumaguete, and in other places where the patients stayed and traveled to. 4, DOH continuously updates the dedicated webpage for the 2019-nCoV Health Event. Verified and up-to-date informa- tion are immediately uploaded to the website to make it accessible to the public. Please visit https://wwwdoh govph/2019-nCoV2. 5. DOH hospitals are equipped and are following strict infection protocols to manage Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) ‘and DOH to augment necessary logistics (personal protective equipment or PPE, N35 masks) to health facilities. C. GLOBAL SITUATION 1. The World Health Organization (WHO) disclosed that the main driver of transmission, based on data, is stil with per. sons who are experiencing signs and symptoms of the disease. But possiblity of spreading the disease from persons with the virus who do not manifest signs and symptoms may be possible. 2, According to WHO, the total number of confirmed cases globally as of 1 February 2020 is at 11,953. HEALTH ADVISORIES 4, Avoid contact with farm and wild animals. 5. Cook food properly 6.Adopt healthy lifestyles to mount immunity against infections, 1. The Public is advised to remain calm but vigilant. 2. Always practice hand hygiene, observe proper cough etiquette-maintain distance and cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the erook of your elbow 3, Avoid close contact with people manifesting flu-like symptoms eet cmcssonn g esmwn For latest updates on the 2019-nCoV, Be eoeeh BE Visit:

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