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Unit 24, Task 3: Promotional Video SCRIPT

Jack William Overton

The Compound is a story set in a dystopian future where a government led by the
antagonists (Marcus & Camilla) have the objective to save the world by killing off the
human race. They do this by manufacturing androids who are programmed to kill
specific humans. The protagonist, Christian Oldnick loses his most family in the
outbreak attack thus, he's on the journey to lead a group of survivors to a safe
haven. Continuously, each day more die due to the androids lurking, food is running
out and people begin to go mad with fear. This causes humans to turn against one
another blind sighting everybody from the true enemies; as the story arc continues
throughout seasons, the main group that the audience has connected themselves to,
begins to get smaller in familiar faces yet grow in population and power in the lead
up to the humanity war.
I think for you to understand the story well it’s a crucial factor to understand the
characters who the audience will be following on this journey, so let’s begin…
CHRISTIAN OLDNICK is the leader of the rebellion. As a character he resembles a
charismatic, influential young man with short brown hair. When it comes to his
community he's fearless; protecting everyone. However, alike every being on this
planet; every day brings fear to him as androids continue to hunt, to complete their
objective. Throughout the opening seasons Christian faces parallel narratives within
the story arc which push him to his limits, gashing out tears, blood, pain and
CASEY WILLING is a character the audience meet within the pilot episode, alike
Christian, Casey is pushed out to her own parallel narratives. Alternatively as the
story arc progresses (in the later seasons herself and Christian develop a loving
relationship. By referring to propp's character theory she identifies as the helper as
well as the hero. Characteristics which describe Casey best would be resilient,
caring and strong. She has long brunette hair and tanned skin.
CAMILLA WHITE is the leading antagonist in The Compound. Her role as the head
of the government grants her power as her decisions have deadly consequences...
She is an icon of fear and no remorse. Characteristics she beholds is her bleach
blonde hair, white clothing and older figure. She's aged around 50 in the show. As
well as this, she lives an elegant lifestyle in her towers which put her above the rest
of the survivors who find it hard to scavenge food or a working bulb.
SAM OLDNICK is the younger brother of Christian, via propp's theory he portrayed
as the helper. At the beginning of the arc he displays characteristics such as
shyness however as the story progresses his character begins to become
courageous and becomes a big supporting character. He looks alike Christian,
however, his hair is lighter and he's shorter.
DAVID WELLUM is the cousin of Christian & Sam. Despite his heroic acts when the
outbreak took place. David is the villain within the first season. David's built bigger
than the other people in the group and before his death, plays the same role Casey
does in the later seasons (being the hero/helper). David is distraught due to the
death of his family, the thought of being injected with the deadly serum as his veins
decay rots his mind everyday. This forces the character into a craze which results in
him snitching the location of Christian, Casey, Sam and the rest of the group to
Marcus for immunity from the androids. Characteristics of this character range from
cunning, merciless, deadly yet sorrowful.

MARCUS MATHER is the villains helper. Perceived as Camilla's pet, Marcus does
all the dirty work such as the executions, android problems and faces the biggest
problem of all, Christian Oldnick and the rebellion. Marcus is in his mid 30's, has
greying hair and has a infamous scar on his lip which Christian gave him in their first
encounter (season 1). Although Marcus is not the main threat villain to the rebellion
until season 3.
To give you’re a brief overview of this show it’s important to note that it’s a post-
apocalyptic drama set in a dystopian setting. Within the show several themes are
explored such as; love, friendship, relationships and survival. I know what you’re
thinking. This show sounds very similar to other post-apocalyptic shows; for
example, The Walking Dead.
This brings me to my final point, how is The Compound a unique and original show?
There are many variations of post-apocalyptic worlds which each have their own
individual stories. So, how is The Compounds world unlike any other? First of all it's
bigger than just a survival show. The characters are put through hell and back; they
come face to face with love, anger, betrayal, happiness and much more. This show
explores several parallel narratives of each main character which give the audience
a more in depth perception as to who the character is, and their past. Continuously,
the main group is forced to separate and reunite, move to new, exciting locations
where they plan to build a future and ultimately try to take down the government and
reclaim humanity. Furthermore, The Compound pulls the audience out of reality and
brings them into a different world which allows the audience to relax and develop
relationships with the characters.

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