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RAIN food and a place to sleep.

All that we could do was to wait for

the flood to be over.
For four days it rained non-stop. The ram was not very heavy
but it kept on coming without letting up. Our neighbours and After sitting out two days at the flood relief centre, the flood
we were all worried about the possibility of a flood—the levels water finally subsided enough for us to return home. The rain
of the nearby river had been rising steadily. had not actually stopped but was still drizzling slightly, but we
were all happy to be able to go home.
The next day the river overflowed its banks and
the water spread out covering the entire area cm which What a shock awaited us when we reached home! Instead of
houses stood. To make-matters worse, debris were caught on the cosy little place we knew so well, we were greeted by a
the bridge thus impeding the flow of the river. This had the mess of mud and rubbish. It was an unbelievable sight to
effect of making the flood water rise even faster. The array behold. I could see my bicycle almost fully buried in the mud.
came and blew a gap on the bridge to clear the blockage and Only one handlebar could be seen above the mud. It was mud,
this brought some relief to us. mud and more mud everywhere. Yellow sticky mud covered
the floor up to ten centimeters, patches of mud on the wall, on
Nevertheless, the rain continued. It was wet everywhere—the the beds, on the TV set, hi the kitchen, inside the locked
ground, our chairs, beds; wet. We could not do any cooking cupboard everywhere.
and had to resort to eating canned food. By about four o'clock
in the afternoon, it become obvious that we had to evacuate to So we got down to the tedious job of giving our house a
higher grounds. If we lingered any longer, we might become thorough cleaning. All day through—we slogged, sweated and
trapped by the rising water and then we would really be in cursed. Still we could not finish the cleaning. By night, the
trouble. So with a few belongings we trudged through knee- whole lot of us, my parents, my elder brother and younger
deep water towards a school situated on a hill nearby. The sister were totally exhausted. Mother, what a wonderful mother
school was temporarily being used as a flood relief centre. she was, still managed to whip up a hot dinner for us despite
When we reached the school we met many of our neighbours the chaotic condition of the house. After dinner we fell asleep
who had already gone there earlier. We were provided with on our beds. The beds were still damp but nobody
Morning came and we all woke up to a bright and sunny day. I
never felt such joy before as we went outdoors to soak in the
warm rays of the rising sun. Everything seemed to have
enlivened—birds sang, cocks crowed and there was a general
'aliveness' in the air. We were in good spirits. Our neighbours
too were obviously pleased, as we exchanged fond greetings
and hung out our wet clothes to dry in the sun.

We spent the next two days cleaning up our house. We could

not totally remove the mud and grime so we did the best we
could to make the house a cosy home again. When we
finished, father took us to a well known restaurant to have a
well-deserved dinner.

Our problems were not all over, as I discovered when we were

on our way to town for our "well-deserved dinner." We could
not cross the river for the bridge was not usable. We had to
take a long detour to another bridge which made our journey a
few kilometres longer.

For more than a year we had to endure the inconvenience of

the long detour in coming and going from our area. It also took
about that length for time for things to return to normal. New
drains were made and most of all the omnipresent slimy mud
turned into grass covered soil, so wonderful to walk barefooted
on. I suppose this was one way that nature uses to renew
itself. Whatever it is, I hope we will not have to go through
another flood, it is absolutely no fun.
RAIN What is more that when it rains with heavy wind. U shut your
door and window. And still manage to peep out side! …Ha ha
It’s a rainy day today! I am sitting at my window and watching ha !… Hands off to God ….on this beautiful scene creation.
the beauty of nature. This is great sight! I love the scenes the How beautiful is the scene of nature! 
nature has created today. Let me share it with you! 
The black thunderous cloud, the fading day light due to its
The falling water droplets make the air cool and environment darkness, birds rushing to their nests. And the unique beauty
calm. When it starts raining slowly every one rushes to safe of raining. Well this is not all. When it stops raining…. It’s a
place to save them. Women rush to roof to take their cloth different pleasure! …. 
down to save from getting wet. Small children gets excited.
You can easily see them jumping and trying to come out to Small water droplets droping from wet leaves one after one..
take a feel of rain.  creating different sounds when droping on water/ dry leaves/
wood or metal. Have you heard them! They sound great! Small
Have you watched the scene on roads when it starts raining. children making paper boats and sailing them. On low lands
… ha ha its funny scene. Some people try to escape by water are logged. 
running/ some try to take shelter under other’s roof / some
take bag or books magazines on their head and try to escape. People cross through water and the unique sound is created
But this is all when it is weak rain. … but when it is heavy rain by their movement. Some thing like chrrrrr chrrrrr chrrrrr… Ha
one has no way. Even umbrellas are insufficient.  ha ha its funny. The rainbow is formed. Birds come out. They
start twitering again. 
The heavy lightning with thunderous sound….. God save us!
Prays the poor in his hut. Every one comes out on window and This all sounds so soothing to mind and soul. ….If I could be
peeps out side scene.  an artist and paint them. If I could be a poet and caricatured all
that I have seen…. But I am not any of them.. so what! I am
If you have a field in front you will hear songs of frog. Have u the obserber. 
seen them when they speak/ their vocal sac. This seems like a
baloon. The old ponders the rain scene and remembers his I feel them and I have shared it with u! I am happy with what I
child hood and young days. He never forgets to guard his am! Am I right?
grand children waiting to jump in rain. Still u see the eager
ness of children if they could have been permitted to take a

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