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Dedications, Dallin Vonstrahl

I know you are reading this poem, from a hospital bed you didn’t know was yours,
how is it your turn when you don’t want to go

I know you are reading this poem, unavailable, living now

cold and sterile, everything smooth is now your home,
time overflows thru the bars, soaks the cracks, so much time
you dropped it all
now you wade in muck, where the memories stew, stink
you’ve become used to the smell that is now your name

I know you are reading this poem, one foot at a time, strides larger each time,
how can one drown when it’s shallow

I know you can’t read this poem, yet

deserving it all

I know you are reading this poem still being written, unaware the next word

I know you aren’t reading this poem

parked and still,
no fees if left unclaimed

I know you are reading this poem in the dark, convincing yourself
sin is sweet when

I know you are trying to read this poem, unskilled and

eyeing the first letter, that’ll do,
it won’t matter in the end, the finish line is the goal

I know you are reading this poem

searching the words, memorizing the rhythm,
but your eyes
are not what you need this time, now
go on

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