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Run through the corridor right from the fountain.

You will leave after a while f

or the open arena and you will see the gigantic warrior. It is Klompa - giant wh
om you have to defeat in order to be able to continue the course. Don't try to a
ttack calves of the boss (you won't get higher anyway), because bar of his life
(at the bottom of the screen) neither will stir. Instead of an open struggle loc
alize bums on arena's walls: bars, relieves, platforms etc. You have to be in th
e persistent movement so that the huge Klomps'a sword won't reach you.
Speed to the stairs, located in one part of the arena. You got relief above you,
run vertically over the wall and stick the dagger into it. Take off to the righ
t and snag on adjacent relief with the blade, then jump again from it to the pla
tform on the right. Climb up the stirs and run vertically over the wall, stickin
g the dagger into the bas-relief above. Jump to the left from this position, you
reached the platform at top level of the arena. Climb the catwalk straight ahea
d of boss and press the speed kill mode.
You will perform the jump onto the Klompa's head. He will begin to hurl, but the
re is only one moment you should be interested in - when the dagger shines at yo
ur hands. Squeeze the attack at this moment and end the action with speed kill,
plucking up the boss's eye. Remember that if you are late with the attack the gi
ant will dump you to the ground and you will have to clamber up the top of the a
rena again to jump onto his head.
You got rid of one eye, now it is time for the other. You have to get to the top
of the arena with the other way. Run up the stairs onto only reachable platform
. Take off to the right, catch hanging bar, climb it and jump again to the platf
orm to the right. Go up with steps, stand under relief. Run vertically over the
wall and stick the dagger into the bas-relief. Bounce off to the left getting up
the top platform, get onto it and run again to the catwalk. Standing on it pres
s the speed kill mode.
You will jump onto Klompa's head again. Proceed the way similar to previous - pu
sh the attack at the moment when the blade of your dagger shines. After successf
ul speed kill you will jump down to the ground. You are passing to the other pha
se of struggle. The dazzled boss is banging the sword blindfold, but keep away f
rom his weapon and don't let him hit you. Circulate him round and attack his leg
s from the back. It turns out that he is susceptible to blows from the ground at
this stage. A few combinations of blows will be enough to complete the executio
n of the helpless enemy.
After killing Klompa the massive gate will open and terrified, but grateful to y
ou residents of Babylon will begin to spill out onto the arena. It won't be give
n to you to hear their thanks however. You will feel that the shady princely nat
ure is beginning to master your body and you will jump into the opening in the m
iddle of the arena not wanting to expose people to the risk of the contact with
the Dark Prince. You will change into the Dark Prince after a while.

Hii Guys...
The BEST ANSWER is here....You all are going to bless me for this most awaited &
100 % accurate solution. Now, assuming that you have tried all the tricks to de
feat the monster & are still facing the same stupid problem,i.e., "the dagger do
esn't shine for the second time", just try the below mentioned procedure once &
you'll definitely emerge as a winner...
1. The moment you initiate the speed kill for the first time, the dagger shines
while you are in the air. This is when you press the attack button & eventually
land on one of his shoulders (in either case) & complete the first successful at
2. Now the secret lies here...when you press the attack button for the FIRST tim
e, DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT, i repeat again, DO NOT leave the button...keep the
damn thing pressed even after the first attack has been successfully completed..
.and now, let the boss grab you(button still pressed) just have to ensure
that you don't release the button. And now, what you'll see is the most awaited
SECOND!!!! This is when you have to just release the button for a
short moment & quickly press it again for the second successful attack....this
time you'll just fly in the air & land on his head..
3. As most of you guys might be experiencing this 'second flash' for the first t
ime, i recommend you not to get too much excited coz you could release the butto
n in this excitement & may have to start again. In short, keep the attack button
pressed after the second attack also till you see the third flash where you hav
e to repeat the same process & here you are almost half done..he loses one of hi
s eyes.
4. Now jump on the ground & make him completely blind by repeating the above pro
cess but from another side this time.
5. Once he's totally blind just play around with him as if you are playing with
your daschund puppy(keep slashing on his feet from behind) until you climb on hi
s back & repeat the speed kills again to make him vanish...
6. Once you are done, pls dont forget to send me a box of chocolates...
7. To summarise...the correct speed kill process is to press the attack button w
hen the dagger flashes for the first time....keep it pressed until you see the s
Now, the most important tip...
As most of you guys must be struggling to clear this stage since quite a long ti
me, i suppose, you might have forgotten about the powers of the dark prince. Why
i'm telling you this is because I myself had forgotten the same. After you kill
the arena boss, the prince enters the arena tunnel where he transforms into the
dark prince. Here you have to keep using the "CHAIN SWING" power to get through
....this is just a hint so that you dont get stuck again..hope you'll manage the
rest of the part...

And not forget my chocolates...and for this, i allow you to release th
e attack button.....take care.
For any queries...drop me an email at:
17/08/2009 0
If those don't work try these:
Level Password
2 8K2IX
3 9R291
4 44G9J
8 DUSLZ rom,ico,zelda,helo,half-life,final fantasy,red aleart,god of war,se
cret of mana,shining force ,alone in the dark,thief,quake,

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