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Shanine G.




Art is the foundation of imagination created by humankind. Art is usually defined as or what we
make in order to express feelings, entertain, communicate, and crafted beautiful sorroundings. Arts
used different techniques to make an artwork meaningful. Art is everywhere, art's seems our life
without art some part might be meaningless. Our minds are full of imaginations to create various
creative artwork, somewhat it's freedom to enhance and improve our skills and creativity.

Contemporary world is inspired by modern art because the past shape the present, contemporary is
change by "time" the idea of the past gives new vision for the present artist. Art is timely, the interesting
part is when the artist create, see and predict future artworks. That's why art is cycling. Also, the
"emphasis" the one attracts the viewers attention to a particular area and main point of the artwork. A
piece of art must not confuse viewers, misinterpretation should be avoided. Mainly, the "message of an
artwork", it should be delivered clearly because the essence of an artwork is in the meaning of it. An
important part of an art isn't held in paint or quality of materials, rather it's the viewer's impression of
the artwork. So the artist should focus on the real message of their works.

Generally, art is powerful and continiously provide modernist information to future artist.
Contemporary and modern art are both valuable on it's own creations, response for individuals
existence, and clarity for vague reality. Thus, art will last forever.

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