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In this cruel world I feel like I’m suffocated. The pressure and the eye

of society wanted me to just live in a room of darkness. Lack of

communication, kept myself and free me more. Often times it makes me

think, that living nowadays is likely a forest where your innocent catch their

eyes tends to judge and block your way. I feel like I’m imprisoned. How to be


I am in the society where beauty, intelligence and social status

matters. Seems like it’s the capacity of ones person’s future. Our youth tells

us to surpass the best of the bests. Firstly, from home who pushed us to be

outstanding in any matter, because of this we feel the pressure, nervousness

and overthinking to reach the standards that they want. School, from the

time we entered the school, where the basis of intellect is ranking. All the

expectation are there from classmates, teachers, parents and most of all our

self. Expectations that are hard to meet but we have to claim it and it

because of being concentrated to much for academic, we are losing time for

our self. In the society, that force us to be perfect. Drained, we are all

drained to this kind of mentality. From the mouth telling us that the day isn’t

for freedom, it’s for you to strive more, to be flawless. For them to when we

fail as a student we also fail as a human. This criticism, a mistake that we

want to cut in this generation.

I am me, I want the society open their inform that to be free is

to be yourself. Not forcing to take field where you’re not belong. Pushing

them to be a person they’re not. We are a human and to do what we love

makes us breathe. Facing reality gives us reason to be more ourselves.

Stepping into an environment where we call home. Though we commit

mistakes at least at the end of the day we smile for the satisfaction we

yearn. We gladly shouts in the peak of the triumph. The shine in our eyes

reflecting that finally, I am free.

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